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Posts posted by Filodendron

  1. All I am trying to say is, that wow aint the holy grale that people think it is, since WOTLK its boring and dead and does hardly have that "hook" or "carrot" anymore that it once had.


    You completely missed the point.

    The hook isn't about the challenge, that`s bound to fade away since in vanilla you were a clueless newb and a boss with 2 phases and 3 abilities felt really hard. Now after playing the same game for 6-7 years it feels easier but doesn't mean it is, compare Ragnaros from MC wtih Ragnaros from FL (hc) ..if you think the first one is harder then you also need professional help.


    Oh and if you ask me why i'm quitting is because in order to keep playing and be able to join ops i need a new computer which i can't afford right now.

    I think this is one issue BW didn't consider when they made this game, that not everybody has a high end computer or willing to buy one just to play this game.

  2. This is probably the most useless crew skill in game atm. Not only it addresses about 25% of population (since 75% are jedi/sith) but even the mats required/schematic by this crew skill sell at GTN for slightly more than vendor price.


    With all this i wonder why you gave grenades to Cybertech?

  3. I somewhat agree with the luck component but if it had 100% chance then everybody would have those schematics and they would be less valuable. LOTRO also has a crit crafting feature but the chance is controllable and has optional materials that further increase the crit chance significantly.

    I invested quite alot in RE schematics and i'm quite disappointed cause they are quite worthless since everybody is using orange gear with free mods from daily quests.


    Regarding the "click and wait" i kinda disagree, i like the fact companions do all the crafting and it`s not instant.

  4. Why did you change the "Open communications" quest from Belsavis from 4 to 2 and then added Chasing the Shadow on Corellia for 4?

    Really it`s impossible to do this quest, i can never find group, people don't even use the general chat, i'm the only one spamming it for 40 min and don't get a single reply ..from any tank/heal or dps. NOBODY answers and usually there are 20-30 people in Black Hole zone, it`s like the whole server has me on ignore.

    Guildmate don't do dailies or at least not while i'm on but how the hell is someone without a guild supposed to do this quest?

  5. Xserver LFG would be a good and useful tool. The problem comes from the people, not the tool. I browse through the replies and most people are against it based on their limited understanding from WoW, a rudimentary and primitive deduction, oh they added LFG tool and people acted like crap. That`s not true, people are acting like that regardless.


    You can't blame a tool for your own behavior, this tool doesn't turn people into jerk, they already are and don't care about hiding it anymore, although this applies to some people care the majority act like jerks even without LFG tool ..probably because they don't even realize it.


    Let`s assume this system is implemented, how would this change things really? Atm if you group with a greedy, rude ninja you kick him and put him on ignore. In LFG you kick him and most likely you'll never see him again anyway. Ofc this is valid when the "honest" people outnumber the greedy, rude ninjas but from my experience this isn't always the case. Yes it happened to me in WoW to be kicked from a group because i pointed out someone rolled need on an item he couldn't even use.

    The same is valid here, do NOT think that the person you kick and ignore doesn't have friends or a guild or others like him who he plays with. Not long ago i was grouped with a jedi who rolled need on an epic mod with cunning ..ofc i pointed out he doesn't need it and he replied quite frustrated that it`s for his companion. It made it look like i have a problem, like i'm crazy ..how can i not realize it`s for his companion and how dare i question him.

    So how long are you gonna keep this up? leave groups, put people on ignore cause these are the people, the same people who are playing now, for your average guildless joe this is only making it harder for himself. Ok you isolate yourself from half of server, making it even more difficult to find groups, eventually you get bored of looking, losing incentive and quit.


    I've seen debates on the trade chat too and most people who are against it are probably the people who i wouldn't want to group with in the first place, really narrow minded and self centered people who think they would be personally inconvenienced by this change, like someone is putting a gun to their heads to use it.

    One of the top arguments is that it forces them to play with "newbs" ..everybody seems himself this elite hardcore good at everything who is forced to carry unskilled people, what can be further from the truth?

    From my experience on general chat i see people who i never met in my life looking for a member i just whisper "inv" and get invited. How is this so different than an automated system?

    Also this change would help alot low level people cause if you look on fleet chat now most LFG messages, the overwhelming majority, are for normal non-50 instances while the replies on this topic probably come mostly from lvl 50 who only do ops and hcs.

  6. What can i use these for? I noticed there is a BoP schematic for Artifice on Belsavis but that`s about it. I'm synthweaver with no schematic for this item and i can't sell them at GTN either, it doesn't say BoP on it but i still can't sell it.
  7. Hello i'm trying to explore the map on this planet but i'm having trouble in High Security section, where the dailies are. There is a big prison right in the middle of the map and there is now way to get in, there is a road leading to it but it`s just a closed door and some aliens shooting at it.

    Any idea how to uncover that area of the map?

  8. Probably everybody is aware of the 1.2 nerf of this talent and while unfortunate i can live with it but there is something else that bothers me now, the fact that now the better gear you have, the worse Noble Sacrifice becomes.

    It doesn't make any sense, how can improving your gear reduce the efficiency of an ability, it should be the other way around.


    The problem is that Noble Sacrifice always restores the same amount of force regardless your equipment, 8%. Considering you have talented 600 Force that`s 48 Force BUT the health it consumes scales with gear, if you have really bad gear, let`s say 10000 health then talented Noble Sacrifice would take 11% of that meaning 1100 health but you have really good gear and reach let`s say 15000 health then Noble Sacrifice will take 1650.

    I don't know if it`s a big deal or not, but it feels wrong to be penalized for improving your character.

  9. Hello, i was reading a several of days ago that they were planning to make characters learn schematics from RE random orange items. What happened to do that? did it make it to live?


    To explain it better the thing is:

    pre-1.2 you were able to use any orange armor (crafter or drop), fit it with mods and have the same performance with different looks at your choosing


    post-1.2 craftable items can proc with augment slot making them better than drop items, this means i can't use the armor i like because i would lose performance.

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