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Posts posted by Dead-Sith-Lord

  1. i am looking for clarification on something...with legacy i understand you can get legacy abilities; some of which are inherited from family members e.g. father. So with my characters i have a sith inquisitor as the father with my Jedi sentinel as hes son. What if any ability will my Jedi eventually inherit from my sith?



  2. this post is ridiculous... on my server we have like 8 jedi's tops. and if we went to base on Any planet, we'd be fighting npc's exclusively.


    you should have picked a better server then :p i didnt want people moaning about how crap their own servers are; i was just making a point of how good it would be.

  3. I had an idea with some friends which could be quite a fun and epic thing to do. It would be filmed and put on YouTube, and i was just wondering if anyone else would be interested in or has thought of doing it...


    so basically, the idea is to get a large group of Jedi on a server and have one big group or have a few groups which each are linked with each-other through a group leader with the main group being lead by the overall leader of the Jedi (me). And basically what we would do is all go to either alderan or hoth and travel to the sith base and mess them up :D i mean, put yourself in the shoes of a sith. You casually walk out of your base and see 200 jedi standing there, who all simultaneously get out their lightsabers and start running towards you. It would be a true goosebump moment and also could help to get swtor a little more full with people seeing it online and going wow, thats looks cool...

  4. I started playing because of the second weekend trial they ran. At first i wasn't too thriller by the game; but once my friends joined in the trial and we started to run around doing stuff together it became quite fun.


    Once the trial ended me and my friends payed for the activation key giving us 30 days of play and i can honestly say i am slightly addicted to the game.


    My only slight annoyance is that the character modification isn't very good and it would be nice to be able to edit your character as well as have lots more options (voices would be nice)

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