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Posts posted by Void_Singer

  1. [...]

    Btw, GSF daily+weekly rewards.[...]

    allow me to stop you right there. Grinding content type B to gear for content type A is neither good design, nor a reasonable assumption.... doesn't matter if it's this, or warzones or master ops or w/e. It's probably the second-most longstanding gripe players have had with gearing in SWTOR

  2. side note:

    while items that used to drop in FP's and OP's are accurate in their "no longer available" tags, ones that were world drops can sometimes still be obtained.... but ONLY by characters that are in the level range for that planets world drops. as soon as a characater outlevelss the zone, they use the generic drop list instead and have zero chance on the world drop list.

  3. It seems that I can't find any up to date guides on end-level dyes and crystals.


    I had to google quite a bit to figure out that you get new dyes at 620 from the trainer.

    Do you also get crystals from the trainer at a higher crew skill?

    Or do you get it from somewhere else?

    the current Cliff's Notes guide is:

    all available crystals and dye schematics from the trainer should be visible

    all available dye schematics from reputataion vendors haven't changed in several years

    there are no reputation crystal schematics

    "advanced" crystal schematics (RE'd from Operations drops) are no longer obtainable. Officially this is a bug, (for several years), but is unlikely to EVER be fixed because of how RE works now (only on self-crafted items)

  4. Have you done it?

    tried it with my old one when someone else reported similar results a few years back (can probably still find the thread here)


    There are security tokens where the secret key (encoded in the serial number on the sticker) is stored in memory and lost when the power fails (cheaper for production, and an aditional security layer vs. tampering or reverse engineering). In that case after the battery was replaced, the key would no longer be a secret to you (likely '0') but you'd have no clue of how to generate the matching serial number to tell it to the server.

    these are definitely not those... also those are actually more expensive, and can't be stored as long


    Anyway, after seeing the video of how the identically built WOW token defies any attempts at opening it without destroying the case, I'd rather use a key app on my phone than some rickety contraption held together by duct tape. (Although the cynic in me just remarked that it would kinda represent the state of the game)

    exacto-knife and a spudger, with 2 drops of CA glue to put it back together


    but as others have noted, using an authenticator app on your pc is much more convenient, since at the very worst you can cut and paste it, or if you have one of the better password lockers it'll fill it in for you.

  5. you don't actually have to maintain voltage, there's a simpler way....


    Step 1:

    remove keyfob from account

    Step 2:

    Change Battery

    Step 3:

    add keyfob back to account (which will force it through verification)


    they work the same way that the application versions do, except instead of using a date, they use a counter... remove the battery, the counter gets reset. (hence why you don't want it active when you change the battery, because the game and fob counters will be out of synch)



    personally I'd recommend the application version, andd get the manual key text to use in the authenticator of your choice.... several like last pass, keepass, etc will spit out all your creddentials including the authentication number automatically which makes logins super fast

  6. The opening story quest for the Festival on Rishi... if one chooses to examine the pipes for the rodian council member:

    A: the nova blade enemies are not flagged hostile

    B: if one attacks the northern-most group, ~100 more will spawn at once


    I managed to pop "rishi kill enemies 2" conquest objective in a single AOE attack on that group.



    for the mek-sha search for the cook quest, it's possible for brotherhood npc's to join you in fighting the brothered ambush mobs, probably because they are missing a faction flag.

  7. There're also a couple of tacticals, that aren't really used.... but TBH since they returned reusables to bio the only mechanically useful crafts have been Bio followed by the 3 augment crafts (Arms/Armor/Synth). All Artifice has are vanity consumables. The fact that Cyber got a new material is sort of a bad joke, since they don't even have the vanity stuff that artifice has (grenades are barely useful, half the ship parts were undermined, not that anyone wants them, and custom speeders were undermined from day 0).
  8. I come to hang out and play a game... I don't have time to feed trolls, wannabe edgelords, and obnoxious arses.... I've got the whole rest of the internet for that if I choose. The only politics I care about while I'm here are Imperial efficiency vs Republic freedom and the like..


    ... in short, someone wasting their time is their business, someone wasting my time is not. If I don't control it when I have the means, it''s masochism... and I'm not a masochist.

  9. with the limitations on the engine, they can't do free form. I'm not sure if it was a post, or podcast, but I think they've said that a few times. Or it's been quoted a few times.

    free flight would have been so much better, but with the engine limitations, it was never meant to be. Haven't tried the new game, will wait till it's on sale...lol. Only ever really buy games full price when I know I'll play them a lot...lol.

    They've said it, but it's patently untrue, as demonstrated by the existence of GSF.


    the real problem is their theory of commodification... people complained about the rails, and instead of reworking that portion, and AI logic, they went for PvP only because someone told them that's all players want and all that drives retention (neither being true)

  10. can the advanced stuff be crafted? nothing from the trainer.

    trainer only sells basic schematics, advanced schematics come from deconstructing items you make with basic schematics (it'll show you the chance to learn per crafted stack on mouse-over)

  11. My list for gather sites... - is worse than norm, + is better, ++ is super quick.... these are for the best ares I could find on that planet, ignoring bonus series areas (which tend to be both sparse and a different level)


    (10-16) Grade 1 -Homeworld

    (16-24) Grade 2 (Pub)Taris (Imp)+Balmorra

    (24-32) Grade 3 -Alderaan

    (32-41) Grade 4 (Pub)+Balmorra (Imp)Taris

    (41-50) Grade 5 Belsavis / Voss / Corellia

    (50-52) Grade 6 -Black Hole / Ilum

    (50-55) Grade 7 Makeb / CZ-198 / Oricon

    (55-60) Grade 8 ++Yavin IV

    (60-65) Grade 9 ++Zakuul / Darvannis

    (65-70) Grade 10 Iokath / Ossus

    (70-75) Grade 11 Onderon / +Mek-Sha

  12. :: digs in old notes ::

    100%: Base RXP

    +2% / tier: Legacy > Character Perks > Improved Renown Experience

    x2: Double Rewards Event (doubles both Base RXP and Improved Renown Experience, but not others)

    +15% DvL Victory State (if it's your alignment, this seems to have changed slightly, not affected by 2x Rewards)

    +25% Legacy > Global Unlocks > Other: Renowned Legacy (not affected by 2x Rewards)

    +25-100% Renown Boost Item (small-large, not affected by 2x Rewards)

  13. Careful. As far as I know, Krall's Accord is the only Tactical that triggers this thing, so don't delete *other* Tacticals.

    sadly no... the ones that build charges do it too.. just not so frequently.


    but you definitely shouldn't delete those other ones; they're actually useful.

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