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Posts posted by cmorea

  1. I'm going to start by saying there's no way Watchman will ever be as good/fun as after 2.7 or whenever it got buffed.


    With that out of the way, Watchman for me in 4.0 is as good as 3.0 was bad. I've mostly been tanking in 4.0 but my sentinel will always be my first choice. Resource management is great now, where in 3.0 I felt like I was just striking in between core moves wondering if I'd ever be able to throw a dispatch.


    I still would rather have the spec not have melt, but at least now there's no tracking with it.

  2. I think the 7.5 second merciless with 7.5 and 15 sec dots is fine as long as Merciless damage is slightly increased. This could help with resources since we'd use merciless less. I think the better thing to do, if we're sticking with this play style, would be to shorten melt to 12 seconds and make merciless cost 3 focus.


    Also what about a proc that makes the next slash or dispatch free? They my toon could shout HEY!!! again. :D

  3. No qwerty he was exactly being a dick.


    In the post they say they got rid of the boring rotation and "designed" a new priority system. Then your post were you guys supposedly figured out how to maximise DPS, looks a lot like a.... rotation. What about that is the dynamic rotation they claimed we were getting? Wow so exite one of my dots switches spots in my otherwise set boring rotation! YIPIE!!!!!


    Also don't pat yourself on the back to hard for stumbling upon this rotation, people (mace, el eth, or somebody) already talked about how silly it is for us to have to clip master strike.

  4. No, thats probably one of the few things BW has done correctly. I'm ok with a little rng as long as it has high proc chances (70%+) but procs sitting at 20-30% are dumb. RNG can seriously **** over a spec. Just look at 2.0 carnage when they changed the slaughter proc to 30% chance. You could literally go forever without getting a proc just from simple bad luck. RNG really has no place in any rotation/spec in any MMO.


    Cauterize had a high chance to proc, what was it 66% on MS and 33% on slash/dispatch? So long ago the days when my toon said HEY! after Merciless slash... sigh

  5. 1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

    Yes, March 14. Maybe earlier I don't remember exactly


    2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

    2.10 was amazing, so powerful, so fun


    3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

    I love Merciless Slash, I miss my toon yelling HEY! after it :(. Force Melt is my least favorite ability, no imagination, no originality. It's the beige of abilities.


    4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?

    Much less, it's tolerable. I got through all the 55 content pre 3.0 as a Sent and most of it in Watchman. I've gotten through almost all the 60 content as a sent, all of it Watchman. It's less fun but its playable at least.


    5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?

    None of the PTS versions have been any good. 2.10 > 3.0 >>>>>>>> anything on PTS this time around.


    6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?

    No, it's a server nerf in ability and fun. I feel like we'll be using less abilities now than before. The complaint for a lot of players was Watchman 3.0 felt like Merciless Slash, Dots, and Force Builders. This new build is even more extreme on that when the stated intention was to make the class more dynamic. It's a total failure. I'd be fired for doing such a miserable job on an important project at work.


    7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

    That question is above my pay grade.


    8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the spec with your feedback?

    No, I think the devs did whatever they wanted even though they made claims the community would be involved. They lied.


    9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

    Get rid of Force Melt


    10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

    Get rid of the proposed changes or ideally revert back to the play style pre 3.0

  6. Deserve it? Lol remember this is a game you pay to play if you get punished for having an opinion they its not worth the play time, even if it is swtor.


    When I say "deserve it," I mean for the actions of a few. Not deserving it for disagreeing with them.

  7. This is very unfortunate. I like many other sents and maras felt patronized by the dev's post, we had the high ground and a few of yall gave it right back. Don't bother the man outside of official forums, or his family ever.


    Now they can make these terrible changes and feel good about it because we "deserve it."

  8. You said we'd be in control if the "fate" of the watchmen rotation. Then we get posts like this. "Never underestimate force melt," NOBODY likes it. Stop trying to jam this lame ability down our throats. This guy has the audacity to put cheers all with an exclamation point at the end of his post that really read since you don't agree with us at the Dev team you no longer get input for the class. I'm sure you're just upset we don't like this new ability you specially crafted for our class....
  9. First of all grats Crimson Sky!


    Second how does this kill count?


    if you compare their roster on the Master Blaster kill and the one on the Cora kill 3 names change. Doesn't that nullify the kill according to the rules?


    The first roster we posted was the underlurker kill, since our first 5 kills came before this threads creation. The M&B kill has two different toons than the lurker kill, the Cortanni kill has 2 different toons from the lurker shot. Both times we only had people on two different toons than our "Normal 8m raid team" as the rules stipulate.

  10. I was a little taken aback by the requirements, there, cmorea. This is for flashpoints, not a job application. But then I remembered how many times I've been burned going through groupfinder. So perhaps your caution is justified.


    So if you're really interested, I'm willing to meet you on fleet sometime and let you inspect to your heart and mind's content.


    If you're not serious enough to treat this like a job then maybe this relationship isn't meant to be.

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