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Posts posted by darkrixx

  1. what they need t do is instead of 1-15 they need to make it 1-10 so they cant get to dromund kass or the space fleet this cancles out their chance to pvp or try out a specialised character


    if they do this it would make them want to buy a subscription to the game and get the rest of the content and wold intern make ptp players happy the only major problem for this is ftp players would get mad:(. But they are not paying for the game so they should have less of a say in it:cool:




    Xemnas: destroyer of light, devourer of worlds and eater of delicous cookies

    Atarra: the skillful assasin

    Jarkoul:the great bounty hunter

  2. i personally enjoy challenges in games i enjoy trying to fight a boss with 20 or so different people and barley making it out alive but i also hate putting in 7 hours a day for 2 weeks to get one rare item there is a fine line between a grindy game and a game that u can beat while not loocking at and i personally think swtor ht the nail on the head.


    they both made really difficult tasks for a player to strive to overcome but made it well enough that u would come back to it again and again when play for a hour or 2. things like the epic boss fights cater to thoughs who love a decent challenge and the compelling enough for casual gamers to keep coming for more even at some of its grindyist times this is why i love this game and look foward o seeing what way it goes:D


    Xemnas: the great devourer of worlds, destroyer of light, and eater of cookies

    attara: the grate tatitian of assinations:cool:

  3. i have personally never even used my quin and done none of his stroy line becuase he just seemed so uptight hes the exact opposite of vette wand the reason i love running with her and if he dares betray me i wil cut off both of his legs and arms then play soccer with his head!!!!!!!!!!!!! *evil meniacle laugh activate*



    Xemnas the all might lord of the sith will devour u and all ur cookies! >=D

  4. lol personally my fav part on dramuund kasswas when i killed the the one sith lord and got my "reward" and i made Vette watch me. I just could stop laugh and nearly fell out of my chair from laughter:D

    personally for me dark side has some good humor and ive have a great time and im im only level 26:cool:

  5. lol i find people who think girls dont game quite hilarious then when they actually see a female in game they freak and i just laugh and then after all that they end up getting killed by the girl gamer and they rage:D funny fact is that majority of my friends game and majority of them are girls
  6. personally im ok with me being alone and certain worlds such as when im doing multiple missions to get to level 50. im losg time if someone comes in and starts killing what i need to kill to further my quests then when i try teaming with em they just decline nad continue the kill stealing. i mean im fine with them merging a couple servers but check if people want to first or you could get more people leaving
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