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Posts posted by ijustcantbelieve

  1. Hello there


    In a way i understand some late issues, but this is getting out of hand.


    First: subscribe subscribe and win a mount, chance of companion etc etc - thats cool, its fine

    Second: Patch 4.1 servers downtime 4 hours - start at 1 pm gmt and its now atm 8.38 pm and still no servers online

    Third: " we experienced a downtime with patch applying" - " We locate the error, we fixing it but no ETA"

    Fourth: A dev come to fóruns to do games with cartel coins codes - basicly to throw some sand into the eyes of players to keep them getting the chance of winning something (CC???) and deviating them from the real thing " Servers offline" because if they won CC they wont complain - Good move BW Dev.

    Fifth - instead of removing or fixing "decent prime time BUGS" of the game, you took time and effort on removing the clickable snow ball debuff ( which is an event that takes place once a year, in DECEMBER)

    Sixth: In forum post regarding to changes on crafting and schematics, in artifice we could read about the White-black crystal to be craftable from trainer - once i logged into those five minutes of game today, i went to check artifice trainer and no white-black crystal- take this post in consideration and shut down the server a little while to fix this as well.

    Seventh: people pay this game because they love it and love Star wars universe, but in a way, well in all ways it seems you guys are trying to burn everything down, like you come to social networks saying you love players feedback and " we´re counting on you guys fellow subscriber to gives us your feedback to improve the game" - Why not give that player who takes time of is life and game life to see, identify, and report those issues, while you guys don´t care nor do something about it? - Better you guys start to take those players in consideration and look into the mirror and say: enough of this, this guy pay to play the game and still do a better job then me.


    And on final place note: How you will compensate ALL players for this?


    This is the real question.


    Thank you for your time on reading this (or not)

  2. Hello all good evening.


    Weeks after weeks months after months, this game as problems basicly every week, bugs on events, rewards not granted on exact time, titles not given, gtn search box, etc etc etc and now the login service is down.


    So i do not understand anyhting about progaming, or servers, or creating a game and place it online, but as spoken before like 4 years ago BW EA and LUCAS ARTS join forces for massive star wars game online, something that players never seen, somethign new etc etc etc (good selling tactics tbh) and now after 4 years the long list of problems and bugs and fixes rises day after day, and the best thing ever is you guys placing the gamers doing your job and coming to oficial foruns saying it " we want to ear your feedback to isolate the problems and fix them" and yes you were warned, it was told to you and still no fix no nothing. Basicly you guys put the subscribers doing your job while you can sit back and relax on your chairs drinking a glass of water or coffee or vodka or gin and turn on pc and see the details list of gammers identifiyng the bugs and problems for you guys.


    So how hard can it be?? this is my question. How hard can it be to solve something that the paying comunity tells you and it seems you still don´t care... How hard can it be? What more you guys want?


    I couldn´t believe something of this nature happening from a BW or even EA letting this happen.

  3. So BW what is happening today?


    No coments no nothing about this sitaution. So.... what to do, because it seems this game is starting to have even more problems that the ones before... And don´t say its because the event, and the system and bla bla bla bla...

  4. apreciate the effort you put into writting those full of nothing constructive lines. altought they could implement this only for subs. since theres so many diferences between subs and pref, why not doing this? and if you are sub, and then stop paying for the sub your credits will vanish, and return to you when you sub again. this is already happening. so again i ask you in a polite way: if you see someones post and theres already another one on fóruns, just keep it to yourself, no need to step up to show you are a very active forum member. have fun and have a nice day.
  5. Hello all.


    I think this might be a good idea to enable a deposit and withdraw option from the legacy cargo hold.

    In my opinion its rather fast and simple to have one place where i can access all my credits in all my character threw republic or imperial side.

    We might get low on credits on an imp character and then we know there´s credit on an republic character, so we need to log off, log in and then (another thing you should change) write the character name on in-game e-mail for switching the credits, although i think we should be able to have all the account character names associated to our in-game e-mail ( for instance like when we are in a guild and when writing an e-mail, the "send to" box starts to get the names from your guild mates which starts from the corresponded letter).


    I think this will make easier the life from players who actually play on both sides : wihdraw/deposit on legacy storage cargo container, and quick link on "send to" box on e-mail in-game for your legacy, not only for friends or guild mates.


    Thank you

  6. Evening all.


    Regarding to the new expansion on October i´d like to get some answers ( if possible) regarding to the current gear, global achivments on legacy, and the commendations situation.


    Since the new story begins after 30 years and we are frozen in carbonite, what happen to our gear? When we start playing the new Expansion will we get a new set of gear or we start with the one we had ?


    Regarding to our flashpoints, operations, world unlocks and achivments will be intact or will suffer some changes?


    The commendations will maintain the current ones or will suffer a convertion as always in new expansions?


    If anyone knows anything about this or even if some devs be kind to answer (if possible) i´ll be very happy.


    Thank you in advanced

  7. The news about this expansion, the trailer, the armors, etc etc are lovelly. For the story arcs, ty for this freshness of the new expansion, because Ziost...... omg. The emperor wants to consume the galaxy, etc etc its cool. Maybe the emperor Vitiate is now the new emperor. After taking care of the republic, he broke the empire to pieces and start forming the new faction ( almost like the plot for the movie on december) Good for me this final act from the current gameplay atm.


    Recruting new companions, ofc we will love it, Qyzen RIP HK-55 hello sunshine.

    Crafting will be the same i guess, basicly you will get 6 slots for companions ( or more), you choose wich to recruit, or who to betray to recruit a new one :) maybe a cap raise, some cool stuff for crafting etc etc.


    Strongholds will be untouched, if not why BW will launch the Yavin 4 soon.


    Pay to play ( in this case to buy a character level 60) finally its all i have to say. Don´t get me wrong its boring as hell to level up a rep or imp toon when we reach coruscant or dromund kass the planets line are the same, side quests, heroics, etc etc. its boring.... so i say ty for the option to buy a level 60 toon.


    Regarding pvp man what can i say, after you see kids /stuck on rwz or talking trash on wz chat instead of atacking or defending a goal, man what can you say....


    NOw after all this babling what i do love to see in this awesome game is a graphics change. a little bit more polished, a little bit more real, for exemple Tera the fate of arun - what a lovelly graphic game.


    well for finishing this post, thank you BW for this great news and lets hope the new ops have less monsters or stupid monsters like underlurker, or sparky. Thank you once more Bioware for this new direction and the freshness for this game. ty ty

  8. Cheating or not cheating, taking advantage or not taking advantage, what is very cool to see is the effort by BW team to punish players for taking advantage of something. I wonder if they put that kind of effort to resolve the issues of the game?, The effort to fix what people for FREE on pts and tell them that the exploit is real, and they ddin´t took a fast action? People took advantage but if more and more players took advantage its BW fault. 3 weeks is not enough for fixing a situation in a game???


    I wonder


    But then again, punish the players but punish yourselfs as well. That would be something cool to see.


    Idiots and more idiots... Oh one mroe thing, there´s something about the long timed nefra exploit and nothing wasn´t done??? Just a curious thought

  9. hello all to BW devs.


    First thing to be aware is: some took advantage of something, but YOU guys take advantage of my Money every month to provide a ****** service. i use the exploit once, np in admit, but let see now what you guys are going to do about it.


    Ban me if you´re like, but keep in mind, start providing BETTER SERVICE then you have atm.Do not take amoney from players and then don´t give a **** about the service you provide, keep that in your mind

  10. Evening kind people that are the devs of this game.


    Everyone is talking about the exploits and etc etc.

    Some players took advantage from it more then one time, but if you say that, for a fact you guys already know of it, why not fix it when you realized? You guys stay alert about an exploit, and going to take actions against the players, but you guys think you have the morallity to do anything? Take a moment to become in a zen state and open your eyes to see the other side when i PAY for this game and YOU provide a .............. (imagine the words) service.

    Coratani resets 5 times in a row??? Rishi datacron bugged???, massive amounts of lag??? achivs that doesn´t show up or show up and then the next day don´t exist??? Updates that fix one thing and broke 10 others??? Doing achivs on planets on rep chars and you force me to have na imp char to take the planet achiv??? Need pvp achivs for planets when i play on pve server??? Every week theres an update to fix something??? Don´t you think thats boring to the players? Everytime theres an update the game becomes worse?? Have you guys stopped and think for a moment about the players?


    Do YOU guys need more peeps to work on your office to check out this situations??? Adressing in the fóruns to all players saying that " will take actions against the exploiters" , "ban", etc etc??? hmmmmm strange, from my point of view and to be really honest, if i pay for something i want the best available, and my friends this game is getting worse everytime you guys take an update. The exploit exist thats a fact, but the attitude, coming to the fóruns saying that, knowing that the exploit exists , banning people, taking actions against the exploiters, yeah ok cool, but imagine if the players who PAY for this game decide to "take actions against you too. Think about it!!! its not hard, its easier then fixing a damn bug on the game.


    To finish have a nice weekend and as usual do your thing, if you ban 100.000 players still left some players for playing this game and generate Money for you. Speaking of Money, when you guys starting to ban players who took advantage from the exploit, please refund them, because most of them experienced the same problems i spoke off.


    So if you think we took advantage from the exploit, then stop taking advantage of us who PAY to play this game and start providing a good service, not a s........... service.


    With all of this being said and written, if you feel the need to take an action against my account feel free to do it, its one less dude who pay for this every two months, and that buys CC every month.


    Kind Regards

  11. Lower potential APM.


    Not being able to move/target well while doing things.


    The need to be looking at your action bars almost constantly.


    There's a lot of reasons clicking is generally bad practice and very few sensible arguments not to keybind things. You can get away with it to an extent in the easier pve content but you are willingly gimping yourself. Then, when it comes to pvp you will be outmanoeuvred and likely outplayed by those that do not click their abilities.


    Ty for your response

  12. Sorry to ask this question to all, but:


    Why is such a huge problem regarding to clickers and non clickers? Is there any problem if someone plays like "clicker"


    im afraid to ask if there´s guilds who woun´t accept players if they are clickers?? The diference are the APM or is anything else?


    Every guild on this game should be the top of the top´s? BW only accept guilds for end-game content HM and NIM , or even Ranked PVP?


    Clickers or non clickers they actually done it. Congrats


    Thank you for answering my question

  13. basically there is no point in wasting time effort for something few want and are only going to use "as a guild" a couple times early on then never again. or maybe once a month.


    Better waste time on this kind of events or new game inovations, comparing to always recicle flashpoints, or increasing dificult mode for Ops.


    If they start to include events and achivments for the guild, stating from the guild space i would bet people don´t stick just for a month or so, like i said on my other post: Ex.: open world pvp (arenas configuration -last man standing) 16vs16.

  14. What they could create is indeed a place only for a guild members (ex. ship on the fleet, or whatever) and let us inside that space to invite, or engage on a pvp open world fight against another guild. Like a group finder but for 16players vs 16 players open world pvp. In my opinion this idea will be acepted by the players.

    EX.: get 16 players inside the place in an ops group, queue, and then send us to an area to fight, like an wz arena.

    could start on, tython, korriban, hutta, ord mantell (home planets). The guilds would be challenged for a "Last man Standing" like the rules on new arenas, if you die cannot be revived.... About the rewards for the winnign team, some ranked comms, and super rare items, because 32 players and only one guild survive, will show some skill players, coordination, and love in the name for pvp. Regarding to pve could include special mission for world bosses, or even kill certain ops bosses in mixed dificult modes.


    For me this would be great, and i think most of the players think of that too.


    Ty in advanced

  15. Ola ola meu amigo :)

    Apesar de não vir fazer recruta, pois jogo no lado da républica, venho por este meio perguntar se por algum motivo voçês têm chars na républica e se têma lguma guild na républica? Pergunto isto porque eu tenho uma guild no lado da républica totalmente PT e se voçês quiserem por os vossos toons numa guild da républica, estejam a vontade. É só visitar o site http://www.toomuchinsanity-revoltados.enjin.com e fazer o apply. Mais uma vez estão á vontade :) abraço e bom jogo.


    P.S. já fizeram as novas ops? Estão brutais :)

  16. Ola pessoal bom dia.

    Foi criada uma nova guild PT no servidor TOMB OF FREEDON NADD. Eu joguei neste servidor o the red eclipse durante um ano, mas para arranjar uma guild tuga tive de trocvar para este servidor " tomb of freedon nadd" .

    Quem se quiser juntar a nós visite o nosso site : http://www.toomuchinsanity-revoltados.enjin.com e faça o apply.

    Digam que me conhecem : Qui-Jin. Estamos a recrutar jogadores para PVE como para PVP. Temos o ts3 para comunicar e socializar, e acima de tudo temos um espirito brutal de descontração e amizade. Juntem-se a nós no servidor " TOMB OF FREEDON NADD" GUILD - REVOLTADOS

  17. Ola pessoal bom dia.

    Foi criada uma nova guild PT no servidor TOMB OF FREEDON NADD. Eu joguei neste servidor o the red eclipse durante um ano, mas para arranjar uma guild tuga tive de trocar para este servidor " tomb of freedon nadd" .

    Quem se quiser juntar a nós visite o nosso site : http://www.toomuchinsanity-revoltados.enjin.com e faça o apply.

    Digam que me conhecem : Qui-Jin. Estamos a recrutar jogadores para PVE como para PVP. Temos o ts3 para comunicar e socializar, e acima de tudo temos um espirito brutal de descontração e amizade. Juntem-se a nós no servidor " TOMB OF FREEDON NADD" GUILD - REVOLTADOS

  18. Ola pessoal bom dia.

    Foi criada uma nova guild PT no servidor TOMB OF FREEDON NADD. Eu joguei neste servidor o the red eclipse durante um ano, mas para arranjar uma guild tuga tive de trocvar para este servidor " tomb of freedon nadd" .

    Quem se quiser juntar a nós visite o nosso site : http://www.toomuchinsanity-revoltados.enjin.com e faça o apply.

    Digam que me conhecem : Qui-Jin. Estamos a recrutar jogadores para PVE como para PVP. Temos o ts3 para comunicar e socializar, e acima de tudo temos um espirito brutal de descontração e amizade. Juntem-se a nós no servidor " TOMB OF FREEDON NADD" GUILD - REVOLTADOS

  19. Boas pessoal


    Somos uma guild criada recentemente, mas repleta de players de óptima qualidade tantod e pve como de pvp.

    Queremos seguir em frente nos objectivos de hm e nim das ops e também os objectivos de pvp, rpvp e so on.

    Estamos alocados no servidor : tomb of freedon nadd no lado da républica.


    Quem se quiser juntar a nós basta visitar o site http://www.toomuchinsanity-revoltados.enjin.com


    Neste momento precisamos de todo o tipo de classes e roles. Conto convosco!! :)

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