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Posts posted by chipnseven

  1. I did the fight first on my Sith Warrior, and it went just fine so I thought they had fixed the bug. But then doing it on my Jedi Knight I had the issue. Tried it about 5 times before I gave up and am waiting for a patch. Haven’t tried the pillar trick cuz my Knight is a tank and Tau’s already died to random enemies a few times so I don’t trust her to damage Malgus.
  2. OMG! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


    I was playing my Sith Sorcerer and kept dying. I managed to kill one, twice, before dying and respawn getting nowhere. With my Jedi Knight, Consular, and Sith Warrior I had trouble but not this bad. I would kill one, die, kill the second, die, kill the third, but this time was complete failure. I quit the game, came here, and saw the advice. IT WORKED! I stayed in the middle, Stomp, Stomp, Stomp, and while Stomp recharged I fired the #1 missile. I killed all three at once, and while low on health I didn't die at all!


    I just finished that fight, it’s still a big problem, but this method helped. Just spam stomp in the center, charge the rockets when you get a chance and when one of them is less than 1/4 health fire the heat seakers, should kill one and make the last two a few shots dead.

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