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Posts posted by Tillerian

  1. Hey, RP Guilds! Looking for an extra for your sessions or events? Are you just looking for someone to RP with? Tired of cantina small talk? Well, I'm here to offer you some more excitement in your RP session! Me and my characters are all at your disposal! Both Republic and Imperial faction!


    If you want to have me join your RP session, simply PM me ingame and give me info on what you want me to do and we'll discuss it from there. If I'm not in-game leave me mail. Marcillo (Republic Side) is my main. If you don't have a Republic character, try Voleena on the Imperial Side. Alternatively, you can message me on the forums or send me an email at mtiller29@yahoo.com.


    Here are the list of characters I have available at the moment. If I add another, I will post it here on this forum.


    Marcillo (Jedi Guardian):




    An out-of-work Jedi hero who fights for the Republic. Once known as the Blue Jedi, he fought the Empire during the Cold War. Now, he is no longer part of the Jedi Order and drifts throughout the galaxy trying to protect it.



    Voleena (Powertech):




    A former Bounty Hunter who now works as a freedom fighter that tries to topple the Empire from within.



    Sytril (Sith Juggernaut):




    A ruthless Sith Lord who's very name spreads fear and terror even among the Empire! Do you have what it takes to stop him?



    Jalane (Jedi Shadow):




    A cheerful, former Jedi apprentice. She works as an expert slicer in the underworld of the galaxy.



    Jebedia (Gunslinger):




    A crackshot pilot, an expert marksman, and a ladies man. Charming as he is deadly, this Smuggler is a valuable asset to the Republic and a wanted criminal by the Empire.



    Mi'shlee (Jedi Sage)




    A wise and pacifistic Jedi Master. She is quiet and a bit odd, but she travels the galaxy spreading the jedi teaching and gives counseling to those who are in need. Despite her unconditional kindness, she has a mysterious past...





    Questions You May Have


    :rak_02: Who are you?


    I've been playing SWTOR since day one of F2P and this is perhaps the most played MMORPG I have ever played. I spent so many hours on this game it's not even funny! (Okay, maybe a little). I've been developing and RPing as some of these characters (Some of them are quite new) since that time.


    I have joined two guilds: The now-defunct Outer Haven, and the Jedi Order (The one with the funky 'i' I can't type it...). Left Outer Haven because it slowly died (RIP) and I left the Jedi Order because I didn't feel like I was going anywhere. I guess guilds aren't for me.


    Anyway, recently, I thought maybe I could aid other RP guilds and attempt to make their sessions more exciting! (Maybe make a name for myself). You guys have GOT to be tired of standing around in the cantina on the fleet and talking about doing things, instead of actually doing things!



    :rak_02: Why are you doing this?



    I love Roleplaying. I love writing! I love making stories and sharing them with people and taking part in other people's stories! I want to be a professional writer someday. But for the most part, I'm doing it just for fun.



    :rak_02: Can you join my guild?






    :rak_02: Can I change your character's backstory for my story?



    I'm afraid you cannot. These characters already have their own backstories that I, myself, made. However, I will do everything I can to make sure everything goes your way! Just keep in mind, I have to be in character. If you want to know more about my characters in detail, PM me and I'll explain!



    :rak_02: How often do you play this game?



    It really depends. Believe it or not, I have an actual life and that comes first. However, if you really want me, then you can PM me on this forum or send me an email. I'll get to you as soon as I can.



    :rak_02: Do you PvP?



    Not really, no.



    :rak_02: Do you do Ops?



    No, not really. I tried, but I couldn't keep up! Dread Fortress and Dread Palace scarred me for life...



    :rak_02: Do you do Flashpoints?



    Occasionally. I'm a decent tank. Okay DPS. Terrible Healer.



    :rak_02: Can I add you as a friend?



    You go right ahead! Really! I encourage it! That way you'll know when I'm on.



    :rak_02: Can you do ERP?



    Ehhhhh... I'm gonna say no...



    :rak_02: Are you on other servers?



    I'm afraid I'm Ebon Hawk only.



    :rak_02: Will this cost me anything?



    No. My services are absolutely free!



    Have any questions not listed here? Comment below!



    See you guys in the galaxy!

  2. Hey, RP Guilds! Looking for an extra for your sessions or events? Are you just looking for someone to RP with? Tired of cantina small talk? Well, I'm here to offer you some more excitement in your RP session! Me and my characters are all at your disposal! Both Republic and Imperial faction!


    If you want to have me join your RP session, simply PM me ingame and give me info on what you want me to do and we'll discuss it from there. If I'm not in-game leave me mail. Marcillo (Republic Side) is my main. If you don't have a Republic character, try Voleena on the Imperial Side. Alternatively, you can message me on the forums or send me an email at mtiller29@yahoo.com.


    Here are the list of characters I have available at the moment. If I add another, I will post it here on this forum.


    Marcillo (Jedi Guardian):




    An out-of-work Jedi hero who fights for the Republic. Once known as the Blue Jedi, he fought the Empire during the Cold War. Now, he is no longer part of the Jedi Order and drifts throughout the galaxy trying to protect it.



    Voleena (Powertech):




    A former Bounty Hunter who now works as a freedom fighter that tries to topple the Empire from within.



    Sytril (Sith Juggernaut):




    A ruthless Sith Lord who's very name spreads fear and terror even among the Empire! Do you have what it takes to stop him?



    Jalane (Jedi Shadow):




    A cheerful, former Jedi apprentice. She works as an expert slicer in the underworld of the galaxy.



    Jebedia (Gunslinger):




    A crackshot pilot, an expert marksman, and a ladies man. Charming as he is deadly, this Smuggler is a valuable asset to the Republic and a wanted criminal by the Empire.



    Mi'shlee (Jedi Sage)



    A wise and pacifistic Jedi Master. She is quiet and a bit odd, but she travels the galaxy spreading the jedi teaching and gives counseling to those who are in need. Despite her unconditional kindness, she has a mysterious past...





    Questions You May Have


    :rak_02: Who are you?


    I've been playing SWTOR since day one of F2P and this is perhaps the most played MMORPG I have ever played. I spent so many hours on this game it's not even funny! (Okay, maybe a little). I've been developing and RPing as some of these characters (Some of them are quite new) since that time.


    I have joined two guilds: The now-defunct Outer Haven, and the Jedi Order (The one with the funky 'i' I can't type it...). Left Outer Haven because it slowly died (RIP) and I left the Jedi Order because I didn't feel like I was going anywhere. I guess guilds aren't for me.


    Anyway, recently, I thought maybe I could aid other RP guilds and attempt to make their sessions more exciting! (Maybe make a name for myself). You guys have GOT to be tired of standing around in the cantina on the fleet and talking about doing things, instead of actually doing things!



    :rak_02: Why are you doing this?



    I love Roleplaying. I love writing! I love making stories and sharing them with people and taking part in other people's stories! I want to be a professional writer someday. But for the most part, I'm doing it just for fun.



    :rak_02: Can you join my guild?






    :rak_02: Can I change your character's backstory for my story?



    I'm afraid you cannot. These characters already have their own backstories that I, myself, made. However, I will do everything I can to make sure everything goes your way! Just keep in mind, I have to be in character. If you want to know more about my characters in detail, PM me and I'll explain!



    :rak_02: How often do you play this game?



    It really depends. Believe it or not, I have an actual life and that comes first. However, if you really want me, then you can PM me on this forum or send me an email. I'll get to you as soon as I can.



    :rak_02: Do you PvP?



    Not really, no.



    :rak_02: Do you do Ops?



    No, not really. I tried, but I couldn't keep up! Dread Fortress and Dread Palace scarred me for life...



    :rak_02: Do you do Flashpoints?



    Occasionally. I'm a decent tank. Okay DPS. Terrible Healer.



    :rak_02: Can I add you as a friend?



    You go right ahead! Really! I encourage it! That way you'll know when I'm on.



    :rak_02: Can you do ERP?



    Ehhhhh... I'm gonna say no...



    :rak_02: Are you on other servers?



    I'm afraid I'm Ebon Hawk only.



    Have any questions not listed here? Comment below!



    See you guys in the galaxy!

  3. Well, Knights of the Fallen Empire early access is just a few days away. I, personally, am looking forward to it. So, I thought I'd give you my opinions on each of the expansions we got so far. Keep in mind, these are my opinions and may not reflect your own.


    Rise of the Hutt Cartel: Our very first expansion and raised the level cap to 55. We find ourselves going to the planet Makeb which is on the brink of destruction. The Republic scrambles to get everyone off planet, while the Empire tries to mine a new resource called Isotope-5. This expansion was okay, not too good, not really bad, just there. One would wonder what the whole point of this expansion was because Isotope-5 isn't really mentioned again (Or so I think). My theory is that this is an excuse to get the Empire back on their feet after a big loss on Corellia, losing the Emperor, and cleaning up the mess that Darth Malgus tried to create with his splinter Empire. The Republic got a story because it wouldn't be fair otherwise. Not good, but not bad either.


    Galactic Starfighter: Our first free expansion and wow, was everyone excited about this one. This is something we wanted since the beginning, battles in outer space with our own custom starfighter! Everyone lost interest in about a week. Why? Well, depends on who you ask. The reason why I lost interest in it is because of one thing: PvP only. I am not, never was, nor ever will be interested in PvP. I tried it, I hated it. Now, it's not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of people LOVE PvP and I ain't got nothing against any of you (Just don't drag me into it). I think it was cool for Bioware to give them something to play with. Now, some of you can go into better detail than I can, but I think it would've been cool to have PvE content as well. Imagine playing through something like the Death Star run or the Battle of Endor with your friends! Or at the very least practice against real enemies a bit, not stationary targets that barely fight back. But, I digress. If you like GSF, great! Keep playing! But for me, I'll give it a pass.


    Galactic Stronghold: Our second free expansion was another feature that everyone wanted: Player Housing. As an RPer, this is a great thing! (Too bad I don't have any friends to RP with here, but that's just me.) Not only that, but we also got guild strongholds and guild ships! Something I personally have yet to experience due to the fact that my guild is small and quiet... (Sigh). Strongholds work as a sanctuary where you can gain rested exp, have a bank, a mailbox, a guild bank, an account bank, venders, EVERYTHING! Even your companions can hang out there. And the best part is, you can access it from almost anywhere, and you can go back right back where you started. Quite handy. The problem that some people have with strongholds is they are EXPENSIVE. It costs a couple million credits to open every room and decorate it with furniture. People claim it to be a credit sink, but there's nothing really wrong with that, for reasons I don't want to get into because there are people who can explain it better than me. If it's worth the investment, that's up to you, but I think this was a good expansion overall.


    Shadows of Revan: Finally, another big expansion with an epic story! This expansion pack bumped our levels up to 60. Here, the Republic and Empire have to form an uneasy alliance against a third faction called the Revanites. We must travel to a new world called Rishi and then the familiar world Yavin IV, where we finally take the fight to the Prodigal Knight himself! To me, this was a very well told and solid story. A lot of people didn't like the fact that it was short and very story heavy, but to me, it's not the length that matters, but the quality, and what fine quality! It was a nice sendoff to one of the most important characters in the KOTOR series and a very popular character in the Star Wars francise overall. Great story, great characters, I loved it. But if you're not into the story, you might find yourself a little put off by it. (Though why would you not be playing a Bioware game for story?)




    RoHC: Okay :)


    GSF: Disappointing :(


    GSH: Great (If your into that thing) :D


    SoR: Awesome story! :D


    What are your personal opinions on the expansion packs? I'd love to hear them!

  4. One more just popped in my head.


    18: I chuckle at the people who think the JK is hard because they don't get the healing companion 'til later. I just use the Ship's robot...


    People really have a hard time with the JK? That's my best class! At least as a guardian. Never tried Sen/Mar before. Also, I usually stick to Kira and rarely use anyone else.

  5. Some replies to your confessions above.


    As for my own:

    I prefer to play non force-user classes. Especially the bounty hunter.


    I also prefer to play characters that are not stereotypical of their class. My Jedi Knight is a nobleman that's arrogant, elitist and kinda racist. He believes that Jedi should rule the non force-users because they obviously cannot rule themselves and while he does believe in the jedi code to a degree, he doesnt' consider aliens and non-force users to be important. So he wouldn't have any trouble killing a criminal because in his mind, he is saving many other lives (potentially) and since the criminal wasn't a force user anyway, he wasn't that important to the galaxy as a whole.

    (Of course, he knows all this is against the rules of the current jedi order, so he'll lie and cover it up, because he thinks he can change the jedi order from within to become "stronger" and "better")


    While I don't participate in roleplaying, I still play on RP servers because I generally find the people there more agreeable and more mature... overall. (I did play alot of PnP RPG's growing up and into my late twenties though)


    Thanks for replying to my confessions, man!:cool: As for the RP servers, yeah, we're pretty cool. It's pretty much the reason why non-rp'ers come here, and personally, I don't mind at all! :D


    Anyway, apparently we have all reached a consensus, Bioware: Strongholds on Manaan... (Palpatine voice) DO IT!!!

  6. 21: I love running into Trekkies in this game. It shows we can coexist!

    22: I think all 8 class stories are well-written. At least one should appeal to somebody.

    23: (This is more of a response to the people who like to write all their characters together) I do that, too. In fact, I'm sure a lot of RP'ers do that. Building relationships between characters involves a more deeper roleplaying experience IMO.

    24: Corellia, Manaan, Rishi, and Alderaan strongholds would be very nice!

    25: KOTOR II deserves more recognition in this game.

    Poor Exile..


    26: I'm not one to like sith, but Darth Marr is pretty awesome. It's a love/hate thing.

  7. I love these! Keep them up, please! Here's a little more from me.


    16: I hate Staged Bonus Missions with a passion. I know they offer more rewards, but they're tedious and take way too long.

    17: I jokingly call the GSI combat droids in Solo Flashpoints "Mary-sue bots"

    18: I RP my Cathar Councilor as childish and fun-loving. I know Cathars are supposed to be a proud race, but that's just how I developed her.

    19: I hope my Knight can recruit Vette in the next expansion, I love her.

    20: Raqghoul swarms on Taris are fun to kill.

  8. Hi, I've been looking around the internet and I've seen some swtor confessions blog and thought I'd list a few of mine here, since I don't really know where to put them. Ready? Here we go (Deep breath)


    1: Revan's cannon face has grown on me. In fact, the next time I play through Kotor, I'm picking the head that's closest to it.

    2: Female Warrior voice is sexy.

    3: I wish people would stop dressing their companions in dancer outfits.

    4: Knight is my favorite story, and I won't understand why people think it's boring. It has the best Star Wars feel to it!


    I will never forgive Scourge for killing the Exile


    6: It's annoying when the bigger companions like Quezzen and Khem Vhall get in the way of the mouse.

    7: LS SW story is more interesting than DS SW.

    8: I didn't think the Agent storyline was that great.

    9: I think EA/Bioware redeemed themselves from what they did to Revan in the Foundry Flashpoint by releasing Shadows of Revan. Kudos, guys.

    10: I wish more people would RP outside the Cantinas.

    11: While I understand that resources are limited (This was a VERY expensive game to make), but wouldn't it be cool if we had an optional quest that allowed us to switch factions?

    12: Of all the classes I've played so far, the class I'm the worst at is the Sage/Sorcerer.

    13: I really liked the Counsular's storyline. It doesn't have to be about epic battles to be good.

    14: Thoughout the Knight's storyline, I flirted with every female NPC. But, after I married Kira, I stopped because I wanted to stay faithful to her.

    15: Whenever the Star Wars main theme plays during a battle I feel empowered and try twice as hard.


    And that's all I can think of, this threads just for fun. What are you confessions? List them down below.

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