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Posts posted by SunfirePhenix

  1. Well after everything we've gone through, I have reached the limit of my tolerance for the way this game is being run.


    Eric, you've done your best under company rules, now you need to hear this. Please be aware these comments are not directed at you personally, but at the companies that run this game.


    Point 1:


    The initial promise that subscribers were supposed to have all updates accessed free was broken. That's bad in any language. And before you try and refute this, it has been admitted already in other forums and responses. This was a big slap in the face of all subs, regardless of continent. F2P for the win!!! NOT! (no this is not referring to Cartel Market accesses). Take a look at STO. They have just rolled out a major expansion and new species, with full quest sequences involved, and its FREE to their subscribers. That's now you do it, and that's how you keep gamers interested.



    Point 2:


    Waiting more than 6 months for a decision regarding APAC servers was a joke. And that's not including the prior 6 months discussions in forums about what to do to fix the problems. Yes that's right virtually 12 months we've been trying to work with you to fix the problems. Any company that thinks this is acceptable should not be in business.



    Point 3:


    Then BW/EA decided to shut down the APAC servers. Your choice. I've subsequently moved to Harbinger with the free transfer service. The population may be high, but this seems to create stability problems on the server I've never come across before. The latency/lag also means I'm seeing abilities activated with 2 or even 3 tries (click presses), and then 2 animations in game sometimes with no damage showing, and this is just doing dailies. If this is what BW/EA considers acceptable game performance, you don't deserve the gaming communities support because you are WRONG! And no I had none of these problems on APAC.



    Lastly, and this is the last straw in my opinion.


    WHY WILL YOU NOT DUPLICATE FOR US THE SAME NUMBER OF GUILD BANK TABS ON HARBINGER THAT WE HAD ON GAV DARAGON!!!!!!!!! Your talking about almost 15 Million in game credits worth of bank and tabs here. My guild mistress has just told me of the ticket refusal (ticket 9239198). You have forced us to move based on your own decision. Free transfers were expected and given, this was good and I had little if no problems myself, however you are punishing us by not giving us the guild bank we had before. All because you wanted to move us to NA servers to solve the problems you saw.



    I'm sorry to say you have failed to live up to any expectation of reasonable, and the events listed here shows a continuing disregard for player satisfaction. The company will say cutting costs and being efficient keeps the game going. WRONG!!!!!! A satisfied player base keeps games going. If you don't have that you have nothing.



    You have greatly disappointed me, and many of my friends. Good luck in trying to rectify that.



    "Corsorolin" formerly of Gav Daragon, now of Harbinger. Player since Beta testing.......


    Nicely said Corso, previous to reading this comment i was considering keeping my subscription active, but reading your comment has renewed my disgust in EAware and i am now unsubbed to this game... stuff you EAware ripping off your customers ive had enough of your infinite amount of BS - player since april 2012

  2. I wanted to give an update on some things and answer some questions we have seen in the thread. First, one of the things we have seen multiple people suggest is that if we are going to merge the APAC servers into the NA West servers that we should give you the option to choose which NA West server you transfer to. Knowing that some APAC players have existing characters and Legacies on some NA West servers already, we agree. When we open free transfers we will allow you one time transfer from your current APAC server to any one of the NA West servers. Note: The actual server merges themselves will still happen based on server type, so once we open transfers make sure you move all of your characters to the server you want before the merge happens.


    We have also seen some concerns that we “haven’t considered what NA West’s populations are at offpeak times.” Actually, this is part of the reason we are making the decision to move APAC into NA West. Currently the equivalent NA West servers are seeing higher populations at offpeak times than their APAC counterparts. Meaning that even during offpeak NA times, the APAC players should see an increase in population after the transfers/merges.





    Eric Musco,


    "wanted to give an update on some things" Did you not see the hundreds of posts asking for you to merge all APAC servers??? its funny how you totally ignore what the majority are asking... why dont you address that issue instead of beating around the bush

  3. Hello Eric.


    Couple of points, both relating to communication.

    Firstly, while you may have raised this in the forums, I'm sure you know that not all customers participate in the forums. For example, this is the first time I've posted since I had an issue back at the APAC launch. So by only only asking for opinions on the forums would not have reached everyone playing on the APAC servers and would have not been able to find out their preferred option. Therefore, your claim that transfers to US servers was the preferred option of your APAC customers is not on solid ground. I occasionally read the forums and never saw the survey.


    Secondly, you haven't actually informed your APAC customers of this decision, except via a forum post. I haven't received a email informing me of the change; you haven't put a notice on the launch screen. Given that you are significantly altering the service you are providing and that your subscribing customers pay in advance for that service, I believe that you should be informing them as soon as possible so they can make an informed decision about continuing to subscribe.


    As for my personal view on this announcement: I've really enjoyed playing SW:ToR for the past year. It's helped me get through some tough times. One of the nice things was that my ping times were not 200-400 ms behind the majority of players, like it is in WoW. In WoW, the extra lag does affect performance, which affects not just myself but those of my group, in both PvP and PvE play. I haven't played SW:ToR on the US servers, but if the effect of the additional lag is the same as it is in WoW, then I will have to seriously reconsider my continued subscription. I don't want to be a drag on my team so I'm not sure I'll be able to continue playing in groups, which leads me to consider if it is worth continuing my subscription.


    good point dude :D

  4. Here are some ping rates from all over the APAC region. I was actually surprised the ADSL ones were so low. Whether you decide to play or not is totally up to you - some people and some playstyles allow for more latency than others.


    But I'm sick of people claiming the game will be "unplayable." Especially when all they have to back it up is the Chicken Littles in this thread.


    Chicken Littles? I checked my own Ping on Begeren Colony and got 150-200ms from NZ, with no one on screen, i know from experience that in warzones and ops ping is worse and if its higher than 50ms people lagg and dc... we will not be on a even playing field in warzones with those in america, and if we try to op with our already established teams im pretty sure we will all be lagging and dc-ing while fighting for example TFB or Kephess... so chicken littles? i think not...

  5. Okay comon APAC! it took them 300 or so pages of comments for them to make this stupid decision so lets bump up the pages again and hope they frekin listen to us this time...


    I dont want to leave this game, but will be forced to if i cant play without lagg and DC's, the guilds i am apart of have come too far to be denied by the companies really lame excuse for a solution...

    ima miss you guys, GavD - Visz, CoR, F O R K L I F T :(


    also please sign the petition if you have not already http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1/signatures.html

  6. eh you'll be fine sunfire, oceanic players and non us layers have over come latency in past mmos, tbh though i think the ping from nz to east coast was around 120~160 ms last i checked which is acceptable in my books


    meh, im getting between 150-200ms on a solo screen, i can imagine what it will be for ops and warzones 300+ NOT ON!!!

  7. Are you F'n kidding me EAware? it took you like 7 months to come up with this **** solution thats not even a solution but a good reason for all APAC players to quit playing your game?


    Whats the point in having a higher population if we cant even play the game properly because of high latency? HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS A SOLUTION!!! i think most would agree that we'd rather have you merge the APAC servers together than go along with what you have set to implicate...


    With the changes you have announced i doubt i will be able to regularly do operations and go crazy in PVP without lag! and this will definately force me to quit the game, so frekin change your minds aye!!!

  8. My sub runs out in 6 days and if this is the way EAware treat their little APAC customers then i will sadly take my money elsewhere, even though i enjoy the game but mostly the people, the low population on our server defeats the purpose of new content! how are we suppose to get anything done with our pidly little numbers EAware? how? pvp has to be organised by both sides if we want it to pop both in 50's and ranked which makes it extra hard and long to get the new gear and in pve we shouldnt have to worry so much about making numbers instead we should have so many people keen that we can run 2 on more than 1 day og the week....


    GUILD WARS 2!!!!!! just kidding, nah but really LOL nah really just kidding, or am i???

  9. I myself like to participate in PVE and PVP, at this stage of my game i have completed all the PVE content apart from hardmode kephess... i like to play PVP aswell so i do not restrict myself to one side of the game as i would b definately bored...


    im real sick of people posting things like "PVPr's should b on a PVP server" or "PVE's should be on a PVE server" bcos there are some (im sure alot) of us out there who like to do both! but anyway... Im all for transfers/merges/consolidation because in both PVE/PVP aspects on my server, population is lacking to have constant POPS... GF is non existent and the PVP queue is also slow... We struggle to pull our team together for HM EC and it has gotten worse with time...


    Hurry up and merge us, and at least tell us when something is gunna be done

  10. Whats happening with the APAC servers??? feels like weve been forgotten, we dont even have free transfers and the rest of SWTOR are now on high population servers? man talk about neglect!!! our server is almost completely dead we struggle to get 50's pvp and GF is non existent...when are we going to be able to TRANSFER or even get CONSOLIDATION... an update for APAC would be bloody amazing!
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