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Posts posted by chmodsusan

  1. Agreed. Honestly I'd like to see an update letter from all the "married" romance companions, but an apology letter or two from Quinn would be amazing, and make That Thing feel a little less like a contrived and isolated plot event.


    And yes, I took Pierce for a test drive. ;) A fully fleshed-out Pierce would have made for a really nice choice.

  2. Actually, having thought about it some more, I think killing 1 monster and getting enough XP to level to 55 is too fast. I propose toning it down slightly. We should get enough XP for 1 level each time we kill a monster. That way it will take 55 kills to get to L55, which I feel is much more balanced.


    I still think it would be too slow. I'm a very casual player and I don't have time to kill 55 things, but I deserve to see everything in the game with my limited playtime. Just let us generate characters at level 55 for a few cartel coins. It doesn't take anything away from other players because level 55 is available through gameplay.


    BTW, I also think Elite Warlord is an awesome title and it should be available for CCs. I don't have time to PVP much, and since it's just a title and doesn't convey any in-game benefit at all, it isn't fair to limit it.

  3. I definitely agree that legacy beyond level 25 needs to be made more interesting and meaningful. I like a lot of these suggestions, but I'm pretty sure that at this point, any useful reward will be whined into the CM by the CM players ("it takes too long / is too hard to get and people with high legacy shouldn't get in-game advantages, it's not faaaaaair!"), and any vanity reward will also be whined into the CM by the CM players ("it doesn't effect gameplay so why is it restricted to high legacy, it's not faaaaair!"). :rolleyes:
  4. I just finished the storyline and I got a really vague, gray ending. Killed Jadus and all the SIS people, handed the codex over to the Sith and... I guess I'm waiting for them to build the new black ops Sith intelligence thing? I was hoping for a little better reward; I've done some quality violence for those people, even after they brainwashed me. But my interlude has that same "Batman" sounding status that other people got after having options to erase their identity and be a free agent (I never got any of those; I just told watcher I didn't distrust the Sith like he did and that was pretty much end of conversation and the questline). I dunno, I enjoyed most of the IA storyline but the ending I got felt a bit anticlimactic and unsettled, especially compared to the inquisitor ending which was:



    "I'M ON THE FREAKING DARK COUNCIL, Y'ALL. And I'm surrounded by hundreds, maybe thousands of people bowing down and worshiping me. Oh and I redeem tormented souls in my spare time, just for the lols."



    Just didn't feel nearly as epic, you know?

  5. I'm not so concerned about having to rename characters... yeah it sucks but I'll live, and most of my toon names are pretty unique anyway. Same with likely having to pick a new legacy name... I really liked mine, but I'll live. I also don't care about the forced moves from the locked servers; there aren't many active players left on those anyway, and the plan all along has been to remove those servers.


    But I am concerned with the in-game ramifications of these megaservers. I play on Drooga's, and there is already a lot of competition for quest items. It isn't fun to sit around for 15 minutes waiting for quest items to spawn and hope you get to them first so you can actually play the game again. The game mechanics are designed around a certain population level, and it just feels like merging several of the already-populated destination servers into huge megaservers is going to really make questing a pain.

  6. As a mostly-casual player with a highest level character at 31, I seriously enjoyed this event. Could have been a bit longer, but not with more dailies. Just a little more time so people who don't play every day could see more of it. I did like the progressive dailies, though, and the flowed well from one to another.


    -- Containment Officer Gear is all BOP Light Armor? My trooper says "Yeah, um, no thanks."

    -- Random companion customization boxes: WHYYYYYYYYYY? I got three Vectors, two Andronikos, 1 Corso, 1 Kira. I didn't mind grinding out a bunch of DNAs, but it maybe should have given me a random one out of all the ones I didn't have. Even if the one I really wanted (ELARA!!!) was the last one I got, I wouldn't feel like I wasted all that time if I had no dupes.

    -- I liked that the event was accessible to characters under level 50, but I'm not sure I would have found out about this event if I hadn't been leveling on Tattoine already and sorta ran into it. I barely go to Fleet. I do like that style (accidental discovery) and I liked the emergency nature of the event without any warning, and I don't think EVERYTHING needs to be officially announced in loading screens and emails and such, but that also makes things easy to miss; maybe another reason to make events longer.

    -- Some of the respawn rates were pretty brutal for a character at level with Tat, especially at the sand people areas. Other players were very helpful though, often killing stuff with which I was clearly struggling. That plus the fun "both factions standing around pvp flagged waiting for someone to go feverish and then get killed" really made me like the community.

    -- Could have used some explanation as to how I'd just gone through an experimental vaccine test quest on Taris that made me immune to rakghoul infection, and then in the world event, I get rakghoul infection?

  7. What was good:

    - The theme was really fun. I loved how the quests flowed. Most of the quests were fairly easy to discover if you knew the ballpark of where to go. I didn't feel like I had to go to outside sites until I got to the scavenger hunt sequence (which was fun but crazy hard)

    - As a casual noob with no guild, I felt like the event still offered me fun stuff to do. No I didn't have a group of 50s to carry me through the world bosses, but that's okay, because I could do everything else.

    - At least on my server, there was good community stuff. Lots of higher level characters would see I was struggling with one of the minibosses and help me squish the boss ("helpful" and "impatient" are two sides of the same coin, right?) And the plague infection tango was fun.

    - The disease explosion thing? So amazing, I can't even express it. KABOOOOOOOM!


    What was bad:

    - If I hadn't been leveling on Tattoine at the time, I feel like I wouldn't have even known about the event. I don't spend much time at Fleet, and I already had breadcrumb quest for the next area, where I would have flown directly.

    - I don't have any characters at or near the level cap, so I felt like I put in a ton of time into finishing the dailies. The challenge was interesting and all, but it took me a looooong time to do the dailies every day. Especially the sand people parts, because everything aggroed on me every time, and the respawn rates were kinda painful.

    - The random companion customization box was I think maybe the biggest mistake. I'd rather they were a bit more expensive but I could actually pick (or if it could have had a way to not give you a duplicate of a customization you already have in, that would be ok too). WTT 3 Kiras (companion for a class I haven't even rolled yet) for 1 Elara (my highest level character's companion) plx...

    - PVP flagging issues. I play on a very small, friendly PVE server and nobody ganked me (well, except when I asked them to for sample farming), but I don't think I should be flagged without my express action.

    - That one part of the scavenger hunt where you have to either go through the FFA PVP area or deathrun through the Imperial town? Yeah, that sorta sucked (though that's mostly because I didn't know about the PVP area entrance, so I got ran through the town naked. Those guards hit hard, owie.)


    Overall, it was an incredibly enjoyable event. Gonna keep farming DNAs for a bit and hopefully get my Elara customization :)

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