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Posts posted by Jeyraz

  1. Amen my friend. The god of gaming could not have spoken it better himself. There are times where I feel exactly like you, and others where I feel the opposite. The suggestion you put forward is one that should have been in every MMO from launch, especially this one. Heavily story driven elements in things such as the titles that should make you feel special can at times be dulled by the thousand other players that are "Grand Champion of the Great Hunt", and elements such as flashpoints and operations can be boosted by the fact that you know you aren't the only hero in this world, you have back up in this war, and you can very well use it. I see both sides of this argument and am supporting both :p Good show I say, good show.
  2. Minor Consular story spoiler, if you haven't rolled past Justicar territory as a Consular on Coruscant then you may not wish to read it. However doesn't really give anything about the actual story away. Your choice, Spoiler was out of common courtesy :)


    Bastilla Shan pops up in the consular questline, on Coruscant at about level 15 I think. She is in (along with two others) a holothingy which is said to have 3 jedi who fell to the darkside but risen again to the light.


  3. Cmon BW, part of an MMO is about looking cool.

    The simplest thing that players have been asking for has actually been new gear that looks more like it's supposed to be worn by their class.

    Marauders have pink skin-tight shirts and dresses. They want hooded robes.

    All Jedi classes are pretty much sick of hoods, they want some hood down robes with a bit of armor on the side.


    This is simply what I've been observing both in game and on the forums and this is something I humbly agree with. I was hoping for something like the Sentinel Level 40 PvP gear in dark grey and red for my Marauder. I find it difficult to say it but I think a simple solution would be to throw some gear recolours and retextures in there. Make current meshes look like their supposed to be for the opposing faction, because WE as a community UNDERSTAND you, as a game company don't have the TIME to create new sets in a flash.

    Seriously, give us a little bit of versatility here, I'm not saying Sith should look like Jedi, I'm saying their robes can be of the same model with a different texture.


    Thanks :)

  4. And more ambient music for each planet while we're at it. (Love the Hoth music snippet we get for like 5 seconds)

    Awesome ideas, although the skies and overall backgrounds are actually painted in case you didn't notice :p it might be kinda hard to put in a day night cycle, as well as the fact that some places (Dromund Kaas) would just seem straight ridiculous at daytime in the sunshine (although that would be cool, it would still seem ridiculous).

    But I'm really liking everything on the list and fully support this :)

  5. Hey, Jeraz/Jeyraz here.

    I've been in the old republic for about a year now and I'm just getting started on the forums.

    I've been doings some thinking and some searching and some asking. I've been hearing a lot of "we want hoods toggleable" and "more lightsaber colours" but a suggestion I've been hearing a decent amount of and one I think is worth suggesting (not that the others listed aren't, dowant hoods and rainbow-sabers ;P) is the fact that there should be some connection to the iconic movies we all know and love.

    The idea sprung to my mind whilst looking at some of the early concept art for this game.


    The heroes we all know and love from the films HAD to have had ancestors. So here's the idea, create characters in the old republic world that are the images of their descendants from the films. For example

    Han Solo --> Jark Solo (his great x100 grandfather or whatever), who could bear the apparel of early smuggler concept art which was based on Han himself.

    Chewbacca --> Garbacco, wookie, high tech more of a trooper/bounty hunter

    Lando Calrissian --> Jamal Calrissian (ditto to what Jark is to Han), bears the other early smuggler concept art which was based on Lando


    The three of them could be involved in a story much like the three musketeers or robin hood where you help them steal from nobles and give to people in need to help rebuild war-torn communities. They could all fly around in an early version of the millenium falcon.


    Doing things like that, believable for the era, yet related to the movies and lore we all know, love, and grew up with I think would be an epic edition to the game. Being able to get iconic gear and/or companions from this would be even better.


    If you're still short for examples I'll provide two, but a little less in depth.


    Jorak and Barkof Fett, twin brothers, wear iconic mandalorian armor in the colours of Jango and Boba respectively.

    Ben and Vader Skywalker, Ben being the image of Luke and Vader the image of Anakin, turning Anakin to the darkside and giving him similar juggernaut gear already present in game (it's name escapes me) could be how the name Darth Vader comes about and him being a powerful warrior and his name being passed down through history emperor to emperor could be how Palpatine came to name Anakin Darth Vader upon his reconstruction.


    Just some ideas, please, add more if you want. Constructive criticism is cool too :)

    It may very well be a bad idea :p But it could also be a good one. :tran_angel:

  6. Building further on it, something like this plus the implementation of a flashpoint-like story and scenario could make for an awesome time. You know those flashpoints where you go up against the 4 classes from the opposing team (Mandalorian Raiders Empire side comes to mind) it would be awesome if you're party could face another party in story like scenarios. Maybe like a giant war and each side has tonnes of NPCs fighting and the 4 heroes on each side are there to turn the tides of war. That would rock. Awesome base concept :)
  7. I was just wondering about the decision on armor styles for Marauders vs Juggernauts. Juggernauts I see at around midlevel (25 and up) wearing all sorts of neat coats and hooded chest pieces. Marauders on the other hand are burdened with either skin tight tops and dresses OR clunky robot-like armoring. You see for sentinels plenty of more accustomed attire to suit their needs, heck even THEY look more ominous than Marauders. I can only relate the currently choice for marauder attire to one significant Star Wars character, that would be Asaaj Ventress. Do you have any plans to mix this up for us? I mean how hard would it be to give us some black/red/purple versions of sentinels clothing? I don't mean cloning items but the issue cannot be ignored any longer. This elephant in the room has been seen by many and not answered by you. PLEASE just give us some insight into the choice and whether there will be anything to suit our wants added soon :)
  8. Like the wise man above said ^

    Randomness won't work for people.

    But I would like it if say the highest ranking PvPers made up the secondary jedi council and dark council. That would be quite cool. Or perhaps have guild councils/consulates yknow like the different world consulates that make up the republic senate.

  9. And I'm back on the wagon! I really want a jugger but I'm already 35 levels into my mara. Therefore your idea would fix this if only I rolled a guardian! GENIUS! Bioware! Sweep this man up right this minute! And his idea too while you're at it! Back to supporting you mate, now everything is clear and it's not game ruining or changing tbh. Anything I can doto help support the cause?
  10. I'm getting confused now, with statements like "you'd still have to grind your alt"

    So what? We get this cone and start him at level 1? We have to experience the whole story again? We have to grind his level up? That sounds and awful lot like, I dunno, rolling a new toon :p

    Also I now am not quite understanding the point of it. As you've stated yourself things like Sith Marauder vs Jedi Sentinel are practically identical, only animations mask that, so what's the point of switching sides seeing as according to your first theory you wouldn't have story? You'd just play PvP? So...why not play PvP on your main...I thought this would be a chance to try out different advanced classes so that you don't have to go thru the same story once more. so for example You have to have a level 50 sentinel and a level 50 marauder, that way once you play through both of them you get their stories THEN you unlock a quest to clone them into a 50 Guardian and a 50 Juggernaut. This thread is getting more and more confusing.

    Keep working at it though!

  11. This comment is not only as a reply but a bump, this thread needs some loving, seriously, Rischardo I don't know why Bioware hasn't swept you up as a creative person thingy...This idea is great and you've literally thought of almost EVERY possibility, even stating the minor flaws and combating them with logic and reasoning.

    I, like the first comment poster (sorry your name has slipped me), began reading hating this and finished reading loving this. It is extremely well thought out and I love the ideas you've put into it. However I'd like to add something else perhaps as a possibility. Actually more than one thing, I'm going to let the ideas form as I type, so bear with.


    1) Perhaps there should be something to do with morality here, seeing as it basically serves only as a way to get and use different gear on different characters. Perhaps you have to have the final rank on either light or dark and your clone starts off on the opposite side with the exact opposite morality. I'm not sure about this, but I feel that this concept of yours would be a nice way to add some more morality features.


    2) I love the idea of a mute droid as a companion who can switch roles. But adding on to that, how about we look at PROXY, the lovable droid from The Force Unleashed series. What about this mute robot be able to "holomorph" I think they call it, so that he can project the image of your original characters companions around himself, perhaps with different features depending on what side you swapped to. Like this droid is the exact opposite of ALL your companions and with a regular switch like you do any companion he changes his holomorph. He could also be the replacement for the useless droid companion you get with your ship. A much nicer way to change roles methinks.


    3) I'm still sitting on the fence on this one, because I think to experience the story of a new character, YOU SHOULD have to play through it all over again. However I had a thought that, at the start of this clones life (perhaps they start on the iconic cloning facility on kamino) you have the choice to do an option quest called "Memory Rewind" which allows you to live out the memories that the cloners are giving you (i.e. the instances and story cutscenes of the class you've been cloned into bumped up to level 50) . I'm not sure how that would kind of fit into a lore, but you could more or less reason that the cloners are pumping false memories into you so that you feel more like a real being and that you actually have a purpose in the world rather than reasoning that you are just a clone and nothing but a clone. However as stated before this would be optional and I'm still conflicted about the whole idea, seeing as it would probably be better if you wanted to experience the story to roll another char from the beginning. This idea though, would cut out the tedious world quests which you've probably already done on one character (per side).


    Well I think that's about it from me, I'm not sure yet about adding a comment of how they could add clone gear that is the completely opposite colour to what the original character has but that's a lose idea that you can play with.

    I've enjoyed reading this concept through thoroughly and hope that it is spotted by a GM.


    EDIT: OH and before I leave this, if this is simply a way for you to play the alternate advanced class, I still think they should have an option to (for a hefty cost) swap advanced classes. Of course you'd need to pay the price to get all skill points resubmitted and then yet another fee for the advanced class swap, so no reward without mega pay :p

  12. EDIT: I'm giving meaningful reasons.

    Kashyyk: Definately because of the wookies, the beaches and the forests. Treehut exploring would be mega-fun and I think there are some definate possibilities for some epic action on the treetops.

    Mustafar: I loved the volcano-ey parts of Ord Mantel when I was rolling around as a smuggler. A whole planet like that with ancient ruins and burning death at every turn would be sweet!

    Naboo: Vast grassy areas +1 :D in fact it'd be quite the spot for an operation/guild war scene. Also it has some awesome buildings and "interesting" natives. The fact that there could be underwater, grassy plains, ancient ruins and babylon-like cities excites me :3

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