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Posts posted by Jethsidi

  1. Hi,


    Many thanks for your guide, smart one and i guess truly appreciated by most of the jugg players.


    Only got some interrogation about one stat you announced in your full mitigation gear sets : how can you reach 49.63 % of absorption with only 3010 points?


    Hope you still have fun in game.


    You're forgetting about the +3% from having Aegis Assault up :)

  2. All for One tactical is better than the One for All unless you're consistently hitting 5 or more people (which even in Operations can be a rarity based on which fight you're on).


    For Alacrity, your target in capped content (Anything that is NOT Dxun or Meridian) is based on your preference:


    Without the +5% Guild Buff

    • 1815 - 10% Build (4211 Crit Remaining)
    • 3207 - 1.3s GCD (2976 Crit Remaining)


    With the +5% Guild Buff

    • 1895 - 1.3s GCD (4281 Crit Remaining)


    Personally, I just run 1895. If you're in Guild Buff content you get the 1.3s GCD, if you're in non-buff content you get the 10% build and it's simpler than continuously swapping sets.

  3. Recent theorycrafting goes against those rigid caps for classes with casts and energy management (mercenary having both those things)


    Only GCD is rounded and has a "cap". Extra alacrity helps for heat management and casts, so there is no such thing as wasting alacrity points.


    For 1.3 imo you should use that great spreadsheet and focus on getting enhancements / mods with as much stats as possible : if you have to sacrifice stats to get the exact "2374" number, its not worth it at all.

    TLDR: follow that spreadsheet, get R18 enh and R2 mods as much as possible, profit.


    Agree with the above. My sheet shows how to hit the GCD thresholds because that is what a lot of people had interest in. It shows certain alt-builds with those thresholds in mind. However, due to the nature of trying to keep it concise I didn't that ridiculous amount of build options that happen between the 1.4s and 1.3s GCD.

    The way to read the sheet properly is "this is how you reach the threshold in the most efficient way" but if you want to go over that threshold for other reasons it also gives you the most remaining stat to work with as well.

    1.4s GCD is accomplished over 7%, but a lot of heavy-cast rotations do well with 10% (which is under the ~15% you need for 1.3s GCD).


    Basically use my sheet as a starting point, and adjust do what works beat for you!

  4. I am in the same boat sir and I have not found many up to date Jedi Gaurdian tanking guide expect one but it is mostly pvp. I have found you must weed out the pvp talents and study the basic essential for the class. If you have come across a good guide or site, discord please pass it on! Thanks and good luck.




    You'll have to convert to Republic terms, but everything you need for PvE is in there.

  5. Thanks for the information. I think the various mods, armorings, enhancements, hilts.barrels needed some variety. Maybe things went a bit far. Perhaps I've gotten caught up in the BIS everywhere for everything juju. I've seen the spreadsheets and read some guides. A lot of those guides do not mention lettered designation of mods. So they say "Just use Superior Lethal" or "Just use Initiative" not mentioning A, B, R, AR, BR letterings and the variations of those.


    Thank you for some clarification.


    For Mods, there are only 80, 80A, and 80B. Then there are the R-1 through R-20 variants.


    Enhancements don't have letter variants, they are just named differently followed by 80, and 80 R-1 through R-20 variants.

  6. quick question about armorings. Which of the alphabet soup armorings is considered BIS? DPS tends to prefer the R-2 versions. Same for Resistive Armorings?


    I believe you're mixing your terms. For Armorings, Tanks want Resistive 80/80 R-1. These give +431 Mastery, +451 Endurance. DPS/Healers use Versatile 80/80 R-1, which give +471 Mastery, +409 Endurance.


    For Mods, Tanks use Warding 80B/80B R-1. These give you +409 Endurance, +285 Defense. DPS/Healers use the Lethal 80 R-2's, unlettered.

  7. So is Warding still bugged with sage/sorc shields? If so, would best relics be A/M then? That's what I'm gathering from the data I see.


    I've been constantly checking my logs after I run ops and I haven't run into the Warding bug in a couple weeks now. So I would say it has been fixed? But I could just be getting really lucky timing with its procs.

  8. I usually like to give most companies a break on bugs and other problems as things happen. That being said, why would Bioware tease the existence of a by far best in class tactical for tanking, and then never put it in the game. Every other class could simply buy all their best in slot from the vendor, and yet why is it that guardian/juggernaut tanks have to grind for every piece that never drops.


    "by far the best" is a bit of a stretch. In PvP I could see this being the case, but if you need that much CDR on Enraged Defense in Operations or Flashpoints then your healers just suck. I have actually stopped taking the -30s CD Utility for Enraged Defense because almost every time I got to press the button for it my healer has already put me above threshold and I can't use it.


    That being said, I do agree that it being from Kai and not being seen one time since 6.0 launched is absolutely ridiculous. Though if they were to work on anything regarding Tacticals/Set Bonuses, I would like to see them balance the current ones by buffing all the ones that undisputedly suck to actually make gearing an elective choice instead of super-obvious BiS sets.

  9. Regardless, I think we need some updated graphs and hard data so we know where to put attributes. I know they changed alacrity according to some other threads. Maybe they did for tanks as well.


    Alacrity and Accuracy have caps because there is a clear target. Accuracy is about getting to 110% (PvE), Alacrity is about GCD thresholds because the community discovered it doesn't actually affect the GCD as advertised, it only counts once you cross the amount needed to reduce it by a full 0.1s.


    Because there are clearly defined goals, you can then use the formulas to give you clearly defined amounts. Tanks just have "take as little damage as possible", so there is no threshold for stopping a particular stat. It becomes about which stat gives you more of what you need in that slot. Defense being oversaturated means when you get to the Augment level you're getting so little of a return in comparison to Shield or Absorb that it isn't worth. Shield vs. Absorb is the same way. There is not definable threshold, it is just which gives you more in a given slot. You can do total stat efficiency, but that only tells part of the story.


    Each class has their own passive buffs to Shield/Absorb (and Defense) so you will stray away from total efficiency in favor of what makes the class work better. However, in doing this the diminishing returns will be the curb of how far away from efficiency you will go. Again, there is no definable threshold. It's all about Stat vs. Stat, compared to Acc/Alac which is "get to this point then stop".

  10. Yeah it's from smartys guide. The curve of the L-graph shows very low ceiling to hit diminishing returns for shield/absorb stats. Is that info still relevant for 6.0?




    That is definitely old considering it is about 258's. (Also can we talk about how they spelled it defenCe for some reason?).


    Currently on my Juggernaut I run 3501 Shield and 3010 Absorb (PvE), Assassin I run 3138 / 3373, and Powertech I run 4375 / 2136.


    As someone else said, in PvP stats have completely different priorities.

  11. Isn't it true that stacking beyond say 500 absorb/shield suffers immense diminishing returns that you'd be better off stacking something else?


    Given that 1 Enhancement gives you +409 of either of those, and that the BiS Ear/Implant gives +471, the short answer is "no". I am extremely curious to hear where you found that metric though!

  12. Yeah that was a little confusing because the last two items on that list are not generated by your stat pool but are triggered in combat. So the stat pool plus fixed bonuses comes to around 28% in a static situation as I understand it.


    In writing this I was trying to balance brevity and preciseness. There is a lot of math I left out because I know the average reader will zone out once they see equations and such (also why I paraphrased some of the passives down to what is relevant instead of just copy/pasting them). If you want more specific details I'd be happy to answer them here, and I will think about how to add them into the main guide.

  13. Force Clarity does not appear to increase the damage of the AoE part of Crushing Blow


    Just re-tested this this morning. Is RIP for AoE threat opener, but in single-target you should still save your Force Clarity/Furious Power for that move.


    Will update the verbiage in that part today. Thank you.

  14. It's a Jedi Defense Guardian, a straight up tank build ( I'm a big fan of keeping it simple), and its a fairly robust combatant just slow, which is why I was wondering about adding some Alacrity. I mainly do PVE (weeklies, flashpoints, etc.), not really confident enough to doing PVP as a tank, I have Alts for PVP'ing (Ranged DPS toons).


    If you're going straight, full tank then no. No Alacrity.

  15. I guess 35% instead 25% is typo?


    Juggernaut Defense-


    • Base: 5%
    • Lash Out: +3%
    • Blade Barricade: +5%
    • Defensive Slashes: +2% (Ravage grants +6% for 6s, 18s CD. This means 33% uptime, averaging to +2%).


    So your baseline before gear is 15%. Building 5591 Defense Rsting increases your Defense Chance by +20.86%. Meaning 15 + 20.86 = 35.86%.

  16. Would adding boosts to your Alacrity (via Augments or enhancements) help on a Tank, cause i've noticed since the update that cooldows on my tank seem longer (shrugs, or its me getting older).


    Depends on which tank and what build. For for mitigation builds, no, because you're sacrificing Tank stats for it, and almost all DCD's arent affected by Alacrity (Saber Reflect, Saber Ward, etc.)


    For the hybrid builds, PT's and Sins primarily go Power/Crit for overall damage increase since their kit gives them CD resets on their abilities.


    Hybrid Juggernaut build is Power/Alacrity because it gives you more Sonic Barriers, which helps with both DPS and reducing DtPS. Intimidating Roar is also one of the only DCD's on the game affected by Alacrity so it helps there too.

  17. I disagree.

    Positioning is key, but you can use mad dash in most fights (ops or FP), just by sticking yourself against the wall and twirling in place, or for bosses that don't move mad dashing and leaping back immediately. It does take a smidge of planning, but totally doable.


    Mad dash is also essential as a cheese in some fights.

    A great example is lighting field on Dreadguards (TfB 2nd boss, NiM) where that negates all damage and you can DPS in mid until you need to dash and leap back (DPS or Tank). When holding Cyphas, it also means his leap to you after happens while you have that nifty 20%DR up (Undying 4piece) every time ^_^


    This has been addressed in the revision. Thanks going out to you and others who were adamant it be updated to highlight this ability <3

  18. You'll get enough Defense naturally through all your other gear, so yeah, you don't need to prioritize that (though if you're planning to run Lethal B mods instead of Warding B's it will hurt in some fights).


    As for Shield v Absorb -- you can literally overload Shield given how much natural Absorb you get with Heat Screens/Blast. I wouldn't recommend anything less than 60% Shield on a Powertech/Shield Tech.

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