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Posts posted by Zwippie

  1. Are you *********** serious? 5700 cc for one lightsaber?? I was hoping you would put this out on the cm so that I could finaly get the lightsaber for my juggernaut but I will not pay that!!

    Sry Bioware, my respect for you are DROPPING like a Star Destroyer from the sky! You'r getting greedy.

    Or are the sells for this game really that bad now?

  2. I would say she is very dark side but she is also smart. Like for instance, I don't think she would approve too much of us not saying anything to Mandalore in chapter XIV about the schematics sence it doesn't really serve our purpose to hide it from her.

    She plays things her way so that she can in the end win or at least benifit from it. She do things the smart way, not the "kill everything and everyone just for fun" way. Like my sorc, he's dark side but sometimes if I can choose between light and dark and a neutral side I choose neutral cuz that can be the smartest way to play it.


    My jugg dps on the other hand is a psycho :D She kills everything and everyone if she can. Same with my vanguard and assassin. They just like to kill and start chaos.

  3. Can't do anything but agree. Glad I'm not the only one that feels that this chapter is the worst. Can't go 1 min without another boring battle with 3 or 4 skytroopers.

    Can't stand them. I got nothing against combat in this game. It's fun and it makes you feel really powerfull sometimes and I like that but this is not good! I like to pick my battles more but of course I understand that the skytroopers have to attack us without warning BUT if they know I'm there, why not send a whole battalion of skytroopers instead of maybe 5 at the most? All these "ambushes" makes no sence. These droids are smart, I think, so you would figure that they should learn after i destroyed about a 100 of them that 4-5 droids ain't enough, "Let's send all skytroopers there" and not one squadron after another. Talk about cannon fodder.


    But I do not agree that the Knights have more varried attacks. More varried than the skytroopers definitely but not more than that. And am I the only one that gets annoyed over all these stuns that some mobs have that are elites or strong?

    First they hit you with a 6 second stun, then a 4 second stun and when you think they have used them all they hit you with a 2 second stun and meanwhile you have not lost 1% of your totall HP. These things are only there to annoy, not help them. If these stuns are suppose to give them an advantage and make things hard for us a Elite Knight for example should have at least 1 or 2 more elites with him/her that are not of the same, cuse if they were we would have the same problem. Think of it this way.

    The one with stuns are a tank, the other 2 are dps. One guy with 2 or 3 stuns makes me angry and I just wanna shut down the game and quit but if it makes more sence. Stun me so that the dps can hack me down or my companion with a little more damage I feel I would like it more. More challenging and I feel even more powerfull after taking down 3 elites :)

  4. This bug needs to be corrected or dissable HM False Emperor. It happends every time now on HM.

    Don't know tactical. Don't get the flashpoint too often on tactical so I don't know if the bug exists there but I can guess that with the kolto stations it might be easier to kill him!

    Back to point: FIX THE DAMN BUG!!:mad:

    I'm tired of going through the fp untill Jindo and then wipe over and over. Waste of time and I'm just saying this but from now on I'm not doing False Emperor. I rather wait 15 minutes to reque than do a hopeless flashpoint that is not worth it.


    I'm just a really concerned player here :cool:

  5. The last boss is a real piece of work I agree. With 4 random people it can be hard. I did this as tank today and we could not kill it. I died mostly because i seem to get hit by the blue line of missiles even when I'm not inside the line. And yes, I'm sure I was outside the line when I got hit.

    I had no problem avoiding the circles but the adds dmg was pretty big too, the healer had some problems with that. Don't know if that's cuse of dmg or experience from healer but he seemed to know what is what!

    I myself was pretty low as tank, 77k hp with a small boost from the fp and our healer was pretty low but dps was good!

    And the boss can be more hard for a sniper dps or gunslinger sence you have to move all the time and some good dmg from sniper/gunslinger comes from channeling attacks. Lightning sorc and the sage mirror can do it if they have specced right so they can use the blast ability when running!

  6. Now, I'm not sure if you'r suppose to have a certain item rating for "normal" tactical fps but I recently did The Depths of Manaan with a random group. I myself had a gear rating of 178 avarage, lvl 62 gunslinger. Then we had a lvl 65 sage, 40 something jedi sentinel and a lvl 17 gunslinger and it was impossible to take the last boss.

    No big problem getting his hp down no, but the time limit killed us!

    Second boss same problem. Our healer who got chased by the second boss couldnt stand still or else he died. The dmg from the second boss is sick. If you get caught in one boubble you die and if you stand still so that the pools dont spread out too much you die. So healer ran all over the place but we managed to stand outside the pools when boss used flow and eventually kill him. Took a while but he died!


    But the last boss, the time limit kills us. We were down to about 14k of hp on him first time when we got resset..... And we didnt manage to get that far after that.

    It's tactical fp with random ppl who may or may not understand tactics, nor english for that matter, (sometimes it seems like it anyway). And this is not the first time I have had problems with this fp. Normaly every1 dies 3 or 4 times and quits at second boss.


    Many of these tactical fps, in my opinion, can't be completed without a healer. Running from kolto tank to kolto tank might work but some bosses just have too much cc so they can stun, pull and immobilize the runner!


    Don't know if any1 that reads this has the same problem, but i do know that some players, subs or non-subs, agrees with me but I can't ofc speak for everybody!

  7. Perfect. I myself was going to ask for this but instead i just put down my vote in this thread instead! TORCHES FOR YAVIN!! Preferably not CC cost. Maybe achivment or anything else. Gonna be expensive to decorate Yavin with torches if it costs CC, not even sure I would buy so many.

    Something else for Yavin..... Tall grass maybe for medium sized hooks or something like that and maybe "mini" temples for centerpieces or bigger!


    And yes, increase the hook total number. I'm far, far, far from completing Yavin SH but I really want to decorate this to the max, sort of!

  8. I did this FP just 2 minutes ago or so and we had no problem getting the target reset. The ship flew out of turret range, but it didn't return. After a few seconds after we used turret agianst the ship we got the 200% dmg message.

    I noticed that the ship did not return to the range of the turret as it suppose to do but insted lingered away, out of range and we got hit by nothhing.

    Our hp just dropped and Jindos dmg was insane. I managed to survive for a bit longer then the rest, I was healer and I managed to heal myself too see if something would change. Well, the ship just appeared right beside me, stuck in the floor were you fight Jindo.

    Btw, the turret console shined blue all the time but when we used it, nothing happened. We just got more locks on us and we wiped!! This was on HM!

  9. I guess it's easier for some people to just QQ about RNG and not being handed the Tauntaun on a silver platter than to actually earn it.

    Ofc we want to earn it but being lucky or unlucky isnt earning anything. If u want to earn something u have to use skills, not run around a frozen planet and being lucky or unlucky. Some ppl get 2 datas from one nest and others get none.

    Thats luck, and when u have 15, (or 20), u have earned the tauntaun yes cuse u took ur own time to do it but its not the same thing.

  10. Ok, playing on my low lvl jugg i was on Imperial Fleet and went down to Balck talon flashpoint and the alien that gives the quest had a purple chest and arms. Im pretty sure he's not supose to look like that.

    And when I arrived on Dromund Kaas several NPC characters in that docking bay had purple chests and arms. Looks kinda strange.

  11. I'm not just tired of tauntaun quest, I'm tired of these low chance missions.

    HK was ok, a bit low chance but still high enough to get it done within a good time.


    Then we have the seeker droid areas were the bugs rules over the droid. First it says it is something in that direaction, but when u walk towards that direction and uses the droid again, the circle turns up red....

    And the loot from the purple with "55 item roll" that gives me grade 9 gemstones, and 6 basic coms.


    And getting the dreadseed armor pieces, yeah right, like thats gonna happend. Same thing with pleasure speeder parts.


    But the tauntaun, really takes the price, either u spend all ur money on the data things for 100k, or u spend maybe 1/4 of ur money on those damn lure things. Then uses all of them up and gaining maybe 15 data things. Annoying.


    Dont take this the wrong way, I like the game but I'm no a big fan of these things. There are enough chances in life, doenst have to exist in good game too. But ofc the loot from enemies is ok, np there.

    I want more quests that require skills, (and from time to time checking it up on youtube). One good example is The Shroud, Microbinocular questen. They were good imo.

  12. I just did the Meltdown flashpoint on HM and when we did the Shaclaw with the generators and rampage attack, the generators didnt explode every time. One out of 3 times the generator exploded, the rest nothing happend.

    And if the boss jumps to some1 is ge really supose to do more dmg after that or? I got the feeling he did more dmg, but then again i was tanking as a assa so light armor.


    So we did wipe a couple of times, but the other boss was no problem.

  13. I got the same problem on my vanguard. And probably on all the other characters i got. First i thought it was becuse i engaged in a conversation cuse i did when i was on my mount, and suddenly he was back.

    I asked i general chat (im on courscant) and they said it happends when u dissmount and same thing with rocketboost.


    So right now im RUNNING around on courscant and shooting and such. Takes some time to navigate through those streets without mount.

  14. Vaders gear would be weird. But Fetts gear i think would work pretty well sence that is actually a Mandalorian armor with jetpack. So it could be an experimental armor that the cartel took and now selling. Doesnt have to look just like Fetts gear but similiar sence it will be a sort of prototype in this game.


    But what I most of all want to this game is a new class. I need a new story to play.


    General Error

    An error has occurred while trying to process your request. Please, try again later.


    add coins is still down the 4th when do you finally resolve this or is it okay we have cartell market we cant use ?

    i expect an answer CourtneyWoods now and no more silence from your companys side on this issue understand

    So u think they dont know the problem? And if they dont im sure another 100 plus ppl have sended a ticket.

    Personally i dont think they look for different problems in these kind of threads. But who knows.


    And in comment of the topic of the thread: I should have done this event a little more last time, wont get Legend, but close.

  16. Mainhand, yes plz. And shut them up, well the republic droid, yes plz. I have no problem with the imperial ship droid.

    But the republic droid, if i go to hell, (if there is a hell i will most certenly go there), there will be his annoying voice i will hear all day.

    Hate the *** kissing voice and atitude and that he sounds like hes the best being in all the galaxy and cant do anything wrong. Well he can, and he does it too many times.

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