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Posts posted by PawnGrabber

  1. This was the first time I digitally pre-ordered an expansion pack for an MMO. Upon release does it simply automatically download when launching the game client or do I have to take alternative steps to unlock the content post-purchase? If anyone has any details on this minor issue, it would be really appreciated. Thanks all.
  2. Dear Bioware,

    I am not knowledgeable on the subject nor qualified to comment on whether or not free-to-play is a good business decision for you. If it is a good business decision, I wish you all the best, may you prosper with Star Wars: The Old Republic. If this is an act of desperation in order to save Star Wars; analogous to one last breath before crashing into a swallowing wave, then I am obligated to admit that I have depressingly and violently considered leaving Star Wars every moment since free-to-play was announced. I am unable to find any distinguishable reason why every player should not convert to free-to-play this fall. As far as I am concerned, aside from minor limitations, operations are the only tangible reason to maintain a subscription and I regret to announce that I refuse to pay $15 U.S. dollars per month for operations. I have been a customer with Bioware since Mass Effect and Dragon Age were released. This is not by any means the full duration of Bioware's life, but I have supported the company through its successes such as those releases, and its failures, such as the sequels to those releases. My support for you will not wane in the future but has a breaking point that I hope I never reach. The free-to-play option may have proven successful for other video game companies but that in no way guarantees that it will do so here; almost certainly not in the hearts and minds of loyal players like me. I'm going to miss Star Wars: The Old Republic should I ultimately choose to walk away; although I have only become acquainted with it for a few months. I hope that instead of pushing me away, you will give me a new hope; a reason to stay. I wish you the best of luck.


    Roycegracie - Jedi Covenant / Republic

    George - New York City

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