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Posts posted by Siltaro

  1. New to the forums and have only been playing STOR for a couple of months, but I think a statue or even a plaque commemorating Carrie Fisher would be very appropriate.


    A little backstory here to illustrate that it could be done very easy by the powers that be.


    I have played Star Trek Online for many years and when Lenard Nimby passed, like all of the fine folks on this post did, a huge outcry was made on the STO forums to place a statue or somehow remember him in game. What happened was this.


    1. A statue of him was placed in all 3 of the major factions areas..

    2, In each of those areas a plaque was also placed to not only remember him but all of the Star Trek family that had passed.


    This was done with the next maintenance after his passing.

    They also have set it up where when someone new passes his or her name is added to that plaque.


    Should BW say that it would be hard to add something to the game that reflects the communities wishes maybe they should connect perfect world for advice on how to do it easily


    God Bless you Carrie and as of this posting your mother as well, you are once again together.

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