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Posts posted by Alikation

  1. We completely understand your frustration - we're frustrated too. We were given incorrect information and we relayed that to you in error. All we can do right now is apologize.


    I want to be clear that no-one intentionally lied; the messaging was a mistake, but one that compounded our earlier mistake, and that's unacceptable.


    If you haven't seen, I have updated our original thread with revised instructions. As you probably realize, your options at this point are to either let the client complete a full download, or re-install from physical DVDs. Re-installing should reduce your download size considerably.


    There are still discussions ongoing about this issue, and I'll update you when I have more to share.


    No, you don't "understand" our frustration. You are sitting in your cubicle earning your salary as usual, while we are PAYING for that salary with "hopes" of actually getting to use your product.

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