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Posts posted by Tverrmod

  1. I returned a few months ago and started taking up Crew Skills, mostly to make the mods and things that go into the slots in my modifiable pieces. I only make the Assembly Components to skill up.


    Now, I've taken up the three skills that need Scavenging in tandem after they hit 300. All to 350, then 400 etc. At 500-550 the Assembly Components for Cybertech and Armstech progressed in the usual way, first orange con and then yellow through 550. But now when I'm doing Armormech, I found that it went green con well before 520, and so will be a lot more costly to get up to 550 as I have to do the Scavenging Crew Skill mini-quest things to get the materials. I noticed the same thing elsewhere earlier, but at such low levels that it didn't really register, since the cost was so low.


    Is this a known thing, or a bug that will be fixed? It's the same materials used for all three Assembly Components, so the color con gradient must have been set manually and not being calculated just based on the materials used, I guess.


  2. Yesterday I started having problems with moving my character around, one tap on A or D would make me whirl around too fast when moving. This happened on and off, but then I noticed that it always happened when a group of players was nearby. Taking a closer look, I saw that it was the same group every time. 4 gunslingers moving around like stringed together, firing at the same time and so on. Is this some sort of cheat program that plays havoc with others around them? Was just wondering if there's a point in reporting things like this, or if it's legal. Got me killed once as I turned too far and ran into one group of mobs more than intended... :rolleyes:
  3. Having played Dark Age of Camelot from release until now (although not very faithfully...), I really can't understand why ANY company releasing an MMO don't have a plan for server mergers, or character transfers. Any MMO opening will be drowning in players, but a lot will be gone once the new-found excitement is gone, too.
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