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Posts posted by Jadecros

  1. Republic: Power Guard -- The Power Guard Project was a research project conducted by the Galactic Republic during the Cold War on Nar Shaddaa. Fearing that the Jedi Order was on the verge of extinction following the Great Galactic War, the Republic Senate authorized the establishment of a black ops research program on Nar Shaddaa to develop super-soldiers using a combination of cybernetics and adrenal stims. These Power Guards would be deployed to counteract the Sith on the battlefield in the event that no Jedi were available.


    It was based on Nar Shaddaa due to the illegal nature of the research and was so secret that not even high ranked officers in the Republic military who oversaw the project knew where the project's headquarters were located. There was no shortage of volunteers for the project, mostly composed of refugees egging for payback against the Sith Empire. - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Power_Guard_Project


    The Power Guard could revolve around a refugee who has lost it all in the war volunteering for the 'project', and finding himself in control of immense strength & agility. Missions would likely come from the highest ranking officers or the senate itself. Would this power guard, suddenly in command of abilities unknown by common soldiers, fall to the temptation of the dark side that such power can bring? Or would he remember his purpose, seeking justice & upholding the ideals of the republic & the light?


    Empire: Imperial Guard -- The Dark Honor Guard, also known as the Imperial Guard, was a force of elite warriors who had a reputation as being the deadliest and most disciplined soldiers in the Sith Empire. At the end of their training, the soldiers of the Guard were bound to the will of the Emperor by a ritual, resulting in them becoming totally loyal fanatics who were willing to die for him. They were distinguished by wearing red colored armor, and were armed with electrostaffs and blaster pistols. They were assigned to guard the Emperor's citadel, protect the Sith Academy on Korriban or eliminate individuals the Emperor wanted dead. -- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Honor_Guard


    Imperial characters would find themselves stepping foot onto the training grounds of the fierce Imperial Guards. Here they are trained & indoctrinated into the ways of the guard, culminating in a ritual the bind themselves to the Emperor's service. Led by the Emperor himself or a high ranking imperial liaison, the guard would travel the galaxy furthering the Emperor's mysterious goals. Would this Imperial Guard succumb to the corrupting powers of the darkness & embrace his masters' will? Or would he accomplish his duties with tact, mercy, and kindness unknown by most?


    Both could have a melee AC & a ranged AC. Might be interesting for each advanced class to have a unique tank tree, unique dps tree, and a shared skill tree for healing. Melee could be proficient in vibroswords & electrostaves, while the ranged could focus on rifles & autocannons.

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