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Posts posted by WoodChipper

  1. Except you don't because I spend a half hour a couple of times a day buying these items up and then relisting them for 1 credit less than the prevailing selling price. Thanks for the credits though.


    That is because you are an Oaschloch.

  2. I post items at 2/3 to 3/4 what the GTN suggests. I do this because I know it will sell and it is better than selling to a vendor. Plus I get the satisfaction of knowing somebody will use it and enjoy the discount. I certainly enjoy getting awesome gear for cheap. It isn't real life so it is all guaranteed to work and be in new condition lol.
  3. Yeah man, that one extra step they added (select environment) is outta friggin control. It makes me want to quit the game.


    Seriously though, it is serious business. The other day I broke my laptop over it... I came back after having typed my stuff in, and I was ready to hit play and BAM! OMG! A screen that tells me to select my environment. I roundhouse kicked my laptop off of my girlfriend's table and it flew through the air for a few feet before smashing into the wall. I'm stuck playing on my old desktop, now.


    Also, now I have to pay her security deposit for the wall! Bummer. This is all BioWare's fault.


    Best post that I have read this week!

  4. Your fears are unfounded. Queues are nearly non-existent. They may re-occur for a short time when new content is introduced, but it really isn't an issue. I've waited longer at the DMV, or Costco, or wherever. Are you the person who is honking the horn at the toll booth? Yelling for more checkers in the supermarket? Racing around people in the fast lane who were going 75mph to begin with? Besides, having full servers is so much better than a ghost town.


    Agreed ^^^

  5. If you enabled the test server that is where you would choose to login to it versus the regular game. A bug caused this screen to show up for everybody. Today's update corrected that bug.


    I still get that screen. Doesnt seem like a bug to me.

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