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Posts posted by Keymod

  1. So far, Bioware has been all talk and little action.


    This interview hasn't changed my mind about that.


    Time will tell.


    And yeah, Matt, wow, its only been 3 MONTHS since you landed as GM Bioware-Austin. That's barely enough time to place your name on the door of your office!


    What's that brown stuff pouring out of your mouth when you talk? Looks like you're full of it.


    Seriously. The guy is doing his best to step into a falling MMO, Give him time.

  2. Aha, I remember those guys. Didn't pose much challenge to a level 50, but it was interesting to see a Jedi beat up Republic Troops.


    Anyway, I've been looking forwards to a new event since the Rakghoul one ended (still holding out hope it'll come back next year :) ) , can't wait to make some Grand Acquisitions! I'll keep my schedule open for the rest of the week.


    Haha yah same

  3. Like perhaps the patch we had last week? They're not exactly going to put a surprise event in the patch notes.. at least they didn't for the Rakghoul event.. at this point I think its safe to assume the assets are already in the game (especially considering the fact that Torhead has the event data mined) so really we just have to wait for whatever internal spawn timer Bioware set to go off.. kindof annoying that they announced it so soon before the event actully started.. I wasnt there fior the first few hours of the rakghoul event but didn't it start like within an hour of the announcement going live?


    I think so. We just have to wait for an announcement on the fleet from news booths or for someone to post on the forums.

  4. I know this is crazy but some of us work. Some of us have to go back to college soon. Some of have families to take care of. And some of us just have plans. I really would like BioWare to say when exactly I can expect an event because then I can schedule time to play during that event.


    I wish they would also.

  5. an event is not content. its useless fluff, no wonder this game is going F2P they cant even get the idea of what is content right.


    Well "useless fluff" is what I love about this game. Makes it so us level 50's can do stuff and get new items instead of just chilling in the fleet.

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