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Posts posted by Jhaded

  1. - most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !




    They did this for the Ziost story line and the QQ was still real so I'd imagine the threads here after people first realize they can't go back and do 'some' content that they missed for whatever reason. The forum shall drown in the tears of the illiterate.

  2. Is it just a matter of finding them and saying "Pikkachu, I choose you!"?


    Eheheh I hope it's that one, simply for the comedy factor.


    But no, for real I'd assume (assumption only people!) that it'll be something along the lines of small quest lines that let us see the 'flavor' of each character type and whether they fit 'our' character and let us choose to take them with us or not (or alternately they go screw you nub-cake I don't care for your keeling ways.)

  3. I enjoyed healing today after spending a few minutes getting used to having to use globals on force regen, did an entire run of ToS without ever running out of force and did it with a significant increase in my HPS output and I was intentionally pretending that damage was going out the entire time to see what type of healing I could produce and how the force management was. Before this patch I could solo heal SM of all but a few fights now I'm almost certain I could do all of them except possibly underlurker if the dps is bad.


    What it definitely DID do is reduce our dps output significantly because of the force regen issues if you run yourself out trying to dps it's much MUCH harder to get it back without spending alot of time on it, or there's alot more back and forth to use innervate to get a proc up - I also noticed alot more over-healing even on the fights I didn't purposely do it on. With having to use innervate more to make SURE I had procs up to get force back even if it wasn't the best heal for the time I.E the person didn't really need that much health back but I needed a proc so Innervate it was.

  4. 1. Something like putting up one of your dots lets people heal on hit from a mob (a small one maybe about 500-1000 depending on health pools at 65) or a % of the user health the 'heal on hit' can last either for a few seconds (so everyone can potentially hit it once or twice) or it can have a user/use cap like 'heals 10 times then dissipates' with an internal cool down of perhaps 20-30 seconds or so. - This makes for an interesting rotation change for healers once the set bonus is available but wouldn't be OP, and wouldn't increase raid dps by any significant amount because it's only worth refreshing once the ICD is up etc.


    2. Using any ability (doesn't really matter which one) increases some stat (either base stat I.E. willpower or a tertiary like alacrity or surge) by 1-5% for a few seconds - put this on one of the lesser used heals or one with a longer cool down, also give it an internal cool down of at least 10 seconds but perhaps up to 30 seconds (my personal preference here would be alacrity but that's just me)


    3. A raid utility one - Healing a person with X skill gives them 5% ish of a stat (whatever their highest tertiary stat is) for 5-10 seconds on a 30 second to 1 minute internal cool down. While this doesn't add to the sorc/sage at all it does bring a differing raid utility buff and 'could' be a game changer but not a big one - like using it right as people are popping cool downs could significantly increase dps and might give a higher skill cap to the class.


    4. Using X skill reduces the cool down of Polarity Shift by 1-2 seconds each time you use it.


    Just a few ideas.

  5. This. If they allowed travel to the beginning areas of Ziost, they would need to have a way to phase them so that everyone is dead, or it doesn't fit in with the progression of the story.


    Umm, the place that you land on when you go to do the dailies after the 'end of the world' is the very first platform you land on for the story progression - it IS phased your going back to that point it's just dead.

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