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Posts posted by Rangarobbo

  1. As many of the people have said already it sounds like you could work on your strategy for the fights a little bit more as a premade group with the gear you listed should have little trouble clearing the place as long as they are familiar with the encounters.


    A few bits of advice regarding the first and second bosses as that seems to be where you were having the most problems.


    Outside of incinerate the dmg on the droid is pretty minimal if the group is playing well. As far as composition goes I have dpsed it on my gunslinger and sentinel in groups of 2 melee, 2 ranged and 1 of each and I can say that each set up has its own pros and cons and require a slightly different approach to. The two biggest things I have found on this fight is interrupting incinerate and the boss positioning. It's up to the tank to get the boss into a good position and continue to adjust the boss as needed. Move after an incinerate unless you have a ranged who can cover the interrupt and move ahead of time so you dont risk getting cut off/running through fire etc to move from lightning. ANy sort of voice comms can make this fight a breeze.


    Second boss, if your dps is high enough you can skip a few of his 'air' phases. Have your healer stand just off centre so they can heal everyone at consoles but not close enough to centre to get hit by bosses leap when he jumps down. The air phase is really a test on healer throughput however most dps can help out somewhat by popping a defensive cd or a medpac.


    Here is a video guide myself and a few guildies put together covering the strategies and general mechanics of all the major boss encounters when LI first came out. It is a little outdated as our strats are a little different depending on group makeup and the fact that we are now all BH/Campaign which is really overkill compared to the Col we were running it in initially. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24QFIUp0c0A


    Good luck!


    - Sym

  2. Nice vids I guess but a few things you should keep in mind for future videos.

    Try to choose neutral music and check for GEMA licenses.. for instance I can't watch the first video without using proxys.


    Also its interesting to see your spec and equip tho it's clearly sharpshooter and not Saboteur (not a sabslinger).

    This was pre 1.3 am I right?


    Another thing is too keep your camera distance a little lower. It's easier to see what's going on when your character is easier to see like who you are attacking, who is attacking you and how you counter them and such things.

    Try to keep it more stable, don't zoom in/out that often.

    Of course this is not important for your usual gameplay, just for making videos.


    Just some cosmetic things.


    Thanks for the feedback Riq :) Shall keep music choice in mind for next videos however with music being as subjective a topic as it is it might be hard to find something neutral. Can definitely work on checking licenses, its a pity most of the cc licensed tracks I can find make my ears bleed.


    My apologies the people I play with all refer to the ss/sab hybrid spec as sabslinger, thinking about it though should probably call it sabshooter or something. I liked to fiddle with different specs however they were all variants of the 23/16 mentioned earlier.


    Yeah camera system is a ***** in this game but will try and change settings again and see if it improves any.

  3. Had some 1.2 sabslinger footage and put together a few huttball montages. Not really aimed to demonstrate skill or anything like that but just some fun here and there and also trying out the kind of effects and editing you can get with Windows Live Movie Maker. Not really impressed with that program so if anyone has some suggestions for good editing software I would love to hear it.



    This video is all about knockbacks and big aimed shot crits.



    This is just random/funny clips with some tongue in cheek humour annotations.

  4. Hey guys was cleaning out my HDD and found I had alot of unused huttball footage from a 1.2 sabslinger PoV so I threw together a few montage clips. Not really an indication of skill more for entertainment.



    First clip is more about random things and some tongue in cheek humour. If thats not your thing then check out the second clip.



    The second clip is pretty much just knock backs and some burst kills using aimed shot -> trickshot.


    I am new to making these videos and am just trying things out like editing and that so if you have any feedback please throw a comment here.


    - Sym

  5. Gunslinger issues.


    Since I rolled my gunslinger I have enjoyed it immensely; funny one liners and the whole space cowboy feel make it quite enjoyable however there are a few niggling issues I feel that take away some of the enjoyment of playing the spec. These are just some first impressions since 1.3 and I am not a gunslinger expert but just looking to see if anyone feels the same way and how they feel about some of the suggestions I make. If anyone wants to know my progression etc I am 1/4 HM Denova and v62 so I am not some fresh 50 reroll whinging about my class :p


    1. Firstly rolling into natural cover positions especially in huttball is still bugged. The roll animation begins and as far as I can tell as soon as I am hit by an attack I stop halfway and cannot use my cover abilities. I then have to take a step forward and try and re enter again. Frustrating when you want to use your pulse detonator to knock ppl back. I could have sworn this was meant to be fixed patches ago however it doesn't seem to happen too often.


    2. As of 1.3 my pulse detonator is at times not knocking people/mobs back at all. Seen a few posts where people have stated hassles with this.


    Now that cover bugs are out of the way going to get into the mechanics of the 3 trees and some balance and quality of life issues I feel exist.



    3. 1.3 changes to armor debuffs. I have seen a decent drop in DPS as a SS slinger since the patch which is infuriating as I have gained quite a few augments since patch. As far as I can tell the gunnery trooper in my raid group has also seen a dps loss. It absolutely blows my mind that the stacking of armor debuffs was removed w/out any compensation for the ac/spec affected who were reliant on this debuff stacking to do suitable dps. Simple but perhaps troublesome solution is to provide some passive armpen to ss slingers. Perhaps even take the talent that gives +20% arm pen to aimed shot and apply it to all abilities.


    4. To deal with this I could respec yes however all the other specs have their downsides as well. SS/SAB has no access to the energy regen from burst volley anymore (slightly mitigated by the extra contingency charges). Pure SAB has a ground targetted aoe as part of its single target rotation and can be difficult to use well in fights where there is significant boss movement and trash packs where cc is essential. DF can feel energy starved if you are unlucky with crits however the biggest issue I find is the ramp up time required and the fact that shrapnel bomb can hit 3 targets.


    I am not sure if BW intends for hybrid specs to be viable however I would like to see SS/SAB get some love as they cannot access the energy regen talents from SS (burst volley) or SAB (sabotage). Could provide more regen from detonating contingency changes but it might add some unnecessary micromanagement to the spec as people would want to exhaust energy then pop sab charge and detonate the charges with a speed shot and top energy back off.


    DF the simplest solution and I say that because these changes have been applied to tanks is making their aoe 'smart' and ensure that shrap bomb wont hit cc targets because it is a ***** trying to judge the distance between a cc mob and a kill target while trying to decide will the mob live long enough for dot to be worthwhile and I am going to flip out the next time my shrap bomb hits the shield generators on Firebrand and Stormcaller.


    And perhaps even the biggest solution to this is the implementation of dual specs so I can rotate between spec as encounters require.

  6. Gunslinger issues.


    Since I rolled my gunslinger I have enjoyed it immensely; ****** attitude, funny one liners and the whole space cowboy feel make it quite enjoyable however there are a few niggling issues I feel that take away some of the enjoyment of playing the spec.


    1. Firstly rolling into natural cover positions especially in huttball is still bugged. The roll animation begins and as far as I can tell as soon as I am hit by an attack I stop halfway and cannot use my cover abilities. I then have to take a step forward and try and re enter again. Frustrating when you want to use your pulse detonator to knock ppl back.


    2. As of 1.3 my pulse detonator is at times not knocking people/mobs back at all.


    3. 1.3 changes to armor debuffs. I have seen a decent drop in DPS as a SS slinger since the patch which is infuriating as I have gained quite a few augments since patch. As far as I can tell the gunnery trooper in my raid group has also seen a dps loss. It absolutely blows my mind that the stacking of armor debuffs was removed w/out any compensation for the ac/spec affected who were reliant on this debuff stacking to do suitable dps. Simple but perhaps troublesome solution is to provide some passive armpen to ss slingers. Perhaps even take the talent that gives +20% arm pen to aimed shot and apply it to all abilities.


    4. To deal with this I could respec yes however all the other specs have their downsides as well. SS/SAB has no access to the energy regen from burst volley anymore (slightly mitigated by the extra contingency charges). Pure SAB has a ground targetted aoe as part of its single target rotation and can be difficult to use well in fights where there is significant boss movement and trash packs where cc is essential. DF can feel energy starved if you are unlucky with crits however the biggest issue I find is the ramp up time required and the fact that shrapnel bomb can hit 3 targets.


    I am not sure if BW intends for hybrid specs to be viable however I would like to see SS/SAB get some love as they cannot access the energy regen talents from SS (burst volley) or SAB (sabotage). Could provide more regen from detonating contingency changes but it might add some unnecessary micromanagement to the spec.


    DF the simplest solution and I say that because these changes have been applied to tanks is making their aoe 'smart' and ensure that shrap bomb wont hit cc targets because it is a ***** trying to judge the distance between a cc mob and a kill target while trying to decide will the mob live long enough for dot to be worthwhile and I am going to flip out the next time my shrap bomb hits the shield generators on Firebrand and Stormcaller.


    And perhaps even the biggest solution to this is the implementation of dual specs so I can rotate between spec as encounters require.

  7. Will try and keep this as constructive as possible. Been playing this game for a few months while there wasn't much to do in WoW and I have enjoyed the pvp here (well at least most of the time) and the class storylines however there are a few small things in general that bug me and some specific gunslinger issuesthat I really would like to raise.


    1. UI. It is great that in 1.2 that they introduced the option to customise the UI however I feel there are a few things that should be expanded. Provide some option to show only debuffs and scale them on operations frame as it is damn near impossible to be certain you are dispelling something. Offer a feature to allow one to increase the size of their debuffs on the boss so it is easier to track your own dots and not the raids.


    2. Larger nameplates. At times it can be very hard to pick out a certain target if there are a large number of them bunched up.


    3. Threat meter. Albeit since 1.3 tank threat seems pretty good however as a dps I would like some way to see how close I am compared to tank to know when is the best time to use an aggro dump etc w/out installing third party software.


    4. Fix the server lag and bugs in denova. My guild is working on HM denova and are struggling to make it past the firebrand and stormcaller encounter. Instance wide lag spikes, trash restarts due to entering new instance, bres sending people to the fleet and bugs such as getting stuck in the trees and walls near stormcaller is making it incredibly frustrating.


    Next post will cover some gunslinger issues so if you couldn't care less then feel free to not read any further.

  8. The difficulty of Lost Island hardmode really comes down to the group makeup and how experienced you are and whether or not you are using a voice chat program such as vent/mumble. I run this predominantly with the same 3 guildies using mumble and can clear it in 45 minutes, however our earlier runs did take us alot longer. My take on the instance is as follows:


    Average time investment: 1-2 hours deepening on group experience and whether or not you are going for bonus boss (extra trash and time taken to kill him etc.)

    Average gear req: I would recommend all group members have on average columi or better gear. Obviously, the better your groups gear the easier the fights will be.

    Group makeup: In a PuG group the first boss can be pretty punishing if using 2 melee or 2 ranged however most of the other bosses don't really favour a specific dps set up.


    Sentinel droid: really tests your groups coordination and communication. Can be very movement and healer intensive. I prefer to do this with 1 ranged to deal with adds and try and drop lightning fields away from the rest of the group and 1 melee dps to interrupt incinerate which leaves tank to interrupt his other dmg attacks.


    Sav-rak: healer check as the dmg during his 'air' phase can get pretty nuts. Make sure to have a medpack or a defensive cd handy.


    Lorrick: The tank dodging the grenades reduces stress on early in the early phases of the fight. The first 2 phases are all about positioning and the proper execution of mechanics. The final phase is just a dps race before the dmg overwhelms your group.


    TL:DR May seem difficult at first but if suitably geared practice, and coordination can remove most of the difficulty. Well worth doing if you can for chance at rakata chest piece and the Black Hole comms from the rakghoul weekly.


    Here is a guide a few friends and I put together for our guildies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24QFIUp0c0A

  9. Just to clarify unlocking the legacy bonus for companions is through completing the final dialogue scene with that companion and not necessarily reaching 10 000 rep. For example Guss Tuno (smuggler healing companion) finishes his last dialogue at around 9 100.


    Additionally, companion affection increases their critical chance on crafting missions by 5% at max affection if I remember right (there is a dev post on this somewhere) and also reduces the tie taken to perform crew tasks.

  10. Once you complete the starter planet (around level 10 or so) you will be required to select an advanced class, this will determine how your character plays for the rest of the game.


    The scoundrel AC has the ability to dps in melee (plays similar to a rogue in wow) and heal (Heal over time based like a druid in wow).


    The gunslinger AC is a ranged dps class and its 3 specs are a cast time nuke (sharpshooter) damage over time (dirty fighting) and then there is the 3rd spec with is somewhere in between the 2 above (sabotuer).


    If you pick gunslinger I would suggest going sharpshooter for lvling early on and perhaps swapping to sabo later on.


    Here is a quick guide to lvling in general that was posted on my guilds forums http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5PO4I0B0OQ

  11. Thanks guys been working on a few more guides: it means alot that people are watching them and hopefully enjoying it as much as I have been putting them all together and enjoy showcasing a game I really enjoy. Posting new videos pretty regularly as guildies or friends request them.


    Got a few flashpoint guides, guide to operation encounters (more coming soon) and other things.


    Channel is @ http://www.youtube.com/user/SymmetreeGaming?ob=0


    Once again thanks for watching


    - Sym


    PS: Always open to suggestions so if you see something you would like covered post on here and I will see what I can do.

  12. Lots of good tips here. I would say as a Gunslinger and especially a sharpshooter you will want to stay in cover unless you absolutely need to for a couple of reasons.


    First your dps is pretty terrible when moving and out of cover.

    Second and perhaps most importantly as soon as you leave cover you open yourself up by getting charged/leaped to and getting taken for a ride on the melee train (trust me you dont want to go there).

    Finally you get some ranged defense while in cover (natural cover provides more than your portable cover) and interrupt immunity.


    As mentioned above its important to know your class and not panic, knowing other classes will help as well because as mentioned above you want to save your dodge/knockback/flash/dirty kick for a sent/mara ravage.


    Can't remember what level you get defense screen (personal absorb shield) but use that early and then pretty much use it off CD.

  13. Orange belt/wrists while lvling can be obtained from Legacy Vendors on your factions capital planet unlocked at legacy lvl 10. They also drop from world bosses occasionally and can sometimes be found on GTN depending on your server but they are generally quite pricey. I think the fleet commendation vendor sells a light armor orange belt with comms but I am not 100% sure.


    At 50 it really depends on if you want to PvP or PvE because they have 2 separate gear pathways, how active your server is in terms of finding groups for flashpoints, whether you have a large stash of creds to burn on GTN etc. I could go on like that for ages but basically I will give you a quick rundown.



    Starter recruit set - high exp but relatively low primary stat such as str. A full set including weapons and relics will set you back around 350k creds.

    BM Gear - Slight upgrade in exp from recruit set but more stats. Roughly equivalent to PvE columi gear however expertise is useless in PvE. (it may have higher stats I am not 100% sure)

    War Hero - Highest level of PvP gear atm but getting a full set will take alot of time as ranked warzones havent been introduced yet.



    Moddable gear with lvl 49 epic armor/mods/enhance etc from daily quests and daily comms.

    Tionese - starter PvE set. Has a 2 and 4 set bonus that can be activated using Col/Rakata as well.

    Columi - Next step up from tionese, generally drops from final bosses in HM flashpoints and from all but last boss in Li HM.

    Rakata - final boss in Li HM and HM KP and EC.

    Campaign - Havent got any myself yet so no idea atm.

  14. I actually find Lost Island HM really enjoyable, I am fortunate enough to be on a decently populated (oceanic server) and forming groups for it isn't really a hassle. I find if the group can get past the sentinel droid then the rest of the run is doable.


    It's a good place to tune your dps/interrupt skills and as mentioned earlier a great source of weekly comms when you clear Kaon as well as the weekly. With a geared group who knows the instance it is easy to clear it in 30-45mins.


    Here is a guide my guild put together for LI HM if anyone is looking for some tips and tricks.



  15. Hi


    A few guildies and I ran alot of LI HM attempts farming the rakata chest and we decided to make a video guide that covered a quick run down on the bosses to help other guildies farm up the rakata so we could start moving into the Denova ops.


    Figured would post it here incase it is of use to anyone looking at trying it out for the first time or who may have been having some difficulty on the bosses.




    Also did a quick speed run through Battle for Ilum for daily and class quests and made a real quick and dirty guide for it.




    Enjoy the guides and I hope you get something useful out of them and all the best :)


    - Sym

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