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Posts posted by cb_novel

  1. I remember that The Revanchist had already been acting against the Mandalorians before Revan discovered the mask. At least that's what I know from the comics. Revan discovered the mask at the time he was confronted by Jedi Master Vrook Lamar, who aimed to arrest the Revanchist as their cause violate the direct order from the council. Thanks for the introduction anyway and I mean no offense.
  2. I see some of you guys said maintenance for a now MMO was acceptable and people should stopped complaining. I do agree with it.


    But, come on! Some people had limited play time and now the server was down for nearly a day! Are all those "whinings" really dieasters, compared to all the inconvience BIOWare caused today? Sometimes, complaining doesn't essentially equals to beomg stupid or childish.


    I am not going to quit the game because I am a huge fan of Star Wars and this game is really great. However, I believe I still have the right to complain about this, since I am quite sad about my ruined day-off.


    BTW, I really appreciate the hard work of the development team, so pleas don't get me wrong. What I hope is that you can learn from this and be careful the next time you release a patch.

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