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Posts posted by Greyhaws

  1. Hi,


    I want to play on one screen in my 3 x 23in monitor setup temporarily but don't want to unhook my other monitors. Unlike every other game I have this game seems unable to handle this configuration. If I try to run in 1920 x 1080 on one of my three monitors the image aspect ratio still thinks its running on three with the result that the screen is squashed and the image narrowed so that all the NPC's and so on look like thin pencils.


    I've tried in Windowed, Fullscreen and Fullscreen (windowed) with the same result. I've also disabled Eyefinity with no effect.


    There doesn't seem to be any option to change aspect ratio, FOV etc. How can I get this game to run on one of my monitors in 1920 x 1080 fullscreen or fullscreen (windowed)?

  2. One of the things I hate about MMO's is generic characters. By this I mean look at ESO. Pretty much everyone looks the same. There's very little difference between toons of equivalent level.


    In TOR, not only is it rare to see two toons alike (except maybe right at game start) but there's so much variety in speeder design and pets etc that every day I see something new.


    To me, my characters are everything - if I cant get them looking cool I wont play them and subsequently wont play the game. That's my #1 reason for staying.


    In no particular order I like the moral decisionmaking, companions, voice acting, genuine humour and lore.

  3. Some people here must be really lucky.


    I have a hub in my stronghold with all the banks, GTN, etc and the four freebie nodes. I have 10 alts. I harvest these as often as I can.


    The MAXIMUM amount of times I have managed to loot ANY node is twice - since release. 95% of the time I get the debuff on the first attempt.


    Given the time it takes to logout, logon etc I would get better results looking for nodes in the field.


    Might be worth it for the higher level ones but the free ones are really not much more than decorations. No idea why they didn't just implement them the same as nodes in the field. You need the gathering skill and the node disappears for however long before you can gather it again.

  4. I used to get the OTP every time I logged in. Almost unsubbed because of it - I quit Rift because of a similar mechanic.


    This time I just did the security key and thankfully no more OTP's although I do need to enter a code as well as my password every time I login, at least I don't have to wait 3 hours before I can get a OTP to play each night.


    They seriously need to get this sorted - its just really poor atm. We need a BW guarantee that the password will arrive at the absolute outside, 15 mins after requesting.

  5. As soon as I read about strongholds and conquest I knew this would be a toy for all the top guilds to play with and nobody else.


    The whole thing is pretty much geared for large, well funded guilds to dominate. There's currently no content for small guilds beyond what BW already have in the game.


    All MMOs produce targeted content. When I played EQ2 they brought out god avatars to kill which were contested. Small guilds had no chance - it was entirely for the top end raid guilds to play with. It didn't really cause an issue. If you wanted in, you had to do the grind and get a sponsored invite to the guild - after an interview.


    If you wanted to stay a small guild you had to accept that some content was just not doable.


    Its the same deal here. If you want to do the content, gear up and qualify to join the guilds that are monopolising the content. If not, just have fun with your mates and let it be.


    Not really a problem IMO.

  6. The second post in this thread nailed it. Usually with P2W games If you don't pay then the game is either impossible to get anywhere or the other players expect a cash layout so you have the kind of gear they will let into a guild.


    That said, I'm not against some P2W buffs for new players just so they can catch up easier but it should always be sub lvl 20 and no higher.

  7. I don't know about anyone else but I treat all my toons as one big family and I like to keep them all up to date. With a view to this I generally don't have a main - I play all mine roughly equally.


    Now this is causing a logistical nightmare - and to be fair this is true for all MMO's - as there is just no account management tools available.


    What I would love to see as a norm for all future MMO's:


    • Export to excel or notepad. Export a CSV file with all the relevant details of your toons, companions and their equipment.
    • Display crew skills on character select. Its easy to forget who does what. seeing from the select screen would be much easier.
    • Account shared bank. ALL mmo's should include this as standard for subscribers and at cost for F2P. It should not cost the earth just for one bank.
    • "sort by" on toon selection screen. Sort by level, class, location of last logout etc.


    It really is a nightmare tracking toons on SW:TOR. Not only do I need to keep a spreadsheet with my toons on it handy, I also need separate ones for each of their companions so I can see when they need an upgrade without having to write it all down on a sheet of paper.


    Have a heart, lets see some account love not just toon love :)

  8. When I played EQ2 I'd been playing since 2004 and was bored so I thought I'd try multiboxing and trying to level a guild instead of just levelling a player - that was just a challenge. I got pretty far and so long as I don't get in the way of solo players, hog content and/or use third party software I'm ok. I did group up a lot with friends with me playing four toons - just because I had the only comp that could run it.


    I find playing one toon gets boring after a while so I like the variety that two or more afford - plus if I can box two accounts I can have crafters on one and players on another and they can craft and give the gear directly instead of TOR where I have to track each toon on a spreadsheet so my crafters know whats worth crafting for each guy. All my toons craft.


    I know shared banks are coming but at the moment the game is desperately poor at communicating between your account toons - there's almost no info on the character select screen and its really easy to forget who is the underworld trader, who does slicing etc.


    On DDO I used to multibox a rogue so whenever we came across a trap I would wheel him up to disarm it and we weren't waiting half an hour or more to get a rogue in the party just to get past one door. It also meant I could solo without worrying about being insta-killed by traps.


    Multiboxing you can also craft on one toon while your other guy is out in the field.

  9. That's likely why they stopped it. They don't want ppl to just create new accounts for storage I guess? They want ppl to buy it.


    DDO used to be like this, it wouldn't allow any form of multiboxing, then they added a feature where you can launch as many game instances as you want. I resubbed when they did that and my other "free" account ended up being my main account lol...now have 2 subbed accounts.

  10. All I want to do is create two accounts and try it out but not only will the game not allow a second instance of TOR on the same machine to run, it also wont allow a second installation on the same machine.


    I've never seen this before on any other game I've played. I used to 4 box EQ2 all the time and it was a great laugh. Especially playing four toons in a group of 6.


    I didn't bot, I controlled each toon individually - botting is against every EULA in the world just about. I'm just disappointed TOR is so backward in this. Anyone else managed to get it working, even just for one extra instance?

  11. The patch sizes for this game are crazy - gigabytes in size and it takes FOREVER for them to download and install. I have fast fibre optic broadband and loaded up my game at about 1.25PM - the game has just finished patching now at 2.07PM...


    Nearly 40 minutes to patch and install....god knows how slow it is for someone on a slow connection.


    Its like this just about every time I login. Is there any way to optimise these? Maybe a streaming client?

  12. I just acquired an old projector and want to play TOR but there seems to be no way to change the game's settiings from the launcher? If I run the game I get "Mode Not Supported" on my projector and have to reboot everything again.


    The game does not auto-detect your possible resolutions and default to a safe setting like 800x600 on startup - unlike just about every other game there is.


    This is a serious flaw as it makes TOR unplayable for me on my projector :(


    Surely there must be some way to change the resolution outside the game?

  13. A friend of mine just went on holiday to the US for a month. His max toon is 34 and I promised I would get one of my guys to 34 before he got back. I started the game maybe three months after he did :D


    Playing my consular I just dinged level 28 today on Tatooine, starting Alderaan. I'm finding it extremely difficult at the moment. I thought Tatooine was hard but Alderaan is even worse.


    I think I've got used to Qyzen in as much as I know if he has his AOE's on auto I'm dead because he disrupts my crowd control. I really am not sure Tharan is any use at all? I'm in Light armour, I cant tank a womp rat let alone a heavily armed adversary and on Alderaan it seems Elite mobs are de rigeur. Not sure why I even have Tharan tbh.


    My next highest toon is 22 so I've outleveled the crafters in my little group so relying really on drops and quest rewards for gear.


    It doesnt help that there are so few players on my server. The other night I was the only player on Tatooine, all night. So I've not been able to do any heroic stuff either, I have 0 social points because there are no groups. I tell a lie, I got a group on Nar Shadaa but they quit before handing in the quest I already had so I got not social on handin :(


    Finding things to be really tough at the moment :(

  14. Quyzen is the primary reason for all my deaths so far.


    Mainly his AOE's break my crowd control. If you forget to toggle them off in an add situation then your dead. I find I am especially vulnerable to cutscene deaths...this is an old trick used by lots of earlier FPS games where the cutscene would put you at a disadvantage before you even had a chance to act. We used to call it "boxed description death" when I played paper and pen D&D, where the boxed description would bypass all the party defenses so an enemy could be within striking distance immediately.


    This happens so often in TOR I've taken to shielding Quyzen before I click any updates.


    I would recommend to *always* have Quyzen's AOE's toggled off just for safety.

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