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Posts posted by KrotanaThrall

  1. ^^^If the shoe fits! As for the rest of you, I dont train every skill as I get them but that still doesnt change the fact that I leveled up and earned the XP to get the next level and shouldnt have to pay a buttload of credits just to get the benefits of my hard work. As for the crafting mateials, NO these are not available everywhere, some have to b obtained through crew missions and the higher the mission the more expensive. It sucks to spend 2k to send someone out to get grade 4 materials and they dont come back with what I need or I only get 2 units and have to spend another 2k and onother 30 minutes waiting. Forget buying anything on the GTN because those prices are even worse, anyone that sells things one there are insane. 10k for 10 units of a grade 2 material. theres no way to level crew skils without tons of money. Its fine for those of you that spend 8-10 hours a day playing but for those that spend 2-3 hours a few times a week, this system just aint working. And anyone that posted here, just remember that instead of putting people off you should be more helpful. This game is losing people fast and alot of that is people bored with the grind or just unhappy with the gameplay and if things dont change to keep the "CasualPlayer" paying their monthly fee then pretty soon you are left with a small group of hardcore fans and thats what happened to SWG.


    FAIL! Credits are insanely easy to get even with crafting. by the time I hit 40 I norm have 400K+ creds per chars and that's with keeping a crafting skill up to my lev.

  2. Yeah, sorry but the Space Combat has to be bugged. I went out and bought half the purples and tried again. I rolled, I when side to side, I put on super shields the whole way, and no matter what I do I can't survive half way through a mission let alone be able to do any of the tasks. It happened overnight. I am no teenage game guru but I am not a sucky old man either. If this truly is how it suppose to be then it sucks a big one. Balance is key.


    I do all the spaces missions daily once on each side and don't have any problems with them. I've never finished a mission with less then half health.

  3. A vast majority of wz players are pugs, premades give an unfair advantage over a pug team, a premade group must be removed from a pug match entirely and put them in a wz fight against other premades.


    Then Don't fing Pug. I haven't had to solo Que since the first week or so the game went live. Even leving my alts I always have at least 3 other people to group up with and do WZ's. If you want to solo que then that's your problem and you need to deal with it.

    Kor'toth: Mouretsu [ Ajunta Pall ]

  4. >.> Trying to determine the validness of someone's point based on where they post in pointless. I actually PvP primarily, on all 3 of my 50's and on several of my alts. I can also fairly judge something from either view point, and don't choose my favorites.


    In PvE, you have to progress to do the final raid/HM, that's how MMO's work. If you can't clear the first boss, you receive nothing.


    In PvP, you are thrown into matches versus a -mix- of geared and "under" geared players. As the state of the game is right now, you have progression in both pve and pvp, except even if you -fail- pvp, you still get rewarded.


    Pvp'ers aren't special, they're not "more skilled" and they don't get their gear faster than pve'ers. The reverse is true. Equality, try it.


    Honestly I don't give F about other players. I've done the grind to BM gear three times now. I should be able to skip it if I want on my Alts. I alrdy primarily Lev though PVP anyway I know my class by the time I hit 50 and I know how to play the 50 WZ game. I should be able to just lev up and play at the lev I'm alrdy playing at on my other chars.

    This isn't a HUGE deal but it would be nice. as it is I've already gotten a entire set of BM gear post 1.2 and it only take about a week, but it's a week I shouldn't have to spend.

    Kor'toth: Mouretsu [Ajunta Pall]

  5. This is a bug that we're investigating. As theorized above, you can work around this by inserting low level mods. You only need the armoring. The results of RE will be unaffected - I was able to learn the recipe from the specific item mentioned here with nothing but a level 10 green armoring in the shell.


    Yea I crafted a ton of lev 9 armorings and put them into the war hero gear I had crafted and was able to RE them. I would make sure that you put the same kind of armor in as the crafting your doing. IE Will Str for Synth and Aim/Cun for Armormech.

  6. I don't care about the gear I just want it so I can get armoring. If Bioware had let us carry over our set bonus from BM gear like they orig gave us the impression that they were going to then I wouldn't even be trying to get the gear. I just like the new armor look.
  7. Hi.

    With patch 1.2, some speeders were removed. Or more specifically, all the big, car-like mounts were removed.

    Does BioWare intend to not include big mounts anymore, or can I still get one somehow? My theory is that they don't want people riding around in big vehicles, but I don't know =/


    Lets hope So. Those big mounts are annoying as hell.

  8. I have already seen it between really good premades and ive been on both sides of it, first team to get the ball wins, turtle it on your side with a guantlet defense setup where teammates res right beside the carrier. With the current inability to heal someone through focus fire, and the amount of stealth grips into fire it is damn near impossible to score when coordinated teams are playing each other. Right now in pugs its balanced, there will always be some idiot trooper or sorc trying to nuke from his rafters that a jugg can charge to with the ball. But on good teams, the rafters clear, people dont stun the ball carrier at all its just chain grips and roots, and it usually plays out by zerging the sorcs/sages first while ccing other healers and gripping carriers into fire or double grip down and around a corner into 4 dps. Rateds will be first team with the ball wins, pass back put it on a mara with guard and stick him in the corner and setup the ranged/kb classes to wait it out.


    Im not realy sure what we can do to fix it besides some sort of invisible shield on your goal platform preventing you from taking the ball back past your own fire pits, but if you havent been a part of one of these games you will be and its damn near impossible to get the ball back with the distance between res points. I know my team will prob use this strat, and why wouldnt we, but i dont see it being the intended idea for the map. Before people start calling the teams that use this noobs, myself and others are multi glads/heroes from wow and if you want to be at the top you use strats and comps that work, and right now the huttball turtle works like a charm, and thats not cool.


    Wrong. I almost never have a Huttball that lasts more then 5 mins.

  9. So you basically win every match. Pug'in? Ok, thats either BS or you are the luckiest douche in the world.


    Then there's the 5-10 Minute gueue's that are only absent if the game wants to put you into a lost match where someone left. 10-15 Minutes of play. x3 - thats more than your 45 already.


    So even if I DID win every game, it would definately be more than an hour.


    Be mindfull of the title: PUG. Not GUILD or PREMADE.


    I did mine Late last night and couldn't get a guild group so I solo que'd and won 3 in a row. It happens more then you think, at least on Ajunta Pall.


    Kor'toth: Mouretsu

  10. 4vs8 still so fun and exciting. I thought this would be fixed oooh wait....


    you act like we like this $ hit. I like Facerolling over the other team even less then I like losing. we're still going to take the win, but we won't get any joy out of it. It's as boring for us as it is frustrating for you when this crap happens. I love when I win/lose a civil war by 5-20 points. Hell the best match I've had since 1.2 was getting beat 100% -2% on the new WZ only to come back at the end and pull a three out our *** and hold it winning the WZ. That was Fing EPIC!!!!



    Kor'toth: Mouretsu

  11. Idk what planet of BS you're living on son.


    Whenever I get 8 medals and I've been active in the playing field I get 97 warzone commendations EACH EFFING TIME.


    But you don't get 97 comms if you lose or been inactive in battle. Which means either dps or heal more. And do more objectives. If you just medal farm till 8 and then go afk the system isn't going to pat you on the back.


    Also, 8 medals + a win = never below 70 commendations. Why? Because I said so. Go ask around a bit, you'll see.


    BS. I got 16 Medals for 3 min Voidstar win and only got 61 comms

  12. After being one of BW's strongest supporters through all the early bugs, I'm actually also on the verge of unsubbing and breaking my MMO addiction. The new PVP system is just ridiculous.


    I just spent 15 minutes in a PVP game against a partial premade - each of them netting a healthy 10+ medals, while nearly everyone on the losing team managed to scrounge together 4-5.


    The result? 15 minutes of wasted time and 20 commendations. 20. TWENTY.


    I don't like to PVP. I hate it actually. Loathe it entirely. My computer turns to a slide show for PVP at the very lowest graphics. I am, however in love with the marauder's gear shell, and want it. Of course, as Bioware had to put a cap on the orange patterns (you need rank 60) I have to endure this utterly miserable new system to get my PVP shells.


    How is this fun? Which play testers thought that awarding 20 warzone commendations for 15 minutes of getting smashed was even a relevantly good idea?


    This isn't a matter of skill, I am bad for the most part at PVP, decent at 1v1 if my comp isn't a slideshow. I'm just not having fun, and there is something in the game I really, really want.

    Then Stop PVPing and go do the new Operation. Why in the hell would you do something all the time that you hate? that doesn't make any Fing sense to me. you PVP because you LIKE to pvp not because you want to gear up from it and now that the PVP gear isn't that great for PVE content there's no reason to pvp if it's not something you don't like to do. now go back to General Discussion and get the hell out of my pvp forums.

  13. I think the prob is most people have modded gear. I didn't mod my Gear before 1.2 becasue I wanted to see how it was going shake out and I'm glad I did. I'm a true Fing tank now. I stand there most of the time and just face tank a entire team with only 1 healer healing me and laugh it off. I can't even tell you the amount of times in the last couple days where I was just walking the ball from endzone to endzone with no problems. I can solo guard a Node for at least a couple mins in both the new WZ and civil war Vs. up to 3 people as well. I still have problems with certain Ops/Scoundrels and Tanksins and my Damage has gone down by like 25-30% but I don't even care. I'm totally Awesome now.
  14. for those not wanting to read further you can trade warzone comms to ranked warzone comms at a ratio of 3:1.


    full war hero set 28250 ranked comms +1000 warzone comms


    which means 85750 warzone comms to get full war hero if your already full battlemaster.


    At 100 comms per battle that means you need to play 857 warzones.


    Well you can earn up to 200 comms per battle nowso you can prob cut that num in about half. Still a Pretty Epic grind though.

  15. Well thats my concern.


    Honestly Anything that makes people better players I'm all For. Empire Pugs are like the Special Olympics on our Server and the only time I'm normally Consistently winning is when I'm grouped up with guild members. When I solo Que on my Commando I win 60-80% of my matches VS. 15-25% depending on the Pugs I get with my Powertech.


    Target Of Target isn't a cure all but it should help your Avg- below avg player be a little better. Does it help Premades as well. Sure it does but most of us are alrdy on vent Calling out and marking targets anyway so it's not that big of a deal.




    Kor'toth Powertech, Kro'tana Commando



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