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Posts posted by DuckimusPrime

  1. So if you want a certain piece on a certain character, get it now. Personally, I'll send a copy of the smuggler pants to all my imperial characters.

    You can really tell the people who haven't looked at the Level 60 Veteran gear.


    I hope you enjoy your Imperial Agent Pants when they arrive.


    It's static. For many the actual issue is the look, since, as Eric pointed out, some of the regularly available equivalents are faction-specific.


    The alternatives being faction specific isn't an issue, because the Veteran gear is faction specific. Send the Jedi Knight gear to an Imperial player and it looks like the Warrior gear.


    Finally someone who gets it. There already are 30 or more sets with 7 pieces each. Starting with 4.1 there will be even 3 more.


    Why are there going to be three more in the Alliance Crates? Eric's post is referring to the fact that Veteran Sith Warrior stuff uses the same model as one of the existing Remnant sets. The same with the Inquisitor Veteran Equipment.


    The third one is the Jedi Knight gear, however the Remnant set is the Underworld version (hood up) of the chest piece instead of the Kell Dragon (hood down) one.

  2. Its not only about damage and competitiveness. There is also the factor of play style, that had been already crippled with the 3.0 changes, and now has been almost destroyed, making annihilation lose about half of its unique playstyle and animation effects with the force charge.


    Having Force Leap/Charge be a part of the rotation has always been stupid for Watchman/Annihilation. It badly affects the classes mobility, now Force Leap will be available when you need to it close on another enemy.


    The acrobatic leaping around the target isn't even lore friendly for Juyo, it would be much better suited to Ataru.

  3. I still think (based on livestream comments and FAQ) that:

    1. baseline for subscribers will be 40 slots. Any unlocks will bring it above 40 - up to 50 slots with 10 unlocks.


    I don't believe they have indicated that at all. The statement was that the server max will be 40 characters. If you have 22 currently, your free level 60 will include an unlock slot so you can have a 23rd character.


    The indications so far is that subscribers will be able to unlock upto 40 character slots on a server. There had been no indication at all about the base level of 12 character slots changing for subscribers.


    And they seem to indicate that preferred players will have 16 slots available, which should indicate an increase to at least that for subscribers.


    I also don't see the reasoning behind preventing preferred players from purchasing character slots. Data storage is cheap and it just means less market for purchasing the slots.

  4. NO, how bout we make the Dread Enhanced Rancor and the Wings of the architect purchasable for WZ comms!!!!!


    You'd have a point if Bioware had ever randomly sent these two mounts out to people who had never completed the relevant Nightmare operations. Unfortunately they haven't, so you don't.


    And doubling down on that mistake would penalize the very people who should take priority.

    Do they somehow no longer have it? In fact, what will happen is they'll have the Nexu and something else.


    Face it, the Nexu is no longer an item that you earnt through Season 5 Ranked PVP, its now an item that players got by luckily being online an unspecified time.

  5. Only facts say otherwise. Go check Parsely on HM Ops. The only thing that changed is that there's way less Sents/Maras even doing HM OPs, but those who do and now how to play the class past 3.0. are absolutely competitive.


    How many are actually making progression with their Sents/Maras? And how many are geared by clearing content with other classes and then beating the bosses in their already fully equipped Sentinels?


    And when its limited to the best of the best. Thats not an indication that a class is competitive, its the opposite.

  6. Obliterate should not be in Fury, it should be a Carnage ability (We are the acrobats of the Marauders after all...) Replace Obliterate with Furious Blast, make it deal a little less damage, but still grant the procs that Obliterate did.


    They should just pull their heads out of their arses and admit they named the stances wrong.


    Cauterise/Rupture are both highly acrobatic animations, and force leap/charge is also used rotationally at point blank range. Ataru is also supposed to have highly flowing attacks, and Merciless strike matches that pretty well (Annihilate would probably need a different animation).


    Switch the names on Ataru and Juyo.

  7. You mean the spec that is great in a healing role (even with the 4 set piece not working), and has the best dps spec in IO/Assualt? Thats why they haven't seen much change, they're awesome.


    There's a reason that Marauders and Sentinels have been getting attention, they aren't good at anything since 3.0. They're finally starting to approach being acceptable.

  8. Most neglected class in the game? You must be kidding.....you have recieved the most attention out of all the classes since 3.0. Try a merc out, go ahead, see how you do against a skilled team.


    You mean the spec that is great in a healing role (even with the 4 set piece not working), and has the best dps spec in IO/Assualt? Thats why they haven't seen much change, they're awesome.

  9. Also the selfheals have increased, by my calulation every hit heals for a little under 1% and crits heal for a little over 1% that is a net gain. 2% defensive is welcome as well.


    The amount of healing done by Watchman's self heals is reduced. With Sweep available more often its just easier to dot spread so you can receive heals from multiple targets more often.


    The problem is in PVE, when you need the self heals... you often can't have multiple targets dotted. Its nice for when you're playing against bad players in PVP though.

    • Skillful
      • Cloak of Carnage | Jedi Enforcer
      • Cloak of Rage | Jedi Crusader
      • Brazen | Stoic


      • Defensive Roll
      • Force Fade | Phantom


      • Brooding | Contemplation -> once centering/fury is built up, re-utility this into Ador | relentless
      • Cloak of Annihilation | Jedi Promulgator


    Relentless|Ardor </autistic pedantry> :p


    Relentless is the Marauder utility, Ardor is the Sentinel.

  10. Does PTS have a schedule or are only select individuals able to test? I seen the prelim notes. Has anyone tested things based on those?


    The PTS is available to everyone. On the bottom left of your launcher you can open the launcher's setting and enable the PTS. However its only available at certain times.


    Not all of the changes in the prelim patch notes have been tested by players on the PTS. The developers have reduced the internal cooldown on the RNG resource generation. The rest of the changes were in the final PTS build. The untested change means there should be more focus available (so less need for strikes) when the build goes live.

  11. I did too. It works fine if you use Zealous Strike / Force Melt on cooldown, and delay your TSTs and Master Strikes (also delay leap to 15 seconds).


    Having skills used less often than their cool down is fine, its a nice way of making a spec more difficult to play. You actually have to know when to use it rather just mashing whatever is available. Having the rotation need to delay leap to being used 15 seconds when one of the spec's passive abilities is to reduce the cool down on leap below 15 seconds is bad design.

  12. Many people probably haven't noticed this, but Force Camo got buffed and gives you immunity to controlling effects (including stun).


    This wasn't actually a helpful change to make. It just meant you could camo and run away without being caught by AOE stuns.


    What it did though is mean that you couldn't build resolve when you were hit by an AOE stun while safe in camo.

  13. Jedi Knights should do Biochem or Synthweaving.


    Doc has the best/unmatched bonus for Biochem in the game with +5 to crit, and Kira is equal best with the droid/Jaesa for Synthweaving.


    Since your marauder is already Synth, you don't really need another one.


    The gathering and mission skills that go with Biochem are Bioanalysis and Diplomacy. If you don't have those on another toon already to feed mats to your Biochem you should take those. Diplomacy is useful as the Ship droid can get +2 to crit for that. Otherwise T7 is a top tier slicer and Kira is ok for Treasure hunting.

  14. Actually, napkin maths states the self healing goes up, but only with 100% uptime on DoTs.

    If thats truly the case then its just another blow to the combat teams competency considering John's stated goal in the self healing thread.


    On a single target, the HPS has been slightly decreased. This is by design to counterbalance the vastly improved self healing provided by DoTing multiple targets. With the new Hemorrhaging Smash/Burning Sweep Smash/Force Sweep cooldown reduction, spreading DoTs is easier and more fluid than on Live. This should drastically increase the self healing and DPS potential of Annihilation/Watchman players combating multiple targets.
  15. This is nothing new. The community has told you many times. Focusing the spec around force rend and dot spreading only stands to hurt it. Who in their right mind would want higher difficulty for worse return? It’s completely absurd.


    I don’t know…maybe you'll finally wake up when you've lost all community support and the game has been run completely into the ground.


    Its even worse. The self healing received from a single target is being nerfed because of dot spreading.

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