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Posts posted by robinhaga

  1. SWTOR should really do a twitch event like Rust did. Reach out to a bunch of streamers, both big ones, and faithfull SWTOR streamers. Add in some twitch drops or some reward codes, and a little bit of online marketing.


    Could make for a big boom of new players and return of old players, like refer friends was supposed to do.

  2. Well, im not on that server but i would not mind making a new char and help out, for free btw, if you want to check out my stronghold im on tomb of freedon nadd.


    Kritahl on rep side, Gintahl on imp side (brothers seperated at birth :p)


    Feel free to send me a message ingame if you want to look around.

  3. They made a awesome exclusive Lego Revan that you could only get for ordering like 180$ of sw legos on lego.com I got it off ebay, best purchase, Just need HK and the Smuggler ship lego set x2 to make the ebon hawk


    Yeah, i already have all the swtor lego sets, including revan, all of em are Great.

    Just that i want more :p

  4. Have anyone hear, read, or seen anything about new swtor lego sets?


    Really hoping they will make more, i would love to have the faction fleet ships, more of the class ships, firebrand and stormcaller, a mandalorian cruiser and and and.....

    Hell, i would love to have a lot from here in lego, tho mostly the d-5 mantis and the bt-7 thunderclap.



    Anyone else have something they want in lego from swtor?

  5. Have anyone else seen the similarities between Arcann and his brother from the new xpack, and storm shadow and snake eyes from g.i joe?


    Like backstories, colours of their clothes and personalities. Hell, even in swordskills.

  6. "Jetpack Booster" for mercenary, the skill makes you unable to move but makes you airborne so only ranged attacks can hit you with a 30% reduction in incoming dmg.


    Commando one would be "Personal Hover Platform"


    Not sure how long it should last tho, but maybe 7 seconds while you can still attack, or 15 seconds without being able to attack.

  7. There should be a few different grand statues(big ones), not sure where you can get all tho, grand statue of emperor is from one of the earliest packs, and there are some that have a small chance to drop from cantina eventuelt crates.


    Tor-decorating.com does have a list of all statues you can get, with info where they can be aquired.

  8. Mye Main is arsenal, and i got about 32% Crit, 69% surge and 100,03 accu.

    If you are on about 30-32% Crit then power would be better than aim.


    Edit: i need to learn to read, i was talking about pve.

    Dont really play much pvp.

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