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Posts posted by DreaddJester

  1. One day I'm going to make an MMORPG that's completely based on what "the players" want. You start the game, hit one button and all at once you have the best armor, weapons and abilities in the game. Hit one more button and you instantly kill 1,000,000,000 mobs that are lined up in front of you and you then ding to max level. Game over thanks for playing............


    Of course, people would argue that they should be able to do it all with just one button push instead of two.

  2. Just as a side note: as a weekend pass player I was also not allowed to post on these forums. Couldn't reply, couldn't start a post, couldn't do anything, even though I was logged in to my account. I could read them but would put up a "not authorized to post" message everytime I tried to make a post. It was not until after I subscribed that I could post here.


    Which.....brings me to question.... if those who had a subscription but truly canceled it can actually still post here??????? Don't plan on finding out the answer to that question myself for qute some time though. Just interesting food for thought.



    Oh, and also, more good news. My wife, who also has played several MMORPGs finally gave the game a go last night. Now this is actually fairly important because she hates sci-fi MMORPG's and hates Star Wars even more. For her to even try the game out was a pretty big deal but after looking over my shoulder at me playing she decided to try. As of right now as I'm typing this she's now over on her own computer playing her own copy of the game....... Took her about 20 minutes of playing last night to say she liked it and wanted her own copy. :D

  3. I don't often post on the forums, but when I do, it's in happy threads :)


    Seriously, nice to have a newbie in with a fresh look on the game, as a smuggler myself, I must say I am pleased with your class choice (though admitedly, Scoundrel is the best AC :p ) One question I do have though. I know you were able to join in on the first flashpoint, but how could you do that, when you didn't have access to the chat? How did you get a group together to run Esseles?


    Anyway, great to have you here, don't feed the trolls, and have fun!



    To be honest, I skipped the first flashpoint. It gave me the option to take a "little shuttle" and that is what I did. I suppose I could have stood next to the flashpoint and said LFG in tells though since I belive I could talk regularly but I didn't try that.

  4. WOW! Didn't realize my little post had so many replies.


    To answer a few questions here we go.


    First off thanks for all the great and wonderful welcomes. It is much appreciated.


    Yes I did have access to any and every server. Didn't seem to be locked from any of them but I honestly didn't try the test server so not sure about that one.


    To the comments about the forums, yes I've noticed. I saw one post about the "crappyness of the in-game shadows" and just shook my head in disbelief that anyone could be such a whiny, pathetic fool as to scream about something that has zero effect on the fun of the game. Are there some glitches and problems with the game, sure, but show me an MMORPG that has no issues and I'll show you some ocean front property in Kansas. I truly wish some of those trolls would go experience some other games, where they release full price expansions that have next to zero content, where they sell your personal info to other companies, or where they just don't listen to anything that anyone says.


    To those who say I'll get tired of the game fast. Perhaps I will, perhaps I won't. I'm sure most of you young pups couldn't stand to do what I've done in some games. How about trying old school EQ where you had to more or less sit in one spot for hours on end in a group. Your tank pulls the mobs, your dps players blast the mobs to pieces, your healers heal everyone up. Lather, rinse, repeat, with the same exact mobs over and over again for several hours. Or I could go way way back old school where we'd spend quarters and hours blasting away at the same old creeping mobs in space invaders.


    I guess what I'm saying there is don't assume that since you apparently have A.D.D. that I do too. I realize that a guild can make or break even the most dull of MMORPGs. Roleplaying can greatly enhance that more. If your in a boring guild or have no friends to speak of in game because you constantly spew out rude or idiotic comments in general chat then I'm truly sorry that your experience sucks. Go find a better guild or quit the game, your choice. Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying this game for as long as it brings me a smile and I look forward to hanging out with my guildmates.


    Thanks again to all the great and positive feedback.

  5. Hello everyone,


    After having experienced SWTOR for the first time this weekend I wanted to give a review of what I thought about the Weekend Pass and my first impressions of SWTOR.


    Having played several MMORPG's in the past I sort of knew what to expect to a degree. When I first read the Q&A for the Weekend Pass I expected most of what I read as it was more or less standard fare restrictions for a trial. However I was thrown back a bit when I read that Weekend Pass players couldn't chat in general chat. At first I thought it seemed a bit too restrictive but then I came to understand and even respect the decision. Once I thought about it I realized that it was done because the developers actually care about their current players and don't want a bunch of weekend trial folk in there mucking up general chat. It was definately something that I took notice of and held in high respect. You don't find many devs caring that much about their current player base.


    So before I even started the game I knew I wanted to play a smuggler. Visions of being like Han Solo filled my brain. I was not let down in the least. I truly enjoyed actually feeling like I was part of the story and what a story it is. Then there's the whole cover system, something I've not seen done in MMORPG's, at least the ones I've played. Combat really gave you a sense that you were in an intense firefight and the NPC's respond in more or less believable ways.


    After bringing my initial smuggler up to level 11 I decided it was time to play around with the other classes a bit. I tried all on the Republic side and half of the Empire side. Yes I do realize that it wasn't truly "all" or "half" since you specialize into advanced classes later but what I did experience was incredible. Each class played and felt different, even between the Republic and the Empire side. It was very nice and very refreshing to see.


    After playing around with the different classes I decided it was time to get down to brass tacks. I like roleplaying and in games I play I want a strong roleplaying server. A quick check on these forums and a few others revealed to me that there was indeed some great roleplaying going on on several RP servers. Once again, this was a big deal for me.


    So I started up another smuggler on the Lord Adraas server named Vinsatii. I have now gotten him up to level 13, turned him into a gunslinger, and I'm very happy to say I've gone ahead and purchased SWTOR based on this one weekend of play. I've yet to find a guild or get into any great roleplaying as I've just been having a blast playing the game but I plan to very soon.


    Thank you devs for the wonderful weekend with an incredible game. As for everyone else, I hope to see you all in game soon!

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