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Posts posted by _TheCaTaLyST_

  1.  Im getting back into the game from a 2 year hiatus. When one of the expansions dropped i think 4.0 all my crew skills disappeared. It was on my main artifice toon.

    I was able to get the customer service team to restore them along with the proper level to my character, but the archive section I had was now gone. I dropped a ton of time on what I had but am being told by the customer service team is unable to fix my original issue. They cant grant those schematics back. 

    The items in archive I don't believe ever had  schematics from what I remember, we could only re them. Since the schematics never existed can what I had before just get restored? 

    The last ticket I had I was asked to post this since they couldn't resolve the issue. Can anything be done to restore what I originally had? I still have some of the crystals I crafted that still show crafted by me in my inventory for proof.

    Can anyone on the Swtor team help me out?


  2. When the expansion dropped my artifice crew skill disappeared. I was able to get the customer service team to give it back to my character but the archive section is now gone. I've dropped a ton of time on what I had but am being told its impossible to give that entire group back. It's the old advanced black colour crystals that I cared about. Those items I don't believe ever had  schematics from what I remember, we could only re them.  I was asked to post this on the forums as customer service is unable to process the request. Any help from anyone?

  3. I've seen a lot of old guild names running around. I'm not sure if they are original or not. Any pvp guilds, or guilds with members who like to group and pvp looking for members? I'm getting back into the game. I have lvl 65's of each advanced class, but so far just a lvl 70 sorc heals.
  4. Later on in the chapters you need Theron again and he's still missing. So you'll get stuck again. Changing your choices won't fix it this time.


    My light side toons are stuck on wraith and ruin. My dark side toons get stuck later on in the chapters.


    I've had a ticket in since Saturday. The problem is when you skip to kotet a script runs and adds a bunch of companions to catch you up. The problem is Theron isn't one of them.

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