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Posts posted by Zenphose

  1. I bought armor from the cartel, note the character I was on was level 6, and I put it on and noticed it replace my armor which is better. Does it mean I should take it off to want to legitimately play with good armor? Or do I modify it or something? This is getting me confused.
  2. I'm wondering why It is F2P all of a sudden, I mean i can understand up to 15 but, really? I can see that many people quit the game, but alot of people still like it. People who bought the game don't even get that much. So, why is it free soon?
  3. Yea ... I was hoping for more of a build up, maybe killing him in chapter 4 or 5. Chapter 3 just feels WAY to early and he doesn't seem weakened enough. I wanted this Jedi to rival Revan in his wisdom and ability before he takes down the Emperor. This just seems way too early (T_T)


    And you should really put that in spoilers ...

    [.SPOILER] <Text here>[./SPOILER] <--- w/o the periods


    Well people could see it said "Ending." That is pretty much giving away a spoiler alert.

  4. So Meetra, Nihilus, Sion, Traya, Revan, and Malak all tried to kill the emperor and failed. Then some jedi in their early or late 20s comes and kills him no sweat. seems legit :confused: Tell me what you think.
  5. I always felt that Gungan's got a bad rap because of Jar Jar. When you look at them as a race they had so much potential to be kickass but Jar Jar kind of screwed that over. I wouldn't mind having an option to play as a Gungan.


    Yeah, i felt like nobody liked them because they starred this idiot Gungan.

  6. So i was thinking what races they should add and came up with ideas:








    Yuuzhan Vong

    EDIT: Kaleesh

    EDIT: Jawa


    Look these up if you dont know what they are. Give me some more ideas.

  7. Hahahaha are you serious? Maul was trained by the strongest Sith Lord EVER, The jedi during the Prequal trilogy were the strongest jedi of any era according to Lucas. With Maul giving 2 of them a run for there money


    Maul got sliced in half like a b***h. End of story.

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