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Posts posted by mefink

  1. With your post history I must admit to being on the fence on you being sarcastic 90% of the time. Sometimes it sounds almost sincere, but then stuff like this comes along that I find difficult to read in any other tone than mockingly disdainful. :D


    as someone who is always sarcastic or sassy all the time you do know someone cam have a sarcastic style of speaking and also be serious and sincere about things right? you do realize sarcasm is a great way to sincerely point out flaws or issues in a lighthearted humorous manner right?

  2. Who knows what people wanted exactly? Every single one of us wiould want something different, we are not Borg to want the same thing

    This is not crowdfunding game where we have a vote, they do it according to their vision, we are free to like it or leave it.


    About existing characters, they said they had technical limitations, so they couldnt do it or it takes too much resources to do it.


    No but it seems Bioware has become Borg. They give us horrible updates and changes and when we complain beg for it fixed or put back so game is fun again they suddenly all "Resistance is futile This is the decision of the Borg Collective. We will not alter from our collective join us" lol

  3. I do hope so or else lose my dang Jedi mind... I've been fighting and destroying Sith Emperor who almost possess my body, blasted cult who trying to wake a machine god that almost destroys the galaxy and destroying a machine god on Nathema flashpoint


    Gooooood Goooood let the hate flow through you

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