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Posts posted by bawker

  1. It should be free, at least for a while. As I mentioned in another thread, a lot of us chose to continue supporting the game and move to another server rather than quit. A free xfer to consolidate our toons would go a long way in saying "thanks."


    I agree here; when I found out how barren Firaxan Shark was (once I got over the "I'm a console person" thing and realized this isn't single-player KOTOR III), I was considering my options. I would never "rage quit" or the like, but it became increasingly difficult to find a reason to log in when you're the only one on a planet on occasion.


    Thankfully, someone on General chat suggested re-rolling on Lord Adraas (now Ebon Hawk), and I've been enjoying things now quite a bit . . .but I'd like to see a free or reduced rate to bring in my legacy (such as it is) toons from FS.

  2. Yeah, that was what I was figuring . . .the generic "we'll see" response from BioWare. I think they at least have to have an inkling of the direction this is headed, though.


    I do wonder what the market will bear with this, since I'm sure it will end up as a paid option. This being my first MMO, what is the usual "going rate" for transfers in other games?


    I've read that it's free on some other games . . .but how much do you think we're possibly looking at per character?

  3. First off, I had a great experience transferring my toons from Lord Ardraas to Ebon Hawk. No issues whatsoever, and it went through in about five minutes total.


    However, I'd love to be able to get my guys from Firaxan Shark over to Ebon Hawk as well.


    Now that we've finished up the "directed" transfers . . .to move large herds of us around . . .I think its time to discuss a timeframe for when we can expect the one-offs (like myself) to be able to go freely with our toons from server "x" to server "y". I can't be the only one itching for this. :)


    I understand that this could be a paid option as well, so perhaps we could use this thread to also figure out what the market might bear for such a thing.


    Mods . . .this isn't a QQ thread or another more-of-the-same thread; it's more about trying to establish next steps with the transfer service without having to reference the stickied 400 page behemoth above. Please don't close this, so we can have a place for those of us not covered under the "transfer on rails" to discuss our options.

  4. Sure, bring 'em to the Shark. We'll take 'em all and accept your designation as a Destination Sever. :D


    It'd be nice I guess, but I got tired of playing on the Shark (my original toons are still there along with what little legacy level I have) and sometimes being the only person on a planet.


    Maybe it was just me, but I would play entire stretches and not see a single soul out while questing. It was kind of neat at first, coming in from a console perspective . . .but I quickly realized that (even though this is my first MMO), it's nice to have a community to interact and play with. :)


    I re-rolled to Lord Ardraas in the middle of May (which folded over into Ebon Hawk this week) and have been a lot happier . . .I do miss playing my "mains" though, even though my re-rolls are almost as high level as what I left behind now.


    I don't understand why Firaxan Shark is still waiting . . .although I'll probably end up doing the "move wherever you want" paid version of transfers and getting my other four characters onto Ebon Hawk.

  5. My "original" four characters are on Firaxan Shark . . .I know that's not going to roll to Ebon Hawk (as my other four did yesterday; I re-rolled on Lord Adraas a few weeks ago and moved 'em without issue over to EH).


    Waiting for the "wherever you want to go" round of transfers (paid, I suppose . . .although it really shouldn't be at first due to the re-rollers who are trapped between servers now like me) in the future to get them off and everyone onto Ebon Hawk as one big RP-PvE family. :smile:

  6. Lost three (out of of the four I had on Lord Ardaas), but went with some creative apostrophe usage and double vowels on 'em, and I had my old names anyway . . . the biggest change was on my toon "Zara" that then became "Xa'ara" (Xara, Zara and Zaara were all taken).


    I actually like the new "X" name a bit more (it feels a bit more Star War-sy) . . .and it's still pronounced the same. :)

  7. Absolutely incorrect.


    No, not really.


    I was the one that asked the question yesterday that returned the read-between-the-lines response from Allison that said, "this is the first phase, oh and we may do something in the future (that's paid)" response. I phrased my question intentionally asking about my thought that paid transfers being the next step . . .in so many words.


    Your interpretation is no more "correct" than mine or others right now.


    I understand you enjoy the game, and appreciate your attempt to police the thread away from too much wild speculation. However, we're all trying to get more information here; I'd rather not have to wade in and argue amongst ourselves in the process. :)

  8. Joveth,


    I'm going to wager quite a few Community members are going to wait this "transfer on rails" out, and look for the option (paid) to move our toons freely from server to server.


    With that in mind, please make releasing details on the paid service a priority once you've got the server populations close to where you want them.


    I very much want to play my characters on Firaxan Shark again, but I can't go back to worlds with three and four people on them after being spoiled on Lord Adraas. ;)

  9. Some people will never be happy.


    This is a welcome change, and should be the #1 priority to ensure the longevity of the game. All the quality-of-life changes in the world won't help if there are only 3 people in the Fleet.




    I just want all my characters in one place that I re-rolled to.


    Apparently, I'll have to pay to do so later on. . . .hopefully there's a discount. :rolleyes:

  10. Right now, we're just talking about the free character transfers - like it mentions in the blog, more options may become available in the future, but that's all we've said as of now.


    Very well.


    I'll wait a few more months and let my Firaxan Shark characters collect dust . . .hopefully it won't cost too much, but at least you've more or less confirmed what I figured.


    I guess I'll see if it's worth the price once it's announced.


    Thanks for your response . . .I can't say I'm overjoyed, but I suppose we're at least on our way with getting people to the servers they want to end up on.

  11. The metrics have been there to study for a while . . .since we have no choice of where we're going to go, BioWare obviously has at least some idea of what pairs are where.


    Incredibly gimped "solution" for something that the forums have been on fire for months for . . .

  12. Hmm so will one only be able to move from a RP server to another RP server, or will one be able to pick a PVE or PVP if one feels more like it? Because personally I'll like changing to a PVE server, but is corrently playing a RP.


    You don't get a choice of where to go . . .your "destination" server will be pre-ordained by BioWare, apparently.

  13. So if i understand this correctly, each origin server can only transfer to one pre-selected destination server, so you can't really select where you want to transfer, the destination server is already pre-selected depending on your origin server.


    Am i right about this or am i understanding it wrong ?


    Well, if that's the case (and upon re-reading this now that I have some time, this seems to be what it means), then I guess I can kiss all my Firaxan Shark characters goodbye, since I know Lord Adraas won't be a destination server.




    I suppose I'll be able to move them in the future . . . and have to pay to do so. No thanks, guys.

  14. Courtney / All:


    Right now, I have half my characters on Firaxan Shark (PvE), but switched over to Lord Adraas (RP-PvE) with my other half as the community was more vibrant (read: more people).


    1. When you say that your transfer will be "respected", can you move from a non-roleplay server to a RP server as above?


    2. I realize this may be a dumb question that has already been addressed in this thread (it's my first MMO, so I get one, right? :D ), but, assuming the stars line up, and Firaxan Shark is designated as a server that can move characters over to Lord Adraas, can I move all four characters I have there at one time, or do I have to request each individual character to go over and hope for the best?


    Thanks for your time. :)

  15. Agree with the OP, although I re-rolled onto Lord Adraas (RP PvE).


    I got bored a bit, even after getting up in the late 30s with my "main" on Firaxan Shark (light population; usually 10 on Fleet when I was on).


    I didn't want to give up on the game, as this is my first MMO . . .and while I came to this because of KOTOR for console, I realize you can't do it all by yourself. It's not much fun running around Taris with two other people on the planet total.


    Anyhoo, I started a consular last week on Lord Adraas and have had an absolute blast actually running Flashpoints, H2s and H4s and generally having a nice running conversation in the background (guild and/or general) with me even trying some PvP (and I really never thought I would).


    I did lose legacy from my other server, but I'm hoping I can transfer my old Guardian over once they announce how server transfers are going to go.


    In the meantime, if you find yourself bored on a light population server . . .consider a re-roll. I completely understand people may not want to lose their legacy perks and so forth, but for those of you just starting out who happened into a light population server . . .give it a shot. :)

  16. . . .I do hope this is implemented in 1.4.


    While I've gone the Jaesa route with my Sith Warrior male, I've held off doing anything with my Jedi Guardian main female in hopes of getting with Kira. :D


    . . .one also wonders just how nutty Jaesa might be in a SGR, though . . .I may have to roll another toon once this goes live, heh.

  17. Actually, orange gear will be better with the right mods in it and especially if it has an augment slot. Many of the armor drops before end-game are empty shell orange gear anyway but if it has mods in it, they are usually no higher than blue quality. If you put some appropriate level purple mods in a piece of orange gear with an augment slot in it, you'll be better off than you will with normal drops/quest rewards. It's not really necessary before end-game but you'd definitely be in good shape.


    Cool. Great to know, and thank you for your insight.


    I also realized last night (in my infinite newb-osity) that my Guardian wears heavy armor, and all social stuff is Light . . .but it appears the Adaptive Gear update in 1.3 is going to get me around that, so I'll wait until then to purchase it.

  18. Wow.


    Some of this stuff I had no idea it even existed. This is an amazing resource; thank you for creating it.


    I'm so tempted to buy all the orange "elegant" gear for my Guardian and have her run around in that once I mod it. Love that set . . well, except for the hat (and that can be hidden).


    I'm n00bing it up with this question, but orange gear with the appropriate level of mods in it will end up being just as good as normal class/quest drops during my class/story stuff, yes? (nowhere near level 50 here, 35 and on Balmorra right now).


    I don't have much use for end-game grinding for the other sets (BattleMaster and so on? ....haven't read up on it a lot), but I'd love to run around and help guildies and lower-level toons and look pretty doing it. :hope_04:


    I only ask because I'm kinda poor right now and want to make sure I'm investing my credits wisely. :D

  19. Standard caveat: first MMO for me, I come from the console KOTOR games, this may have already been covered by someone else, your mileage may vary, blah blah blah.


    So, I'm starting up some alts (even though my main isn't near 50) . . a LS Marauder and a DS Sentinel . . .and thought about the following for a content patch for way on down the road (and, of course, let's assume here that BioWare is releasing more "standard" class content along the way for your usual LS Jedi / DS Sith to play).


    Anyhoo . . .


    When you hit level 50 and Light V as a Sith (or Dark V as a Jedi), you open up a special line of quests that will allow you to actually work for the other side . . .along the lines of being approached by a member of the Jedi Council / Dark Council to act as a inside operative to bring down things from within.


    The usual BioWare three-pronged avenues could be:


    1. (Accept Quest / Standard): Accept the invitation and run the quest series; let it take you into uncharted space . . . starting on Malachor V or elsewhere in order to destroy a secret Jedi /Sith base to begin with to prove your new loyalty to the "other side", and from there the quest could span a number of planets.


    End game here would be something equivalent to direct confrontation with Satele Shan or another Master (as a DS Jedi) / an Emperors clone (as a LS Sith), and once complete, you could re-spec to an equivalent class (e.g. from Sith Inquisitor to Jedi Consular). You get a cool new title if you do . . ."The Redeemed" or "The Fallen". The quest series would be lengthy in nature, possibly as long as a class driven quest, as to prevent anyone from abusing the re-spec option. There's a small increase to your class buff and your companions would be "turned" as well, although I'm not so sure how someone like Khem Val would like that. :D


    2. (Accept Quest / Lie): Accept the quest series, but expose the plot along the way, killing or turning in Jedi/Sith who are deep undercover. Still the option to gain LS/DS points, but without giving up your loyalties. Think of this as the "honor bound Sith / Warrior Jedi" option that most people played as LS Sith / Dark Side Jedi to get to this point. Plenty of opportunities to continue that play style as you see fit.


    Same sort of end-game, except you expose the Jedi Council/Dark Council for trying to turn you at the end, with the same option of defeating Shan or another Master (LS Sith) or an Emperors clone (DS Jedi) at the end (albeit for much different reasons). The reward here would be harder to define; perhaps some sort of bigger class buff than the "standard" story option would give, along with a special set of augmented armor and weaponry that binds to you, along with appropriate titles ("Exalted Master" / "Grand Dreaded").


    3. (Refuse Quest) : Well, this option is no fun . . .


    I know the idea is rough around the edges . . .and pretty nebulously defined right now . . .but I think it would be a fun little reward for those folks that decide to play against the grain in their class.




    Thanks for reading regardless. :cool:

  20. I got that as well.


    I logged out while I was still in the {...} phase (at this point I had been waiting about five minutes for the cut-scene to start) and was able to progress normally after that once I re-initiated the sequence by trying to open the door once logged back in.

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