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Posts posted by PogueSquadron

  1. Isn't this idea kind of moot because of how alts work? I have a main with Artifice, but I have an alt with Cybertech. My main can give me crystals and enhancements, while my alt can give me armoring and mods. I'd spend just as much time grinding my alt's crew skills as I would grinding out NEW skills with a main, wouldn't I?
  2. So, let me just say that I've owned the game for almost a month now, and while I have a good grip on a lot of things, there's one thing I still wrestle with - finding a good balance between:


    a.) Keeping my own character's gear (and from time to time, my Companion's gear) up to date

    b.) Making money - i.e. not wasting it all just keeping my gear current


    What will happen is this: Say I'm level 22. I can't upgrade a lot of my gear until I hit level 23, so I'll prepare for that. I'll craft things that are usable by level 23 characters, or I'll buy things off the GTN. It's a bit of a money pit to get all of my gear up to date.


    Level 23 arrives, and I'll feel pretty good about all my gear and mods. However, at that point I'll want to go do quests, maybe a warzone, play with friends, etc. Within a few days, my gear is all out of date again.


    How do you find a good balance with your equipment and level? Is it something you guys just don't worry about too much, and upgrade your gear whenever you feel like you're starting to underperform?


    And then to further frustrate me, when I'm playing with friends in Flashpoints or quests, I feel like we're all overpowered anyway, and I'm just like...why did I spend so much time/money upgrading my mods/gear when I could've just been crafting things to sell on the GTN?


    It's frustrating because I almost feel like I should just ditch a crafting skill all together and just sell materials, but I don't even know if that's lucrative or not.


    How do you guys deal with all of this?

  3. Hey guys,

    Still fairly new to the game (and MMOs in general), and sometimes I like to jump into a Warzone for a Daily mission. However, I often feel so completely and utterly useless.


    I have a level 22 Jedi Guardian which I've been trying to make a defensive character. Right now, all of my equipment is prioritizing Endurance over Strength. If I can get a healer to help me, I fare a little better, but not much. I try to guard any healer and stick with them, as well as use my Taunt ability to lessen an enemy's damage on another player. Still, I feel like I die almost immediately most of the time.


    I feel like my equipment isn't horrible, but maybe I'm wrong? I have a couple purple mods in my equipment, and have Artificed enhancements and hilts, as well as picked up the best equipment I could find on the GTN. Practically everything I have is on par with my level, so I feel like there's nothing else I can really do in regards to equipment.


    Is it just a case of the Jedi Guardian not being competitive until later in the game, when he/she gets more defensive abilities? Right now I usually feel like a sitting duck, having no knockback abilities and only one ability that helps me escape (Resolute).


    Am I doing something wrong, or is the Guardian not much of a threat early on? Should I not prioritize Endurance over Strength until later in the game, and then respec?

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