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Posts posted by Alassa

  1. Add me to the list of people who are extremely frustrated by the LONG respawn times. It's unnecessary other than just to make people wait to get their achievements. The moment one person grabs anything, then it's at *least* a 3-hour wait. It just goes on and on, until you either get lucky and grab it before someone else does, or you have to wait days just to get what would otherwise be like a five-minute quest.
  2. Thanks for making this guide! I'm using it for working on my Marauder and it's very useful. :)


    However I do have a question for you. I'm still working on the rotation and I've only gotten this far Opener, Burst 1 > Cycle 1 > Burst 1, however, I'm always short two stacks of Zen when I get to where I need to do Massacre x3 & x4 in the rotation. Because I'm always short I have to do Massacre x4 and x5 instead. As far as I know I'm following the rotation exactly. Do you have any ideas why I'm short?


    Thanks! :)

  3. I do have a quick question. Since this is kind of related to master/power. What relics should be used? Do we still want the mastery/power relics or should us DPS/Healers use a different set of relics?
  4. Ok, so I have a quick question regarding server move.


    ~ In regards to the decorations, how does it work? Say I only move one character to a different server but I keep my other characters on my current server. Would the decorations essentially be on two servers? or would the decorations follow after the toon I'm transferring.

  5. I bought the Shaggy hairstyle a little while back and I really like the design, however, I had to switch to an older hairstyle because the color is bugging me to no end. As you'll see I've selected the raven black hair color, however, it looks GREEN with any of the new hairstyles that have come out. Is there any plan to fix this? Because until this is fixed, I cannot enjoy the Shaggy hairstyle. :(


    Note: This is the same with any of the colors. The colors are darker with the original hairstyles, but upon going to the Shaggy, pigtails, etc styles, they are much lighter.


    GREEN hair: Ugly hair


    As it should look: Much better

  6. Okay, thanks for all the information. I'll see what I can do. I'm working on getting a 6 piece, I'll put in another acc enhancement then. Yeah, I noticed that my APMs are low, I normally can never get above 34. Getting higher APMs, that's just mainly getting used to the spec and timing, right? As for using Hammer Shot, I wanna use that when my resources start getting low, correct? Should I increase my crit, or is 468 crit rating a good number?


    Sorry for all these questions, I'm new to Commando dps and I haven't seriously dpsed in like a year, so I'm a bit rusty.

  7. My gear is all 192 with only a few mods unomotimzed. Yes, I do have all four class buffs. Being down 1% acc, is it messing up my overall dps that much? I normally don't do adrenals on a dummy, though I might try a stim at least.


    As for comparing my parse to the others, yeah, I'm aware those are 'freak' parses. So is what I'm getting pretty good or could I reach higher?


    I know there is not 'set' rotation for gunnery, but is there some things I should trigger before using my other attacks? For instance, I try to use Demolition Round before using Boltstrom, should I be doing that or no? Should my crit be increased?


    any advice is welcome. ^_^

  8. There's two that come to mind right off the bat. About a couple of months ago, I was leveling up my sorc healer during double exp. I que up for a fp to get the daily done and out of the way. I glance at who my companions are. I notice that the tank isn't in the tanking stance ( he was a assassin tank btw) But I just shrugged it off, seeing if he would change stances later, and to be honest, I had handled worse. Besides, I didn't feel like waiting for another que. So, things are going fairly well. A few mistakes were made, but nothing horrible. However, as we get to the first boss on Caddie the tank tells us to wait. The tank goes into stealth mode, runs up to the boss, and tries to mez the boss. When nothing happens, he types into group chat, "Why didn't that work?" All I could do was stand there with my jaw to the ground....



    My second encounter was when I was leveling my Sniper. I'm about 50ish 50+ and qued for HM FP with my tanking buddie. We get a que for False Emperor. We wipe on the very first mob. No one said anything and pressed on. However, my tanking friend starts to notice that our Sorc healer isn't giving out any heals. Trying to figure out why, I check the Sorcs gear for curiosity. The Sorc had all *AIM* stats. Stunned, I politely mention into group chat if he was aware that all his stats were wrong for that class? The Sorc instantly goes nuts and replies, "You do realize I don't give a*crap* about what you think right?" Needless to say, he was kicked. We que for another healer. Not wanting to wait, the three of us press on, with Treek (in tank gear) as the healer. We managed to do the bonus boss and complete the FP with ease.

  9. Here at Colonial Marines Special Ops, we are looking to expand our ranks and progress even further in providing high end raiding experience for all of Bergen Colony and for you as well. We welcome *all* levels. We are a laid back and fun guild that enjoys helping out one another. Be it from alts to gearing up a main so that all of us can partake in raid groups. We are a Republic guild.


    We currently have one progression raid group, but we are looking to expand into either a 16 man raid group and eventually into two progression teams. Our Progression team raids Fri 8PST. We always raid at 8PST. (So far we have managed 3/5 HM DF and 2/5 HM DP) We typically try to have some type of activity 6 out of the 7 days. Mons being our rest day. Tues and Suns are our PVP nights while Tues/Wed we que for comms. Fri is obviously our Progression. Sat we try to do some type of event either Datacron hunting or some other event.


    Our only requirements is that you have a good time, treat each other with respect, be willing to learn, use either TorParse or Parsec and use Vent. You do not need to have a mic, just the ability to listen.


    If you have any questions and would like to know more, feel free to post here or PM me. Or you can search for Vucora in game and message me there or try and whisper me. I'm most active around 7PST onward.

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