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Posts posted by verymediocre

  1. I unsubbed out of principle more than any kind of rage, really.


    Since the first whiffs of F2P rumor wafted about, I've said that I won't keep supporting a game that goes from Subscription to F2P (or any variation thereof) any earlier than two years after release. People keep quoting LOTRO or DDO as examples of good "freemium" games, and yet... I wouldn't call those games good.


    I'd call them mediocre, much like every sub-to-F2P game conversation that's happened in the genre thus far.


    I'll probably play through the remainder of my class stories and such, at least until the downward slide becomes too much for me to handle.

  2. I always said I'd unsubscribe if the game went F2P.


    Much as I do still enjoy playing, I am a man of my word. No point buying the cow if you can get the milk for free (actually a more suitable metaphor than usual. Huh).


    Might still play on occasion with the girlfriend, but I'll just have to keep waiting for something else as my regular MMO.

  3. From what I've seen, it's not terribly uncommon.


    Thing is, a lot of these types of people simply refuse to believe there could be new players to the game. I'd played through on a Republic character already, but I decided to use the group finder to actually play all of the FPs on Sith side for the fun of it.


    It took me four groups to actually get through the first one. Nobody would tolerate the idea of someone who hadn't see it yet.


    When I finally got a group that didn't outright kick me, EVERY time I did something correct or, y'know, simply not die, I'd be getting snide comments implying that I should suck if I've never seen this FP before. I guess it's impossible to read a cast bar or assume the red target on the ground is bad to stand in, but alright.


    I just don't let it get to me, really.

  4. I don't really understand ALL of it (mostly the lack of content/community baffles me), but there are some things that make perfect sense to me.


    For one, dear Fry the Hero Engine. Possibly one of the worst decisions they made, and a big part of why so much of their time is spent fixing bugs (and there as SO many, though most are tolerable). In fact, a large amount of the major complaints about the game can be traced back to the engine itself and it's constraints.


    I'm okay with ignoring a lot of the bugs and the horrible performance/resource use of the game (which makes me kind of a pushover, but after playing these games for longer than some other have been alive you just come to accept that nobody gets it right at release anymore), and thanks to being someone who likes to RP just as much as I like to do FPs and WZs I can basically create my own content (in a manner of speaking) whenever I'd like.


    Well, and my server has a pretty large number of community events that happen, so that helps.


    There's a lot to like about the game, but I can definitely see why some folks don't like. Had Bioware stuck to what they did best in the game rather than spreading themselves heavy in that one spot while sc****** thin everywhere else in an attempt to please too many demographics than their resources could allow, this would probably be a GREAT game, rather than just a good one.

  5. Of course, I said nothing about whether or not TSW would be successful. It may not be and that's fine. I find it interesting that you are so hurt in the backside that someone likes another game better than SWTOR.

    It's the same thing that causes console wars, people want to feel validated for their money/time investment, so they disparage anything they see as a challenge to their choice.


    Mind you, Funcom is really the big worry there. Everything about the game sounds good... 'cept Funcom.

  6. Individual server forums will be implemented later this summer once we have completed automatic transfers!


    THIS is what I like to hear!


    One of the things that has left me feeling kind of disjointed from getting really involved in my server's community is the lack of an officially-supported forum. I don't always play at our primetime hours, so it's nice to be able to make connections and get to know names/personalities that way.


    Pretty much the ONLY forum I used in WoW was my server forum, actually.

  7. Why would one play this ugly game with zombies?

    If zombies are the only thing you notice, it's probably not the game for you.


    They're playing it smart, marketing to a niche audience that (if properly enticed and engaged) will likely be die-hard lovers of a game that has a lot of unique features to it, compared to a lot of other modern MMO releases.


    It's not for everyone.


    Though, if it looks ugly to you, might need to take another look at the game we're all playing right now.

  8. This is a pretty stupid thread, and actually makes me want to second-guess the interest I DID have in The Secret World.


    The main thing I tend to like about what I've been seeing in live streams has been some of the quest designs, notably the lack of hand holding with certain simple things. For example, knowing you need the phone number to some place but not being told where to FIND the number, nor shown where it is. Requires you to actually think of the game world as an actual world (you had to go to the 'website' for the place and get the number from there, though they don't point it out to you even when you FIND the 'website').


    Beyond that, it's a non-medieval fantasy setting involving the Lovecraft mythos with just a DASH of the ambiance you can get from The Watches series. May not be for everybody, but that DOES sound damned intriguing.


    I'll probably still play SWTOR even if I do end up picking up TSW, but the latter is getting ignored until they've got a trial.


    Seriously with these devs and thinking the hype on their game is good enough to not offer trials/friend codes. Y'all should learn that anybody who's been playing MMOs for awhile is probably pretty jaded when it comes to new titles in the genre, we want to make sure it's worth migrating to a new game before dropping the change.

  9. i gave you a link saying ea wanted to exceed wow's subscriber base


    you're now a member of an exclusive club known as the silly list; either for purposefully misinterpreting what i'm saying, or for thinking that the game will have an asian release capable of propelling it to wow's subscriber base

    That's some serious dedication in trying to convince a pretty obvious troll of the truth.

  10. I typically try to be, but it's not always easy.


    Sad to say, but it's typically seeing someone trolling in General that gets a conversation started (even with me), if only to make it obvious that they're just trollin'. That usually develops into a full blown conversation once folks feel like there's someone talking who wont lambaste them just for speaking up, which is nice though occasionally distracting.


    Generally though, I chitchat while I'm on a speeder or something but I focus on playing the game otherwise.

  11. that's what i was wondering as well


    Don't worry about it, just go in and alter settings to your preference.


    All the check mark did was "optimize" your graphical settings, it would appear that it's doing so through some sort of auto-detect function for your computers graphical capabilities, though damned if I know why it makes some of the choices it does.


    Been running with everything at max settings with about 40-60 FPS (my rig is aging at this point, but when I built it I made it top-of-the-line and only recently had to upgrade my GPU to the second generation GTX 460, it was on sale) no problems, but the check-mark dropped me down to medium settings and made it look like someone had puked on my chestpiece.


    It's nice that they added it, just know it's only a tool to find the middle ground with your graphics settings.

  12. The best part of this thread are the people blaming Bioware that they weren't able to get a group using the LFG tool.


    It's like they don't realize that they can't force people to use the tool, all they could do is make it an option and hope for the best.


    Would be nice if you could select specific planetary quest/Heroics to queue up for, though.

  13. No. Its more like, "bought a story based mmo, turns out I wanted a sandbox."

    Pretty much.


    I'm wondering, were you a SWG player at one point OP? I'm not being disparaging or anything, I just notice a lot of people who want more of a sandbox game out of TOR have been SWG vets.


    I, myself, had LOVED SWG for what it was back in the day, but I came into TOR knowing exactly what I was getting. For the most part, been satisfied with it too.

  14. Uhm.


    Did you actually read the post that I quoted or did you just knee jerk like most fanboys and start rambling?


    The person I quoted didn't post any links, did not provide ANY information, and was simply whining because the OP specified that he was on a dead server that wasn't fatman.


    And people wonder why they get called mindless fannies.

    Okay, I'll indulge you a bit.


    First, just to clear this up:

    It has to be viewed in conjunction with character transfers: The demand for an LFD or LFG tool goes back to way before population was an issue.

    This is, in fact, the truth. People wanted the LFD/LFG tool before the game was even LAUNCHED, and it remained that way afterward (long before population issues had a chance to arise). This is, in fact, not a very fanboy-like response, it's just stating how things are. Had he been saying that people making that request were stupid, or some other inflammatory comment, then you'd have a point.


    He didn't, so you don't.


    I'm on a standard non-RP PVE server that is not Fatman and that is somewhere in the top-20 and it is decidedly not dead, so the implication that every other server is dead is a bit of a hyperbole.

    Again, just looking at this shows no particular bias in any one direction. MANY people cite Fatman as the only truly populated server in the deluge of threads complaining about the admittedly large population issues. The OP, in fact, was another person making the claim that any time he's on ANY server that isn't Fatman (it's the first sentence, in case you were wondering) he doesn't see any players, implying that any non-Fatman server is dead.


    Kthnx was simply explaining that there are far more than just that one server with a steady population, and that saying otherwise is hyperbole. That is, quite simply, just explaining the definition of the word to someone who isn't aware that they're doing it.


    No, this is not what hot fixes are for. Hot fixes are for fixing high-impact bugs (programming errors).

    I mean, c'mon now, he's just informing someone who doesn't know any better as to the real purpose of a hot fix (as opposed to a full patch)!


    So, everything from your original premise as to how he's a fanboy, down to your assertion that somehow I didn't read the post you quoted, is CLEARLY mistaken. Hell, even your original response to him proves you didn't bother to even read the first sentence of the OP.


    Now feel free to play the "LOLITROLLZU" card or conveniently not respond to acknowledge your mistake or make a show of understanding to people you throw vitriol at without bothering to have the facts you claim the rest of us are missing.


    But, in the event you have the capacity to learn from your mistakes, understand that people like YOU are the reason the so-called "fanboys" don't take criticism threads seriously, and why companies like BioWare have to be so choosy as to which suggestions they actually listen to.

  15. How did he imply that every server other than fatman is dead. He implied that he is on a server that isn't fatman, and that server happens to also be dead.


    Man, fanboys will argue anything, regardless of how pointless and circular the argument may be.


    Yes, simply giving links and information (using an example that is SCREAMED as the only "live" server) without any apparent bias is totally being a fanboy. Yep.


    And some people wonder why nobody takes them seriously.

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