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Posts posted by Old-Lore

  1. TBH, who came up with the idea to nerf FB/OS should be fired! This nerf was really uncalled for, harsh, unwanted, and unfair to the sense of leaving all other classes alone with their AOE damages! I normally play on my Operative as a healer and am not happy about this move by BW/EA!


    I thought I saw somewhere that the Dev's listen, well I guess this move just kinda proves them wrong!

  2. I am just wondering why something like a request for a Legacy Cargo Hold or Legacy Bank to be shared between all our toons on a single server? I feel that this would greatly enhance the legacy family ability to share for all our toons per server! I know some other games have some type of account banks that is shared betweens the players characters per server! So why not have something like this nature be built in for our Legacy characters. This will also be something like a shared vault or shared bank for players toons and thier legacy!


    I am suggesting a Legacy Cargo Hold that is shared between the Legacy Family Tree per server that is as big as our cargo hold and its tabs or like the guild bank and its tabs.


    Its only a thought and suggestion!

  3. Just felt with the recent increase on repair costs throughout the game for everyone, might I suggest give the subs that added bonus to reduce repair costs since they are paying for the game! Consider it more a added bonus for those who sub to the game to have something to subscribe to the game and pay less on repair cost!


    Examples below


    Maybe a 50% repair cost for subs accounts

    Maybe a 25% repair cost for p.s. accounts

    Leave the repair cost the way they are for f2p accounts

  4. I only made this request because we currently get about 30-65 that log on daily at the same time! We could kick some out but that would only remove a small portion but still have the same issue of being capped because of the current members wanting to put their alts into the guild!
  5. I am writing this for BW/EA to please increase the actual cap for guilds & their members! The guild I am in is capped and people are wanting to add more but cannot due to the guild cap of 500!


    Please increase the size a guild can grow to 1000-1500 please to prevent any other issues of increasing the guild cap in the short, near future!

  6. even if they did add brackets to pvp for levels there is that one catch of course! I dont know about you but when trying to get back into action I get this message stating I will be removed from the warzone if I do not get out of the safety zone!


    I would like to encourage more systems to reconize this type of setup to battle against afk'n. It just might work!

  7. I will admit that the way the pvp warzones was done with all levels from lvl 10-50 should be sepereated in brackets. Boosting everyones stats to same lvl does not really help the lower levels when another has far more skills to use!


    The only part that worries me about doing bracket warzones is that at some points during certain levels the que's might be longer just to get in warzones!

  8. Actually I wouldnt be surprised if BW did add some type of beastmaster class to TOR itself! Its all through the Star Wars Lore with some type of a creature handler/tamer with a rancor or another similiar type creature! I would like to see something like this be added as more of a universal class or even unlocking this type of class through legacy!


    If BW did add a Beastmaster class then they should break that down between 4 actual types of Beastmaster classes with jedi, sith, republic, & empire beastmaster classes! Or as I said earlier in this response have it as unlocking the class through the legacy system!


    There is already one tamer on Hutta that has his rancor as part of a quest line for bounty hunter!

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