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Posts posted by Twotun

  1. http://swtor.gamona.de/2012/07/10/georg-zoeller-verlasst-bioware/


    From his Google+ page:


    It's time to say goodbye....


    Friday marked my last day in the office at BioWare. After almost a decade and spending almost quarter of our lives in Canada and the US, my wife and I have decided to take on an exciting new adventure on the other side of the world - Singapore. It's been an honor to work on so many amazing games with so many talented people and good friends, you will be greatly missed.


    If you've circled me because of my involvement with SWTOR, please understand that I will not be providing any more information regarding the game from this point forward and uncircle appropriately.


    If you stay, don't complain about getting hit with pictures from the other part of the world from time to time.


    To Adventure!

  2. And I'm sorta cheating here. My Juggernaut is Rathius Supremis, and my Marauder is Cruxis Supremis.


    6.5/10. I like the Supremis legacy name a lot more than the first names of either.


    My Juggernaut Immortal Tank on The Harbinger is Tueton Scelestus. Tueton comes from the Epic comic line "Vanth Dreadstar" (http://www.comicvine.com/tuetun/29-31703/) who looks like a huge tank. Scelestus is Latin, which has many meanings, mainly: wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.

  3. go to the Harbinger (PVE)


    i recently started a new toon there and it's like a whole new game.


    Yes, The Harbinger is a good PVE server. Our guild has about 405 atm. Infernal Knights.

  4. The server was down for ~2 hours. I'm not certain exactly when it came back up as I was just playing a single player game. At around 5:15am ET I noticed it was back up. It went down at 3am for me. That's nothing to fret about.


    Your statement of it takes more time to boot up alone because of the memory checks. No, wouldn't matter if they are on VM, which more likely they all are, considering BioWare's large purchase last year.



    You seemed to take a hostile stance when I asked what makes you think they are physical serves, not sure why you did, but hey, this is the forums, I can understand.


    I see a lot of people think that the regular maintenance is all about fixing stuff. In a patch maybe, but that is likely not at all what occurs during "maintenace" mode. System scans, backups, scanning accounts, whatever they feel like doing, combing over logs.


    I concur, they need to have less downtime, their current methodology is making a lot of their client base upset.

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