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Posts posted by YuKlondike

  1. Been playing for years, and I except when the storyline calls for solo FP's- like Blood Hunt or Rishi in the Revan arc, why do some players wish to do them solo?


    I know that I'd rather do sm and most hm fps solo because: I have seen all the cut scenes too many times and don't want to wait for others to have to watch em again and again, I get tired of having to keep explaining old fps to new players over and over just to wipe over and over because of gear issues or lack of abilities (lowbies), and I do them solo because I enjoy the nostalgia of the old flash points and seeing how fast i can clear them..

    Have also found so many players have no clue what class they are playing or they select heals when in actuality they are dps and we wipe cause we are looking for heals and find out the noob is dps... Come on Man!!! :rak_03:

  2. SO the new uprisings are not on the GF... we knew that Tuesday, so what.. that is not important, just pick up the missions, group up and travel.... Texture issue on Nar Shadda? so what... there have been numerous issues in game more important than that for years now that are still unfixed (Falling to your death on last boss TfB):rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:
  3. Revolution – 0 pts


    Deposed the King, forcing him to live a life of ignominy among the peasantry.

    You can find the King of the Pen right by Dr.Lokin’s hut in Alderaan (3255, 974). However, this Rakghoul is friendly and level 65 in an area synced to Level 34. Currently it isn’t known how to dispose him. If you figured it out, please post it on the comments below. (/Bow to him doesn’t work and brining Lokin after you have recruited him does not work either. It is possible you may have to feed Scritchy 10 times and then this achievement may trigger?)

    Anyone figure out who to complete this or if Devs will aid us in getting this done?:rak_02::rak_02:

  4. Anyone yet figure out how to complete this achievement?

    Revolution – 0 pts


    Deposed the King, forcing him to live a life of ignominy among the peasantry.

    You can find the King of the Pen right by Dr.Lokin’s hut in Alderaan (3255, 974). However, this Rakghoul is friendly and level 65 in an area synced to Level 34. Currently it isn’t known how to dispose him. If you figured it out, please post it on the comments below. (/Bow to him doesn’t work and brining Lokin after you have recruited him does not work either. It is possible you may have to feed Scritchy 10 times and then this achievement may trigger?)


  5. I'm sure there will be some who will agree with me and others who won't, so here it goes: The problem with this game right now is that the Devs have made it too easy for most noobs in this game, allowing them to become lvl 60's before they learned how to play their particular class. Back in the day before levels were just handed out with a token, we (players0 had to do our class missions, run the fp's via gf and take our time to learn how to play our respective classes.. Then we got the chance to get some better gear, and run the various Ops ex: DP, DF, TfB etc etc........

    There are so many new players that have not done EV, KP, and other early Ops... I'm not even going to get on the many flash points that have been around since the begining that some people have never ran...

    The frustration I have experienced in attempting to complete Hm fp's with low level, undergeared and non experienced players is the reason why I stopped running them at all.. and to make matters worse, you think you have a good group when you use gf and get all lvl 65 toons, and still find that players have crappy gear and no experience... SMDH !!!!

    Stop handing out level 60's to players. Make them have to learn this game the way we old school SWTOR player had to learn 3-4 years ago......

    Okay, I'm done ranting.... I do love GSF though... wish that MVP in WZs were handed out as they are in GSF... Given out by what you actually accomplished instead of given out to friends and guildies.... :-):rak_03:

  6. Ok Bioware, it is time to fix this error that a lot of us are experiencing it seems daily. I have had my game crash just today alone 9 times, and twice while running an Op. Error msg say that it cannot write to NodSpecCache..... FIX this please:rak_02:
  7. The fact that Bio-ware is now going to "give away" the training that we who spent our real money to pre-order the new expansion is an attempt for the company to Not to have to take the time to manually refund all of our credits. The company can aid us players when we have other issues in game via the phone, and see exactly what we have done with our various toons, but this I feel is a big slap in our faces.


    Refund our credits to our accounts. This is the fair solution to this issue. The company want to make training free now, why is that? Did the company not know that the early purchasers were going to have to spend thousands of credits on training, and gearing up various toons to level 60? Get real people. Stop placating to those who did not buy this product early. Make them pay as well, and give the "perk" of free training left to the early subscribers as it should be.


    If I had to work to achieve what I have, then you (late or non purchasers) you have to pay the price to train as well:rak_02:.

  8. this really sucks. get to new world and game freezes up. cannot do anything but log out over and over again for over an hour. have not even gotten into the first part of planet. all this money spent down the drain..


    Unhappy with Bioware right now:rak_02:

  9. Welcome to the Blood Ravenns on the {Jedi Covenant} server. We are a social leveling guild, which seeks to further enhance our gaming experience in SWTOR. To achieve this, we are recruiting male and female (18 and up) experienced and non-experienced players of all levels.


    Our focus is to have fun and to reach the "end-game" level 55 statuses. Coordination and team work is the key to victory.


    We seek to search out and destroy the Empire and its Allies, by completing Operations in story mode (SM), hard mode (HM), and nightmare modes (NiM). To be able to achieve this, each player seeks to earn the gear required to be an asset to any OP that they participate in.


    - See more at: http://bloodravenns.guildlaunch.com or fill out an application on http://bloodravenns.guildlaunch.com/recruiting/create_apply.php?gid



    May the force be with you....



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