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Posts posted by tmage

  1. I haven't progressed very far in that particular storyline but a DS consular seems incongruous considering

    you spend all of Act 1 gallivanting around the galaxy selflessly sacrificing your own strength to shield the afflicted Jedi masters from the Sith plague

    which would be an odd thing to do for a dark side aligned person to do.

  2. Currently, shadows and assassins are the only melee based force users that do not have access to any lightsaber forms. I propose two forms, both of which would take advantage of the class' lightly armored, highly mobile nature.


    Off the top of my head -


    An offensive form (Jar'Kai perhaps?)- found in the madness/balance talent tree, The user becomes a whirlwhind of destruction, constantly pressing the attack and attempting to force the opponent to constantly defend and prevent him from having time to push forward. Effects could be something along the lines of increased alacrity and periodic stun effect (indicating an overwhelmed opponent with no opportunity to counterattack)


    A defensive form (Makashi?) - available in the darkness/kinetic combat tree. The form focuses on mobility, footwork, evasion and counterattacks (which fits nicely with the concept of a lightly armored tank). Suggested effect - on a successful defense check, all damage that would have been done would be reflected back onto the attacker ignoring a percentage of his armor (to simulate being caught off guard with a successful counterattack)

  3. Favorites


    Imp: DS Jaessa (she makes evil fun), Vette (she hates my current SW (bzzzzt!) but I'm planning to roll a LS SW and go through her romance))

    Rep: Kira (Nice to see a Jedi with a weird sense of humor, Risha (sarcasm becomes her - also Tara Strong :D


    Least Favorite


    Imp: Kaliyo (my IA is the consumate professional but for some reason tolerates this unpredictable, violence happy anarchist), Quinn (for spoilerish reasons)


    Rep: Qyzen (I didn't play my JC much but I really didn't like the whole "scorekeeper" concept)

  4. I generally try to reserve judgement on classes until they are fully geared, but I'm played my immortal Jugg to the point where I've got 140+ augmented pieces in all slots. Survivability seems to be right, but even with top level gear I seem to struggle to hold agro. I'm not a novice player for Star Wars or for MMORPGs either.


    The issue is very obvious on group trash pulls. The class doesn't seem to be designed to hold agro on groups. I do okay with it but it is a real challenge.


    Here is some of the issues I encounter. I leap in. I smash. The smash hits the targets for 1 to 2 k. I might have enough rage to do one sweeping slash before the dps opens up with a volley of orbital bombardments and what not. The orbitals are ticking for 4k+. If I don't group taunt, I lose threat on about half the group.


    I think the class needs some revamping. For some odd reason, sweeping slash seems to hit certain targets and skip over other ones. The ability cost way too much rage.


    If I do a random daily. I usually get comments like, "Wow, you hold agro/threat way better than most Jugs I know."


    The other thing about this class is that I can't seem to find a good rotation. The play style seems to be kind of like mole in a hole. You have all these abilities with cool downs. Anyway, I run with an Assassin and a Power Tech. Both of these classes seem to have an edge over the Jugg/Guardian in the arena of threat.


    I'd be okay with not being able to hold threat on groups well if the class had an advantage for individual target threat, but there seems to be no advantage over the other classes in the area. Holding agro on individual targets is also a challenge.



    Based on various things I've read when I started a Jugg tank, that's a deliberate design choice - Jugg/Guardian's excel at single target threat gen (i.e. bosses). The general lack of mobility of the class prevents us from doing the usually MMOM tank "round up and taunt" of multiple trash mobs.


    This explains it a lot better than I can




    If you want an AOE tank, Assassin/Shadow is your best bet.



    I thought the enthusiasm and unabashed joy she exhibits as she explores the dark side was good. When she turns, she doesn't fall as much as she takes a running leap. No regrets, no hesitation - like I heard someone else put it - she's been on a leash her entire life and for the first time, you've removed her collar and she's experiencing the world as if for the first time. Yes, she has all the usual "evil" traits associated with the Sith, but there's an underlying joy and sense of wonder that's almost innocent, which provides a nice bit of color and depth to the usual sadistic, homicidal, dangerously unbalanced SIth



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