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Posts posted by QFrey

  1. Hello my friends. Sorry if my English is not very good. Still, the third language for me.


    I'd like to talk about the history of Kotor and Swtor, swtor as we all know continues essentially the story of Kotor. We are developing our character along a certain line, where we see the formation of a hero in of one significant character in history, then we are faced with the last days of Revan, learn at last how ended his story, and gradually move to the history of the Emperor and his end. I'm not going to speculate about what the lore or not, the fact that the player character was more powerful than the Emperor- who absorbs the forces of many thousands years. Put that thing down. Kotfe and Kotet really great stories, and I must give credit to the developers they have always made great stories. However, for the characters are force users and I think to not force users, this is essentially the end of the story. We took the throne, created a new infinite Empire or Alliance(Yes stupid name ethernal alliance kek), but then the only version of history is the endless battle with the Republic and the Sith, because we've run out of choice: I am for the Empire or the Republic. For force users, it's a little complicated, no matter Jedi or Sith, on the add-ons pushed us to what made us basically a full gray Jedi or Sith. We are moving to this NPC and the story of training for a deeper understanding of the power. Where we explain that it's not limited to only the dark or light side.In fact it is base grey. This raises the question, is this is the end of it for swtor in terms of interesting epic story?


    Because to turn this story can only be in two directions: Infinite war with the Republic and the Empire. Or the inevitable fall of the endless throne. In fact, the fact that the player is allowed to take the throne, already leads in the end the whole story. As we remember, the throne cannot exist without a host (Hello blizzard).


    Hence, it turns out, for the continuation of the story of the protagonist, or it needs to lead the troops in an endless war, must either lose his throne. As we were not given options in which we can surrender control of the throne (the establishment of the Alliance as such is not considered). So what? the end of history? what do you think?

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