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Posts posted by cynwyna

  1. I thank you for posting (twice no less!) but it has already been 'days' since these issues were introduced. Now Bioware is telling many of their customers they have to wait until at least next Tuesday before they can continue their class stories? I'm sorry, but that is not acceptable. Please take that message back to the Devs.


    I fully agree, when you are on Dromund Kaas, at level 12 I can not leave the planet until this is fixed. SO this is a BIG problem......................:mad::mad:

  2. Fixing these recently-introduced class mission issues is a very high priority for us. We are actively working on fixes for them and will deploy them as soon as we're able. We'll have more information about the fixes as we prepare them and will let you know when more info is available.


    Yes I agree with the other posters. I played LOTRO for 4 years and if this happened there, they would have done either a Hot Fix right a way or they may even had re=started the servers when It started to happen. They did not leave everyone unable to advance their characture for what no doubt will be weeks. :mad:

  3. I am also new to SWTOR coming from LOTRO...........where I am part of a large kinship there. I enjoy playing with others so my question is


    How do I pick a guild, is there a location where you can see all the different ones?

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