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Posts posted by PBoba

  1. Operative (medicine, primarily): restore orbital strike and sabotage charge for medicine, so we can feel more like an actual operative again, rather than a nursemaid, in regs. although would love it back for all ops.


    A massive cooldown decrease on cloaking screen, probably like "evasive imperatives", to bring it more into line with the sorc's 60 metre escape every 45 seconds. medicine only.


    Healers that have persisted with this shat-on AC since 3.0 have suggested things like upping the hps of kolto waves and dropping its duration, and buffing recupNano to spearhead burst.. or something.. leave that to the experts.

  2. I don''t know if you're a bored lawyer or just reeeeeeallly love your sage, but you seem to be wilfully misinterpreting.


    BTW you can't cap with Barrier on unless there's no enemy in the node.


    Replace capping with contesting. you're stopping their cap. same diff.


    If they made Barrier give up control, fine, but then I wonder what other DCDs should be limited or removed on this map. As I have argued here, all of you folks pick on this one very long cooldown power and pooh pooh anything I bring up. As I am not trying to change anything, I don't whine about classes, I just deal with it.


    Me too. As with resilience, below. And boy, those Juggs. Too bad. But their abilities are consistent axcross all pvp.


    No, it's not obvious. Barrier is 8 seconds every 3 minutes. Stealth has no duration and a few second cooldown. Using Barrier is using up a very limited resource. Now it's an escape and like all escapes it should drop items like Huttball or battle mods.


    But the ability to use a clutch ability to buy 8 seconds of control isn't even in the same ballpark as allowing a stealth to sit in the node invisible.


    I'm not suggesting they allow stealth to sit on the node invisible. BUT if they had allowed stealth to do that, that would be as out of step with their ability in PVP that I would make exactly the same complaint as I am now.

    (The only instance where stealth can contest in pvp is carrying the relics of the gree orbs. Not sure if barrier drops those orbs, I imagine not. So this may be consistent.)


    When I compare to stealth, I am describing how barrier should operate within the OPG environment. Not a direct comparison between the abilities. . Further comparison with any other abilities are null and void, irrelevant.



    , but I'm the one that stubborn. :rolleyes:


    Considering that you cherry-picked the above points as your argument, which amount to misunderstandings and misconceptions, and totally avoid engaging with the most pertinent points about purpose and function: yeah, you're being stubborn. Or something.

  3. So are you suggesting that when the Sorc barriers it's like they aren't even there? I can see your point in ACW, but here's the thing about that. Barrier is a major part of Sorc guarding there. So long as I'm in LOS of the attacker who's trying to cap, their cap will fail because I can barrier for 6-7 seconds then tag them with an instant like Project.


    The way you cap or interrupt a OPG cap is just by standing in the area. By saying "Sorc you can't use this DCD and still maintain the cap," you take away a major defending tool that is available everywhere else. I can use Barrier in ACW or AHG or Novare or Voidstar. And the attacker has a tough choice. They can try to start capping, but I can still stop them instantly, so effectively I still gain at least 6 seconds of foolproof defense via Barrier.


    Can you see my confusion? The injury you all claim exists here exists everywhere. Now the battle mod thing, you're right and I don't know how many ways to say you're right. Those should drop the second you hit barrier.


    Yeah, you are confused. In APG, you are CONTESTING while in bubble. That's not the same as interrupting. The legit comparison with your "project" example above is to bubble for 3 seconds. Nice try though.

  4. Thats not the point though really, the point is a fair fight... 1V1. i come in and get you down to nothing, you bubble.... what can i do but stand there with my dork in my hand and wait for your buddies to obliterate me in my weakened state?


    Noirmally if a sorc barrier's, it's no problem, go kill something else, wait to kill him, cap an objective.


    Only with a sorc on a node in APG is this different. As above, you are helpless, and sorc is winning. This is out of step with all other PVP, can not convince me otherwise.


    I will agree with a comment I saw about 5 seconds resilience. That is pretty OP when using a slice, every minute, potentially, but y'know what? It's consistent with the use of resilience in all PVP, so I'm not gonna bother complaining.


    Force barrier on the OPG is different. It is demonstrably outside the usual design.

  5. As to the original topic of this thread, I have already conceded that Barrier should drop battle mods, I just don't agree that being able to defend and hold nodes in Barrier is as problematic as you all make it out to be.


    It is inconsistent with its purpose, and its functions in all other warzones. I've illustrated that. Others have. You're just being stubborn. It is patently obvious that it should operate like stealth. If you barrier, you a9re safe, and will H2F; but you're out of the contest. That's the trade-off. On APG, there is no trade-off.


    Yes, others have clouded the issue complaining about barrier. But then you try and cloud the issue talking about uptime. It's not relevant. Entrench, all those other red herrings, fulfil their purpose accurately while on a node, etc. Its what they bring to the game. But effectively CAPPING while barriered is not in the game. You're arguing that this is ok, a lovely fringe benefit for sorcs on APG. Sounds ridiculous.


    But you're the outlier. We don't really need to convince you. It's clear where the community stands. Be nice if BW listened.

  6. all of that said, I also think it's bogus that ops and sins can blink/holo traverse with the ball in their possession. that's especially crazy for ops that already have roll on a 10s CD. but w/e. just pointing out this isn't the only thing that doesn't belong in the WZs (i.e., makes a mockery of the objectives).


    Yeah, I hate the things that can be done with the huttball, but that is another debate. I'm clearly not saying get rid of FB. But pull it into line with its singular purpose - saving the sage's life. If they choose to break at 3s to keep the node, god bless them. But as it stands it is out of step with its own function, and the design and spirit of APG.

  7. I'm glad to see most people agree.


    What is the Force barrier DCD supposed to do? Stop a sorc/sage from dying.


    In no other map does it allow the sorc or sage to do anything other than that - some would argue too well for arenas.


    But Acid is not this debate. APG is the ONLY map which allows force barrier to do other than that single effect.

    Stealth drops the huttball. FB drops the hutt ball. Stealth does not let you cap or take any nodes in the game. Same should apply here.


    Entrench is irrelevant. All other CDs are irrelevant. THey fulfil their purpose consistently. FB's cooldown or uptime is irrelevant. Look at its purpose; look how it is inconsistent with its operation in every other regard, and has a huge impact on APG map in particular.


    It's clearly an oversight and should be fixed.

  8. I don't have any problems with the APG in general. Its a loss when the other team have all the sorcs and juggs, but most games are quite interesting with surprising results and close ones.


    But the real single unfair advantage I've encountered is bubble squatting. As in oyu can do all the hard work, whittling down opponents on a node till you have one sorc and then they bubble. And you have to stare at them for 8 seconds, and then do it all again, or more likely help has arrived. While they are squatting on the node.


    I would like to see it changed so force barrier is the same as stealthing out, you can't hold or claim the node the node. they can easily barrier for 3 seconds still and break. that's enough of an advantage.

  9. A mara can all but lock you in place, so no, a sorc cannot match a mara's anti-kiting nor it's ST and/or burst damage. Not to mention the more tanks you have on a team the more pointless they become.


    Can you explain how a mara locks a sorc/sage in place? What utilities are you using to lock them in place AND rootbreak so they can't heal to full even before they barrier?

    Not suggesting you're wrong, just curious.

  10. I log in less cos of this. had my first good match in the whole of 4.0 the other day, down to 14% in NC, came back to win. Otherwise its all heals, guards, all the time. It's murder if they have them and you don't boredom, on most maps if you both do.
  11. This is clearly the right decision, and the right level of communication about it.


    However, it is also very disappointing and should not have happened. So it's good many people are taking the chance to communicate this back to you.


    Failure to deliver product on time comes down to priorities and funding. So I do not blame the actual game development team at BW for failing to deliver the outcome we their customers want, because the priorities and funding would have been handed down from above - that being from EA. It is very clear that the people who work on the game care about the game and their customers and are constantly being put between us and an even harder place by their corporate bosses; who have consistently shown no regard for their customers, allowing the game to operate on a drip feed of funding regardless of the actual $$ we customers are trying to put into the game. Corporates' real market is their shareholders, so the more they can get away with screwing us the gaming customers over, the better for their quarterly reports.


    tl, dr; thanks team at BW for doing your best with what you have; screw you to eternity, EA corporates, I'm sick of the crap we and your TOR team have had to put up with. Will never buy an EA title again ever (and will be letting Disney know that so you don't ever get SW again, I hope).

  12. Sorry but it's not an exploit. Many people have gotten up there.


    What you're supposed to do is not stand there and fight but walk around them and cap the nodes.


    Many people have gone somewhere clrly unintended? I've only seen harassment from players who go up there, don't know what else you'd call it. Maybe you find it fun, good on you; but really its something the game does not need. Ranged can nuke the spawn from there. Not good getting to the node if'f you're a 1/4 from dead when you get there.

  13. My current theory is they've made sorc healers so OP that their metrics tell them they are building the healer pool for S7. More players happy to heal the better, then you have tanks queuing, and every dps class becomes relatively viable in solo.


    If they could shift it so a good op or merc heals would be better than a good sorc, that would be better. But at the moment those 2 specs are the ritual sacrifice.


    Also, they may well want to test cross faction for ranked.

  14. I alwaya saw them do good hps, but not dps. Not until now anyway. They always had lots of objective points though do maybe the ones I kept seeing hugged nodes like it was their job instead of dpsing.


    Well, pug teams want stealth node guarding, fair enough.


    Of course ops can do damage with heals and guard, as in these screenshots. With respect, that doesn't make them great ops. Same with any class/player, if they're not under pressure, you don't know how good they are. You can tell there was no pressure cos of low self heals.

  15. I don't want to be rude to anyone, but this thread is clearly showing why solo FP are bad for the game's population. People trying to brute force and not trying to think of a different strategy when it doesn't work. Then those same people queue for HMs and don't follow mechanics causing wipes without even saying they don't know the fight because...well...they made it in solo so they clearly know it.

    I'm not accusing anyone here since the OP at least came to the forum, but the dumbing down of the population is clearly a consequence of those solo FP


    Not dumbing down of the population... the people are the same. Your point is right, though, that solo droid is misleading people through "flashpoints".I'm a casual, but experienced, and I miss even the old solo stuff - specifically the imp bosses on Makeb and ilum storylines - having to do things right. KotFE storyline has no meaningful mechanics or threat.


    They should make one or 2 key solo mechanics clearly telegraphed, make them slow, and 1 or 2 shot if you don't get them right. Then new players'll start looking at buffs/debuffs and looking for the fire themselves.

    Hopefully the "Eterrnal championship" does this.

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