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Posts posted by Gaiutus

  1. I have a family and lead an active life style - especially during the summer, which they now expect us to waste inside, sitting on a computer chair, grinding our lives away for a few rewards lol? I finally got my Legendary Player status after grinding all the character story line, some of which that were just god-awful and tedious, and now they expect us to delete characters or buy new slots and re-grind those exact same classes to 50?


    This needs to be made available to pre-existing characters, and take into account all the hard work players have put into the game thus far. The concept is great and the rewards are nice; make it so that you can designate your existing characters as Light VS Dark and you might get less outrage over this.


    I'll work hard and complete achievements to earn that new companion, but hell if I'm going to waste away my summer grinding characters I'll never look at again because Bioware poorly implemented a grindfest update event lol. Cheers.

  2. It is nice to see the thought here, fireworks are fun and all. But personally I'd love to see either this year, or in future years, something similar to what SWG did with it's yearly (and event) gifts. Having things like these: http://swg.wikia.com/wiki/Player_reward : would encourage activity and loyalty, because everyone loves shiny things.


    "A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." - Napoleon Bonaparte.

  3. I don't understand why its so hard for Bioware to go into their little character database and filter out those that gained a bunch of valor lvls in one day. and push them back down to 30 or something....


    Well I'm currently typing up the names of every unskilled Imperial who camped the Republic on the Twin Spears server for over 2 hours (until I managed to get out after learning if you que and afk in a warzone you are put on the fleet...) and I've got 81 Imperials listed plus I'll be submitting a video of the entire thing with their names clearly visible. I wonder if they'll actually do anything about the exploiters now that I've done their work for them.

  4. Roll Back won't happen, EVER. If it would, it would screw up Bioware more.


    People are simply hysterical. Sure they screwed up but cancelling subscription and saying TOR is going to die due to this is simply moronic.


    On my sever we have like 50-95 Empire vs 30-60 Republic.


    You sure about that? Cause when I was on earlier Cyphen your folks and all the other 95 Imperials were camping our med bay and landing zone and we had about 9 people there dying without pause so we just stayed dead. Yes they screwed up but I can understand how some folks would be pretty upset about being camped for 1.5 hours until a warzone popped and they could afk and get back to the fleet lol.

  5. I just spent 2 hours on Ilum along with 18 other Republic players while 80+ Imperials camped the med center and the landing zone - so anyone coming to help was instant killed, and anyone respawning was instant killed. They were focused on the turrets (valor gain or not) and are still there to my knowledge. This is not pvp and anyone who thinks that 90v19 spawn camping for 2-3 hours is pvp needs to reconsider their definition. I recorded a video but since there are so many up already I won't bother uploading it.


    Fix this Bioware.

  6. I am all for PVP but this is pretty disappointing;


    Twin Spears Server (And probably every server) has an imbalanced population of 3:1 Empire:Republic. This morning Pax Republica fielded an entire raid group with a few players from other guilds as well (Rapture, House of Karrdes, etc.). The moment we landed, the Imperials were already "INSIDE" our base and camping the medical respawn and the landing zone - so it was an auto death upon landing. I'm not sure about you folks but this is not pvp lol.


    I saw somewhere else:


    What's *really* sad is that on most servers the imperials are farming the turrets for Valor - there's no diminishing returns on them thanks to an oversight.


    So...most of the Empire side at level 50 has now attained Valor Rank 100 by afking and corpse camping.


    If they do anything other than shut down the servers and rollback, I'm not sure even I (the biggest TOR fanboi ever) could keep subbing much longer. And it would be with a very heavy heart that I stopped, if it came to that.


    And for a picture of what most servers look like right now:




    Again, I am a huge pvp fan. This is not pvp. At the least, make it impossible to enter the main base of either faction, let us land before we all die lol.

  7. I'm a level 47 Jedi Knight Gaurdian, and the only issues I have in pvp when it comes to Bounty Hunters are the ones that are level 50 since there's a level advantage hah. CC them, interrupt their missile barrages and death from above, and focus them down, and you won't have a problem. I'm a full tank spec, yet I come out in the top 4 of every match with a great kill-death ratio, and 7-9 medal count. Just use your cc's like they're meant to be used, and communicate with your team to take down the hard targets. No nerf needed in my opinion.


    [Try taking out their healers too - that tends to help]

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