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Posts posted by Cannonas

  1. Athiss is always a lot of fun.


    I tanked Athiss once and 7 people died on the last boss (in a group of 4). They just kept running back and the healer didn't realize he had to heal more than just the tank, so everyone died from the debuff (or the fire).


    They just kept running back and kept dieing, but they healed me enough to keep tanking him without dieing so we did kill him at the end.

  2. The part which most intrigued me was that the juggtank got so angry about a DPS-piece which gimps his job of tanking. I could fully understand it if he was a juggdps (I would still roll need on the piece since I always ripout all pieces).


    I think most people will agree with the Jugg, rather than with you. If he can use the entire armor, while you'll just take out the mods, don't you think he can make better use of it, especially if he was already badly geared. Flashpoints aren't only about grabbing as much as you can, unless you want to make as much enemies as possible.


    The first tanking gear doesn't come until 33 (from Boarding Party, I believe). Before that you choose either crit or power, or you run around in greens with +1 defense and 1/3rd of the stats of any other armor. There were some +Defense enhancements from quests, but that's about it, as far as I can remember.


    Either way, I definitely wouldn't call him weird.


    Weird would be 9 people dieing on the last boss in Athiss and yet still killing the boss, I did that (and I didn't die!)

  3. Sorry guys, but I'd still prefer to see a DPS die from stupidity than my healer, so I'm guarding the healer until DPS show they know what they're doing and at the level I'm tanking (31) that's usually not the case. It reduces some of the damage and makes sure he doesn't get threat of mobs I've already hit, which no one else will attack.


    I also can't say I've ever seen a DPS attack the weakest mob first, all they seem to die is do a struggle over who can take aggro from the Champion mob which the tank isn't targetting.


    I just wish other tanks guarded me more when I'm healing as well, dieing each time on the first trash pack in Red Reaper gets boring after a while (though panic button saves me most of the time)

  4. Those tanks will almost always guard the healer because "that's what's it for" and "DO U EVEN TANK BRAH".


    I believe in this cause, as tank your main goal is to protect the healer and a DPS would never take aggro off a tank if they would attack the same target as him (which is their responsibility). As long as I (tank) and the healer doesn't die, we'll be fine so :p


    Anyway, what a lot of whining in here! Not many fun stories! I only have fun flashpoints!


    Especially Black Talon social runs, talking about who you'd rather do, Sylas or that red-haired girl (I guess you know who I'd pick now).


    Had a funny Athiss yesterday with me as tank and a new healer who spent more focus on DPS-ing than on healing. I told him several times to also look at other people's health bars apart from mine. However he didn't and the fight with Prophet of Vodal was hilarious and ended with 9 people dieing (in a 4-man group), but we did kill him!


    I pulled and the first Crushing Darkness (CD) put a party member to 20% health, but as suspected no healing, so the next CD kills him, he starts walking back, healers get CD, doesn't watch his own health, dies, walks back, last party member tries to heal his CD, but also ends up dieing. Meanwhile the first guy came back with ~40% health, gets hit by CD, dies and walks back again. Now I was still tanking since he doesn't CD the tank, but I'm still losing health, so the healers come in for like... 5 seconds? Heals me twice and dies. The 3rd guy dies while still walking back. After all that time they finally arrive back with all three players, one of them dies but we did kill the boss.


    It was soooo funny.

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