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Posts posted by jdudom

  1. it's the main reason I've only done it the once, i just buy HK on every toon instead (when I want it), more people would probably do the quest more often if it wasn't so hard to find the parts


    yea it's so bad that it will always stay the one thing newer players will NEVER have any chance of finding unless they get extremely lucky and find a good guild willing to help. I'm on Tulak Hord so it's even worse for me to find anyone. It's so *********** bad on this server that asking anything on the fleet will get you absolute silence

  2. It's been ages since the quest was released and it's pretty much impossible to find a group of people to help you with the droid parts. That's why I think the quest should be reworked or the parts should have a much higher chance of finding them. I've spent 3 *********** hours just trying to find a single one that's not from a vendor. 3 hours wasted doing nothing. If that's your definition of fun then go ahead and die in a corner.
  3. Damn it, i returned today to game after a pause of 4 years, played a new character for one 1 hour and had a lot of fun.

    And now this :) Searched a little bit and found this thread, with these amount of pages in this thread i am guessing that the problem is not a singular one :))


    The issues have been a regularity since 6.0, if I were you I'd make that new character on Darth Malgus instead

  4. So I have two different characters, both Sith, approximately the same defenses and health, one joined the Imperials, the other joined the Republic, the Imperial one with him I got no problems, running through the new quests with ease, but the one who joined the Reps......what the hell is this stupid Forcequake that the Sith use? It kills my Sin instantly along with an Arcann who is set to tanking! How the bloody hell am I supposed to play against that? There's not even a cast bar indicated that could be interrupted, there are no AOE signs on the floor to be avoided, so what is that stupidity supposed to be?
  5. Sorry, haven't been active lately because my internet service provider decided to just derp around. Good to hear she is advancing :D Hope that it's still fun for her to play by the time I'm writing this. If you want her to learn faster, try going a simple flashpoint on veteran difficulty, tell her that you both are going to die (so she can mentally prepare for it). At boss fights she will learn to move during combat, during which she also will discover the advantages of each type of abilities (insta, cast time, cooldown). If you have already tried FPs, well, I can't think of another way for her to improve, since FPs were my main training grounds :D
  6. Yes, the height adjusting was a problem, but most of the time you just fight on flat land so you don't really need to adjust it too often. The problem only occurs on tilted platforms or when standing at a wall, which I do often as tank, the problem could be fixed by zooming the camera in, but another issue was watching the ground for big red circles from the enemies.

    I also came up with the idea, why doesn't she use the mouse to move? When you hold down both of the mouse buttons your character walks forward so she can just use the mouse for movement instead of wasd and the arrows and her left hand can be fully dedicated for abilities and jumping. I imagine her issue was that she wanted to use her right hand for movement, so yea, this feature actually does fix the problem for her completely.

  7. Well, you could make her use the arrows for movement, strafe is not that important in this game, but yea, the shift+arrow could work for strafe, as for the abilities, you could just bind them to the alphabetical keyboard, they don't always have to be on the numbers (example qwert for 1-5 and asdfg for 6-10), you could use the numerical keyboard (the one to the right of the arrows) for other commands, like zoom in (=5) zoom out (=2). If it comes to targeting, the Tab is sufficient to target enemies, but if she plans to play healer, she will need to bind zxcv to target group members 1234.


    That is all I could think of to make the game as simple as possible using only the keyboard, actually, I have been testing this layout right after I read your post in an Uprising (which is the most fast paced mode imo) and I had no trouble playing a tank and healer (they usually are required to constantly watch their cooldowns and switch targets more often than dps classes). But I wouldn't recommend doing Operations without a mouse, the friendly targeting binds are only 4 and you would need 8 for that.


    So yea, sorry if I made it confusing or if this wasn't helpful at all, but that is the best thing I could've come up with. Good luck with that and tell me if you actually figured it out ;)


    Edit: forgot to mention, you NEED to bind quickbar switching, she will need it later on.

  8. I Know you don't like the ide of pressing a single button resulting in multiple actions, but why not at least allow tanks to have a macro that would activate all their defensive abilties? When I play a tank all I do is switch the quickbar with my mouse and then slide down the num keys to activate every single thing I need to tanking. Would make 0 difference to have a Macro and press the one button, except for the keyboard not getting destroyed so quickly.
  9. Hi, I was just wondering how the matchmaking works in this games' PvP? I seem to always have a bunch of random players in my team, with the other team having perfect communication and are always where they need to be with perfectly split forces between each objectives. I have played PvP for a while now (and it is a damn ton of fun even tho I lose all the time) and it seems like the matchmaking system is just.....imbalanced or in the favor of the republic side. And I am sure it is not just my fault, even if I played like a rakghoul, at least once in those 20 games I would get a team that would be good enough to carry me to victory.
  10. I have also always wanted the Assassin's buff effects to reflect saber crystal's color.


    (When the Assassin is in combat state, the saber is surrounded in purple lightning.)


    Yes, that would be just perfect, although a little too much, we don't want the Sith Assassins to have too much fancy effects for free, all I am asking for is a button that can turn off those lightning effects.

  11. Hey guys, just wanted to ask if there is a way to disable the effects on the lightsabers? The darkness assassin makes it look like I had a completely different color crystal, which I really don't like and it ruins the purpose of different crystal colors.
  12. Well, we should give the devs more time, after all, there is a pretty bunch of characters they need to work on, on their stories from the 5 years wandering around. I am sure none of us want their story to be utterly ducked up and boring. But on the other side...I do expect them to deliver before we get bored by the game and only come back to play the companion stories and then quit again. I want to still be interested in this game, otherwise the level of enjoyment will fall beyond saving.
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