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Posts posted by RxRobo

  1. The only way that I could see Prime Defense queuing less.... is by never queuing at all :rolleyes: I wouldn't necessarily describe us a a super serious rateds guild. It may be because aside from the +10 ePeen pointz that you gain from beating people that shout at you in /say or attempt to forum warrior you to death, there isn't much incentive to queue for ranked, or it may be because when we're playing with some friends, we have a good time regardless of whether we're doing ranked or regs.

    That being said, the people who tell you that the only way to get better is to queue up against them are just being stupid. You do get better from losing, but not from being blown out of the water. If you lose by a little, the one or two mistakes that cost you become clear, but if you get stomped, you won't even know where to begin to start. Saying that fresh teams should fight the best is kinda like saying random people should learn to fight by dueling vets. For example, after a couple duels, Caprica (no insult to him, he's an awesome dude) stopped dueling me all together because he wasn't coming close on his sent. He is in no way bad, but when you lose badly, you get discouraged. So no, contrarty to popular elitist belief, the best way to get stomped so the enemies' ratings can go from 2167 to 2169 :p



  2. Yeah, i kinda get that. I have never had it change the main stat from my char to the one I was inspecting though (usually my power matched). Gonna delete the links bc I have been told I can't. Not trying to call anyone out, just curious about the glitch.
  3. inspected a guardian's gear and found something strange




    Not sure if it was a glitch or what. I tried moving around as he/she was. Found the stats to be a bit messed up for a Guardian lol.

  4. Are these stats a glitch? FYI, it wan't on my end, i had another person inspect also. Just wondering...


    just posting because i found it really odd.


    edit: links deleted

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