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Posts posted by moosifer

  1. My first choice for servers is Black Vulkars as well, and my friends and I are planning on going Pub* also. So you can add at least four more to the republic's totals tomorrow morning. This is of course assuming that the rest of July's pre-orders are getting in first wave tomorrow (and yes I know all about the problems of assumption lol).


    EDIT for spelling*

  2. I would quote all of you but that would take to much work on my part lol.


    and as for the you cant protest social media...


    many people tried to do the very same thing when the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television first came out...


    They just failed (and thankfully so), and trust me I know my resistance is futile. That is not going to change the way I feel about it, and as for the arguement that this forum is social media...




    technally you have me there, but to me that is like arguing that all nude photos are **** when some of those photos are rightly classified as art.


    EDIT: Really BioWare!? how can anybody get me point if they cant read my post, or should I have spelt out the full word pronography


    The field of **** should read (edit out spaces) p o r n


    EDIT 2: I guess I need to spell it out fully lol.

  3. I am not against just twitter, but all social media as I feel it is killing the real communities around us. I do this in protest no because of some lame reason to not like twitter over some other social media website.


    People like me shouldn't be left out in the cold as it were, but I aint that mad necessarily. Its just that it doesn't seem like good customer service to let those of us who don't use twitter or the like wait for info.


    Info that ends up being given to us by other community members like yourself that do use twitter, and if some one like you can come here and make a post faster than a dev can there is something wrong.


    Like maybe they need to hire more devs,

    I would be happy to leave my current job in the customer service field, and come to work for BioWare doing nothing but posting on the forums with every update imagineable lol


    (EDIT: and if there is anybody on the forums that understands not reading emotion into text where none is expressly stated it's me lol)

  4. You realize Twitter is a superior platform for these rapid-paced up-to-the-minute updates, right?


    Sure, they could put a Shoutbox on the forums or something, but there isn't one currently. I'd rather have Twitter tell me he's posting then stare at the forums like it's the '00's continuously hitting "Refresh."




    but you fail to address one of the points I bring up in my first post (see page 1) which is tha there are planty of people like me who refuse to use twitter, and as such we dont recieve news untill one of you with twitter post here on the forums.


    I'm not saying they shouldn't use twitter, but just that we should know at the same time as the twitter folks not after, and we most certianly should not be getting the bulk of out EGA news from community members (although I thank each and every one of you for doing such).

  5. If you want to split hairs thats fine, but you like me should understand that after years of waiting now we have days/hours till we get to play.


    this is not some beta weekend,


    this is not general testing,


    This is Launch Week,




    (The 20th just happens to be when the game is available to buy in stores lol)


    EDIT: BTW if we are just complaining with nothing backing up our complaints then why is it that the SWTOR twiter feed is putting out when the waves of invites are going out, and I have yet to find such info on these forums.


    These announcements should be big and bold at the top of the community page, and not buried on page x of the forums.

  6. Its not just SR though there have been lot of news and the like comming out through twitter before it hits the game forums, and I find that almost unacceptable.

    (note that I said almost)


    WE should be the first to know things, us the dedicated forum goers. As some of us have been waiting half a decade for this game, and (like me) refuse to use/join twitter/facebook.


    Now I know I am in the minority when it comes to twitter/facebook, but that doesn't change the fact that we (the forum goers should know things first.


    Either way I am just happy that Launch is finally here, and that access for all of us is just days away (for some of us mere hours)

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