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Posts posted by BhubbaFetish

  1. the guild is full of good people, and no one is forcing me to do anything. i do it because it's important to the guild leader, and a lot of the other members.

    you sometimes do things you don't enjoy for people you like (ask most married people about that).....and i still think the game would be better off without these objectives in the conquest system....it turns what should be a fun, mostly group based event into a solo grind....

  2. I'm sitting in game, clicking for literally hours,because the leader of my guild has a problem with the leader of another guild. They've decide to show each other who has the biggest E appendage. All the members of both guilds are thrown into a battle they didn't ask for.

    Now i don't get to play the rest of my characters, i get to sit on my biochem and craft tons of level one grafts, then make archived level one med packs, reverse them, and do it again till i'm out of mats...then the guild leader will dump more on me....

    Take this out of conquest. Please. No more infinitely repeatable crafting objectives. Put a limit on all crafting objectives, or make the CD so long it's useless as a means to get hundreds of thousand of points per character....

    it promotes both the buying of illicit credits, and the use of crafting bots. Instead of trying to do anything about either problem, remove the cause of the problems.

  3. Why should i buy a 5th house if i can only have 4 active? i really thought that was about the laziest thing i had seen you do yet. it was suggested that you might not want to change the conquest bonus...again, laziness.

    Either make the bonus 20% per house, or just make any houses past the 4th one not add to the bonus.

    I flatly refuse to buy a 5th house when i can only have 4 active. i urge everyone playing to do the same...of course the click monkeys will buy it just to have it, not caring at all that they are just supporting poor choices that limit them.

    please, renew my faith in the people running this mmo and do the right thing, do away with this lazy policy and perhaps sweat one or two drops of sweat.

    Work isn't that bad, i have to do it to pay to play your game, perhaps you could do just a little to keep me playing your game.

  4. How about not cutting the website off while you're doing patches and maintenance on the game servers? you could do live updates, and people could talk to each other on the forums.

    It would give people something to do while the game servers are down, instead of twiddling our thumbs and thinking of new ways to express our discontent with the credit spammer situation.

  5. How many people would like the ability to ignore someones whole account, be they credit spammers, trolls, or just annoying jawa game players? if a f2p gold spammer can have 15 characters, does that mean i have to ignore 15 different toons? bioware apparently doesn't care about us enough to do anything that would require any effort on their part, how much effort could it take to write a few lines of code that would hook a whole legacy to an ignore command? VOTE yes or no, let them know what you think.....

    i vote FOR legacy / account wide ignore, pretty obviously

  6. i just spent 90 dollars to buy two hypercrates specifically because i wanted the jet pack. i couldn't care less about anything else in the pack, that was the sole and only item i wanted. i did not get one. 90 bucks shot to ****. the next time i want an item, i am not buying a hypercrate, i'm not buying a single crate, i'll be buying it off the gtn, and i won't say where the credits will have come from, because i don't want to incriminate myself, but i can tell you this, bioware will never be getting another dollar of my money for hypercrates full of useless garbage.

    is this sour grapes? am i just venting because i'm disappointed? yes....but its still true

  7. i just reverse engineered 90, yes 90 green aim tank implants to get a decent blue implant with 4 stats. i didn't get one. i got 2 with 5 stats, which are useless. the comm implants are better. i went ahead and re'ed both of the blues, 23 of one to get a 5 stat purple, which again, is useless, 37 of the other till i got another 5 stats piece of garbage.

    Why am i bothering?


    i just wasted a lot of mats to get two items i'll NEVER use, that no one will EVER ask for, that should NOT even exist in the game.

    if you want people to raid, and use good comm gear as an incentive, i understand that, but i have to tell you, i feel like i've been abused, and didn't even get dinner out of it. why make items when you can get a better version of that item cheaper from the comm vendor? why give me the false hope that you actually care about crafting and that i might be able to make something useful and that people would actually want? quit making garbage that NO ONE WILL EVER WANT...EVER......i'm about to degenerate into chain cursing......

  8. Kuat tactical flashpoint is the work of the devil. you can not get a group for anything but kuat, if you uncheck kuat you'll end up sitting for hours waiting for anything else to pop. new people leveling through kuat don't learn anything, except how to be an annoying ****** who has no idea what his classes role is in general or in a flash point. they run ahead, attack huge groups of mobs, then get mad that you didn't heal them, even though you arent a healer, and were on the other side of the fp with the other two dps that queued with you. they'll wait till pats are almost on top of them to attack an elite, then wonder why they are taking so much damage. when these people hit operations, many of them will quit the game, because they'll get tired of getting booted out of the group because they never learned the first thing about any damn thing. for once in your money grubbing life, do something to make the game better, not something to make your wallet fatter with no thought to the future
  9. Tactical flash points are the worst idea ever, they are bringing up a whole "generation" of players who have no idea what they should actually be doing in a flash point, much less when they hit ops. i can imagine their surprise when they immediately get kicked from the group when it becomes obvious they have no clue what their job is, or what they should even be killing first.

    If you have already leveled at least one character to 55 and have a clue, that's one thing, but this is just asking for trouble. i already don't want to play with these untrained, undisciplined ******s

  10. The current space pve missions are lame. they do the same thing every time. you can never try anything different. i do them because they are a good source of exp while lvling, but they are incredibley boring and i am about damn sick of them.

    Let me out of the damn tube. You gave pvp people a whole new system, and ignored pve people. i tried the new pvp, and i do not want to do it anymore than i want to do ground pvp.

    I realize you can't make everyone happy, but it seems like you aren't even trying here.

  11. this is a pvp expantion, there is nothing new at all for pve. if it keeps the pvp people happy, good for them. but it means dick to me. i want free flight pve space missions, thats what i was waiting for. i don't like pve. it would be nice if they could put something in for everyone, instead of making the whole thing pvp centered.
  12. Are you talking about the droid in Esseles? It's annoying and I don't know why it hasn't been fixed but if it's actually causing you to abandon the FP, that's on you.


    i can't get out of the hole. i can't /stuck, i can't die, i can't exit area......what else can i do?

  13. companions that still impale themselves on their holstered weapons. taxis that still disappear from most angles. planets where you still get stuck if you step off a path and have to /stuck, which still doesn't work half the time.

    a ramp that still drops you to the floor under it, where you can't get out no matter what you do and you have to bail on the fp you have 3/4 done. filters in the gtn terminal that still don't do what they are supposed to. subscribers who still log in and find that they have been moved to f2p status. companion gear previews that still show you a pair of feet and nothing else.

    they obviously haven't been busy fixing any of these things, they should have had plenty of time to fix whatever is wrong now.

  14. they just gave me a ruined morning. got up early, cleaned house, took a shower, ate breakfast, sat down to play for 3 hours before work, and got booted about 2 minutes after i logged in. i'm sure the servers will come up about 3 minutes before i have to leave for work. i still love this game, but it gets harder all the time. like trying to love a drug addict, you can't help it,but you know they'll steal your stuff and pawn it for crack.
  15. Kaon under siege should have been moved to tier two with lost island a long time ago. it doesn't count towards the tier one weekly. it's much harder than the next hardest tier one fp, and not fun at all to do with a pug group as a daily.

    i have 3 different healers,and i just log out and go play an alt for 15 minutes and try again if i get it as my daily on any of the three.

  16. the population of our server has recently just about tripled, which means 3 times as many people doing black hole dailies. any reasonable person would think about at least doubling the amount of resources for triple the amount of people. Or perhaps drastically lowering the number of people it takes to open another instance, as no one actually has to use them if they don't want to.

    on top of this, we can now have 12 characters instead of 8, that's a potential 33% population increase on top of the merger. its hard enough to get dailies done for 8 characters at the current respawn rate, there won't be time to do anything else,including have a real life, if you try to do it for 12.

    the over crowding doesn't promote a good community,someone will complain, someone else will tell them to ****, then the fur flies and at least 2 more people are ignoring each other soon, which does not promote a good community.

    i know people can group up but a lot of people apparently don't want to, and since they pay to play the game just like everyone else, they shouldn't be forced to if they don't want to.

    please raise the respawn rate of weapons crates and drall engineers drastically, or just make a permanent 3 instances with the ability to open more if those have more than maybe 30 people in them.

  17. the population of our server has recently just about tripled, which means 3 times as many people doing black hole dailies. any reasonable person would think about at least doubling the amount of resources for triple the amount of people. Or perhaps drastically lowering the number of people it takes to open another instance, as no one actually has to use them if they don't want to.

    on top of this, we can now have 12 characters instead of 8, that's a potential 33% population increase on top of the merger. its hard enough to get dailies done for 8 characters at the current respawn rate, there won't be time to do anything else,including have a real life, if you try to do it for 12.

    the over crowding doesn't promote a good community,someone will complain, someone else will tell them to ****, then the fur flies and at least 2 more people are ignoring each other soon, which does not promote a good community.

    i know people can group up but a lot of people apparently don't want to, and since they pay to play the game just like everyone else, they shouldn't be forced to if they don't want to.

    please raise the respawn rate of weapons crates and drall engineers drastically, or just make a permanent 3 instances with the ability to open more if those have more than maybe 30 people in them.

  18. many times its not a person not hitting the space bar,if everyone has the green "accepted" check mark, and it still says waiting on player, someone has a sub par computer, or their isp is having problems, and no amount of people telling everyone that the space bar is their friend is going to make any difference what so ever. so either get some patience, or suffer,those appear to be your only options at the moment
  19. Just lettin you guys know i've not gone away.

    The spawn rates in the blackhole for crates, drall engineers, and toxic goo spouts all need to be upped, considerably.

    I'm not looking for replies, or suggestions. i'm not going to rant about how bad it sucks, how frustrating it is having to wait when there are only 10 people in the zone, just going to request you up the respawn rate, please. for the 43rd time. cya in a day or two for 44

  20. i can tell you as a longtime 400 biochemist, that i have never made, used, or been asked for an adrenal. period.

    i was a little upset when i looked at the black hole vendor and saw that they had added...................adrenal recipes..................................woohoo...........well, at least that's one less thing to save up for

  21. there are always people who don't understand that their way isn't the right way, that really, they're all right ways, if that's is what works for you, i have to group up to do fps and ops, i have to group up to pvp, do i have to group up to wipe my *** in this game? if i do, then maybe you're right and i am playing the wrong game
  22. some people like to group up, and some don't, just because i like to solo things shouldn't penalize me. i should be able to get this done without having to group up with someone i don't know, don't want to know, and don't want to wait on while they look at every shiny thing in sight
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