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Posts posted by Amilyne

  1. That's what I never understood about people. And I never will. there are two choices.


    Like it = stay


    Don't like it = leave


    I know there are people out there that are passionate about the game and they care about it and are just upset but damn man...give it a rest.




    If I find a recipe and try it but don't like it, I'm not going to continue to make that recipe for the next 4 plus years all while bashing the Chef, the company, the farmer, I simply don't make the recipe again. I don't know why this is so hard for people.


    Name a "computer" game that has ever worked flawlessly since launch on millions of computers with an unfathomable combination of computer parts?


    If it's so bad, go play another game, problem solved. Now lets work on world hunger... :cool:


    Ps. It's Christmas Eve, go spend time with the Family if you can and stop hiding in here trying to avoid them. :rolleyes:

  2. My take on this is they spent all the licensing budget on Battle Front, and with EA being the main company, Bioware has to follow. EA is pushing their newest game and not this old one (for now). I'm sure there are many at Bioware who wish they could do more. And who know what Disney has imposed in terms of copyright and licensing.


    There is a lot more behind the scenes then we will ever know. Do I wish there was a nice tie in to the movie, of course I do, but such as life. I still get to play a jedi with a lightsaber, or when I'm feeling knotty, I log into my sith. :p

  3. You know, while people keep saying it's "A New Hope" 2.0, this is the 7th movie in the franchise. Any "new hope" of something that hasn't been covered is going to be difficult. Everything they do will be compared to the other 6. I think they did a great job of bringing in the old with the new while giving use a taste of new things and twists. :D


    It's like going to Friday the 13 part 7 and saying, oh, it's this guy in a mask killing people, didn't they do that on the first one?


    There are always going to be people that don't like a movie, and that's okay. Personally, I loved it. I'm going again and taking my dad this time. 35 plus years ago he took me to see the first Star Wars, that lead to a career in Film/TV. :rolleyes: Who knew...

  4. :D

    I too saw it yesterday and was amazed and impressed. It's just one of those movies everyone has to see. Oh and seeing Star Wars in 3d is totally epic. I felt like I was in the Millennium Falcon, and a few times I felt myself trying to pull up as I watch those X-wings fight. :p


    I didn't watch Star War, I experienced it. :eek:

  5. You can still do this. My Balance Sage can one-shot NPCs through Taris. Through Alderaan, it's not much harder than that.




    There's not a lot of reason to do this anymore. If you're just trying to level your gathering skill you can do that on a level appropriate planet since you can gather from any level node irrespective of skill level. And with the decrease in mission time, if you just need a lot of lowbie ingredients, it's easier to just send the companions out to do the busy work.


    Oh, I may have to read up more on the new changes. I just returned and have been leveling an older too to get back into the swing of things.

  6. Half the fun of finally reaching max level was returning to low level planets and face rolling the mobs that once gave you trouble. You know you've all done this :p


    I haven't tried it yet myself, but how about farming planets (gathering)? I use to go to planets and gather materials to make items for my other toons, this level sync slows that down now I think. :confused:

  7. I was wondering about this myself, so all the vendors now just carry the green mods. Guess I don't have to keep searching all over the place.


    But, I'm guessing like in other guides, I would worry about it for at least every 10 levels or so as leveling is quick. Does this still hold true?

  8. Okay, it's been almost a year since I've played, there are a lot of changes. One I've been reading about it how companion gear stats mean nothing now. I'm guessing this is so you can dress them any way for looks and not so much for stats like in the past?


    Second, I notice my companion, is missing things like pants and her weapon? What happened to those things? Are they simply no longer in game? I really don't remember what items they were but I know I spent credits on them. How do I give her a weapon now, can it just be a simple green item that I like for looks?



  9. Just gimmy your stuff and move along :rak_03:


    Sure, just meet me in the Cantina, I'll be the one with the lightsaber; ;)


    That's a great idea about starting a new character to get a feel for the game again. I love the story part of this, that's why I played in the first part. With the leveling bonuses, it wouldn't take to long to get to around 20 or 30 just for fun.

  10. Thank you for the suggestions. I will look at dulfy and see what I can find. I've been just browsing through things to get my feet wet. Even the companions are so different now, looks exciting but overwhelming.


    My new mouse should be here by the end of the week so I can really get back into it. I'm so lost with just a basic $5 mouse. :rolleyes:

  11. So it's been about a year since I've played now. I've been a subscriber all this time only logging in occasionally to look around.


    I feel kind of lost now, I'm not sure where to start. I have a level 60 jedi sage. What is the level cap now? Are there any good website for builds and rotations? I miss torhead, I remember using that one a lot for completing missions.


    Thanks for your help

  12. Most of the time I would buy the cheapest item. What I do sometime, if there are multiply items listed, I look at the sellers names. If I see that one seller has most of the items for sale, then I buy the one not listed by that person. But I only do that on occasion. To me there is nothing wrong with undercutting and people who mostly play the market.


    That's what it's there for, Welcome to life, not everyone finishes 1st. (not meant to bashing anyone) :rolleyes:

  13. Seriously, enough is enough. I'd have no problem if it was just christmas day and maybe christmas eve. These things are driving me mad. It's Lifeday, not Lifemonth. I'm sick and tired of being hit by these stupid things.


    I really don't get why people get mad at this, it's not like your really be pelted with real snowballs all day long. :rolleyes:

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