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Posts posted by MrTubs

  1. Yea, i opted to not get oil slick because it pretty much doesn't really do anything, mobs already have a roll to hit you, so i figured more damage or a skill that may or may not work. But i still have yet to decide what to lvl as. I like the reliability of going tank, but don't like how long you have to wait for your charge. But, i also like the damage pyro offers, and with Mako i think i could still solo most all content if needed. I am just unsure of how much i could solo if needed, or if i could be an off tank for a heroic or fp when i do them with friends or guildies as pyro. So i still have some thinking to do as to what i will be going, but as long as the builds are solid, that's one less thing to worry about.
  2. So as the title says, i'm having trouble deciding what i want to make next. Would powertech or operative be the better choice? I've never played the operative or its republic mirror, so i am unsure about its play style. Also, which one is better as a solo class, sense that is what i do more times then not.
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